Fit For Future Families - May 2011

jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
Welcome everyone!

This group is being started to lend support and motivation to those who are TTC, or plan to TTC. This group blossomed from another group (Pregnancy - 2011).

Fit For Families is NOT for pregnant women, I would ask that you join one of our sister groups, (they're really great there!!).

For people looking for general pregnancy support and not wanting to gain too much:
For people who are VERY active and want to maintain that level while pregnanct:

For those who have recently had a little one, there is a post-partum group:

This group is very goal-oriented (no matter what your goals are) and I hope will be a place for you to come share your story and track your progress.

Check in will be each Monday to keep us accountable over the weekend. Each week we set our own fitness or health goals, and the more suggestions the better!

I love this group!

Welcome one and all!

Link to our last thread: -2011


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Which brings me to my conundrum today.....I was just not hungry - not in the cals today reflect it - It's not a regular thing, so I think I'm just going to leave it and make sure I'm back to speed tomorrow. I feel like I ate plenty though. Today was also DH's cousin's girlfriend's little girls 2nd birthday.....she is turning into such a sweet kid...really and truly. She saw me and my hubs and ran up to give us hugs and kisses and then brought us to her new sandbox and water table and bike (can you tell it was a family party...LOL). Then I got passed her little half brother (on her father's side) who was only 4 months, and he cried the whole time I had him (he seemed to be cramping up and he is apparently colicky...but I don't know). Mom came over and got him and he stopped right away....yup...that cemented my thoguhts on motherhood....LOL Other than that - I got to see some people that I haven't seen since her 1st birthday party and her extended family on her mothers side. I didn't have birthday cake (sugar phobic a little bit now) and I drank water (had 2 baby carrots though - we were only there for about an hour). Then my family and I went to dinner and I still feel stuffed......

    Oh well and this morning my coverline and ovulation disappeared for the cycle. Which is fine, I had thought FF had set it too early and the CL too low anyways - I can see that i ovulated a few days past when it had thought I did, which puts me right at a 17 day LP if it starts on Monday (today would have been day 18 and I'm certainly NOT pg this cycle...with all the infections, timing was completely off). I'm thinking that this will mean that I can't start the fertility meds this cycle since I won't have seen her before Day 1 :frown: but as long as I can start them around day 8 or so, then maybe it's stil in the cards.....we'll have to see.....

    Night all:yawn:

    Pam - I have non-hungry days around period time too. I think it's from being bloated. I wouldn't worry about it at all, especially since it's out of the norm for you. Who knows, you may be fighting something off too.

    What fertility drugs will they be starting you on?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks Jalara for setting up the new month :)

    I think for the first cycle it's either Clomid or Femara (I think)- those are pretty much the only drugs on the list they gave us that our insurance covers....LOL There is a list though of about 25 drugs that they could use, the next step is for the doctor to figure out which ones will be best for us (financially and medically). My understanding is that the first month is just getting things set up and then cycle two will have the ovulation inducing drugs (injectables) so that I can have the procedure done midway that cycle. It's weird. I've been waiting so long and just reading what I wrote and I'm thinking "OMG This is going so quickly"

    Also, I got my haircut and the first thing she said was that my scalp and hair are very dry. That got me thinking. I've never had dry skin on my face before either and that's happening in the last 2 weeks and I've never had eczema this bad and again that's been happening in the last 2 weeks.....I know I shouldn't be dehydrated since I've been doing okay on my water....I've been dealing with each one individually (psoriasis shampoo, VO5 treatments, Eucerin) but I am now wondering if I should be considering them as a whole....I haven't put on any of my pre-AF bloat weight yet but I know that I'm retaining water (pressure test).....I guess I have to up my water intake even goal this week is to drink a minimum of 15 glasses (I figure that my baseline for where I should be right now is about 13.75 so an extra glass might help). The only thing I can think of is that I'm getting the PCOS under control - If oily skin is a symptom of PCOS then as I've gotten it under control, I've swung to the other side of the spectrum because I'm used to using oil controlling products. I did my bloodwork this week and see the fertility specialist next week so hopefully that will give me some idea of what's going on :happy:
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I just found out about this great thread! Is there anything/anywhere I need to go to join up? I am a hopeful mom-to-be and reading through your posts is very motivating! I really want to get healthy and lose weight for my future family :)
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Down 40 as of this morning! thats 3 lbs lost this week!!

    I do feel super guilty right now tho, had chinese for dinner.. GAH! dumb dumb.. but i know i know.. its okay, i can't be perfect. What matters is that tomorrow I stick to the plan!

    Can wepics to our posts here?
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    ok i figured it out..

    This was me about 4 months ago...


    and this was me last night. I am not wearing any type of suckkyinie thing. I'm in the green. I think I have lost alot in my face.

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    OMG Katy! Where did you get that green dress??????????/
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Jalara- thanks for setting up the new thread! I can’t believe it is May already- that is just crazy…this year is going so fast.

    Morgan- I’m glad you made it over to us…after reading your intro I figured you’d fit right in. :wink:

    Katy- 40 lbs WOW! You’re looking great and I agree that green dress is beautiful.

    Pam- Sorry your skin is freaking out- if it gets worse try going to a dermatologist mine was able to prescribe me some lotion for my dry skin and it works GREAT!

    AFM- I feel a little guilty. I took my dog for another walk today and I think he might have hurt of my his paws :frown: I'm hoping he is just being a whiner baby and will be fine tomorrow but he is limping a little. When I told my husband he said, "Well duh, you make him walk to timbuktu." It was only three miles but I guess it was too much for him, so I feel really bad.
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    JC PENNY! I got it before easter for 50 bucks! I'm not sure if they still have it, i bet they do online.
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    OOOO I didnt know this thread was on here!! Can i PPLLEEEAAASSSEEEE Join????

    we are not preventing but i am trying to lose as much weight as possible to help me concieve..what all do we do on this thread?
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome Jessica- I'm glad you found us! For the newcomers we weigh-in and set weekly goals on Mondays. Feel free to share your triumphs and vent when you need to. Mostly we support each other! We may not know each other in our "real lives" but MFP has given us an avenue to be friends and we are here for each other.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 14: 231.9 lbs (-4.9lbs)
    Week 15: 232.5 lbs (+0.6lbs)
    Week 16: 233.7 lbs (+1.2lbs)
    Week 17: 230.8 lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 18: 228.2 lbs (-2.6lbs)

    I am super surprised this morning, thought for sure that since I didn't gain for pre-AF, I'd gain for CD1.....Which brings me to my question. How would you guys measure CD1? Technically it started at around 11:54pm or something like that last night.....LOL I'm marking it as today though since it was so close to midnight. My goals for this week: 14-16 glasses of water a day, taking my multivitamin daily (thanks for the reminder), getting active in the garden and encouraging DH to train for his mini-marathon in June (it's a 5K). The weekend was a weird weekend eating time for me. Saturday I barely ate anything and Sunday I started with least I stayed out of the french onion dip.......LOL Being better today. Starting with oatmeal and DH is doing a whack of groceries this morning. Today's our federal election so I'm going to head out when the polls open to do my thing - it's been a quiet election actually. We haven't had any candidates come knocking and I only started getting pamphlets last Thursday...oh well, we've had the same member of parliament for the last 15 years and he hasn't done anything you can fault so I guess the other candidates figure what's the point....LOL Politics.....

    HIya Jessica :) Welcome! Luki definitely said it beautifully:happy:

    Welcome Morgan!!! Welcome!!

    Katy - that dress is gorgeous!!!!! Congrats on 40lbs!!! BTW, I just noticed your signature "Motivation Baby"....LOL That's kinda funny because yeah we need motivation, baby AND our motivation: baby......LOL Awesome (I love punny stuff like that!!) LOL :laugh:

    Luki - my dogs LOVE the longer walks, if he's limping, it's most likely a little sore vs. walking too far....Every dog I've ever walked to far, just lies down....LOL Then you coax them up, they walk another few steps and lie down again and it's like that the whole way home. Let him (or her) heal up a few days and you'll be good to go. I'd also just check it, make there there isn't anything embedded (glass, stone, etc.) Unfortunately one of the hazards of walking. My dog has been zapped by a hydro pole that wasn't grounded properly. He was fine, but when we go for walks there even now (3 years later) he takes the other side of the walkway completely avoiding it.

    How's everyone else's weigh-ins doing?
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Bump….so I can continue to be a stalker. :embarassed: :ohwell: Miss you ladies!!!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    bump for later!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So I don't want to weigh in this week, because I know it will be ugly. With that said, I know I have to be held accountable so I'll be weighing in tomorrow morning. For now - off to the gym, then errands, then off to vote this evening.

    Happy Monday!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Miss you too Ron :)

    Looking forward to it Andrea

    Jalara - good decision!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just a quick check-in because I'm very excited and can't wait until after work. I lost two pounds this week! WHOOHOO! I didn't think that was possible anymore since I'm narrowing in on my goal weight...:bigsmile: My goal this week is to drink more water- actually it is to get back in the grove of drinking 64oz of water while at work because I have fallen off theat wagon recently.

    I will check back when I get home and read all the posts (sorry no time now clock is just hitting 7:30)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Bump for later
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    My goal this week is to stay at or under calories and do some form of exercise a day. Im not as worried about the weight as if i do the prior two it should start to drop though i am hoping for 1-2lb loss.
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    Ladies! I was very excited to find your board today. I am in the process of losing weight as a lifestyle change so that my husband and I can start ttc (and so that I can run after the kids once they are here :wink: .) I recently suffered a setback in my weight loss journey. DH and I were on a romantic weekend away when I fell down some steps on the last day there and fractured my back. Great way to end a romantic getaway :frown: Sooo... no exercise for me for a while. I am trying to be super diligent about what is going in my mouth as a result. I am looking for a place for some encouragement and guidance. I also didn't really want a lot of people that were around me in real life asking relentless questions about babies - lol... but still wanted to be able to talk with people who were experiencing the joy of getting fit for their families. I hope I can join and be some encouragement to you :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Welcome to the newcomers! It's nice to see some new faces and new stories. Hope you all the best!

    Thanks Jalara!

    Pam- Great job on possibly conquering the PCOS, but I'm sorry that it has brought on a handful of new problems! Can't get a break! I think you are doing the right thing with counting today as CD1..That’s what I would've done.

    Katy! You look great! WTG on 40lbs!

    Luki- Hope your fur-baby gets better. I agree with Pam, give him/her a few days rest and everything should be fine. But I would also look to make sure everything was ok. My fur-baby once got a 2.5-inch nail stuck up in her paw while playing in my parent's backyard. She had to go in and get it taken out. I was freaking out! :cry: She's all good now though, but we still don't know how/where it happened.
    2 lbs!!!! YAYYY!!!! WTG!

    Ron- I can't believe how time is flying!! Your ticker is at half!! :flowerforyou:

    atc- good plan!

    Missionchick- I'm very sorry to hear about your back! That is a terrible way to end the weekend, hopefully the beginning and middle were great! Welcome to the group!

    AFM: I had a busy weekend, and now its Monday...ugh I hate Mondays! I didn't want to get moving this morning SO bad that I did not make it to work until 11:30! Good thing I have the best job and boss in the world!
    I tried really hard to stay good this weekend...but I just did OK. Did 2 hours of Zumba on Saturday... and nothing on Sunday. DH and I had to go up to see our niece’s dance recital. That is 4 hours of my life I am never going to get back! I'm a dancer and it was hard for me to sit through all of that, so you can just imagine how our nephews (1.5yrs and 3yrs) enjoyed it. She did great tho!
    I am still maintaining at 145...not really to my liking, but it could be worse. Also, my body still hasn't found a rhythm...CD1 (Friday) after a 15 day cycle and a 45 day cycle. Grr! Going on 6 months here. At the end of May I will be sending my charts to my doc and starting clomid. Fingers crossed that it does the trick!
    OK, off to eat my ONE wonderfully terrible lunch of the week! TTFN