Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Do you guys think it is ok to do walk away the pounds 5 mile when ttc?? Because if for some reason i do get preggo before i lose all the weight ( we arent preventing) I dont want to put the baby in any harm..This morning was BAD for me..I had 4 donuts!! yep 4!! so after my lunch of string cheese and grapes i have about 400 cals left...So i gotta save those for supper..

    SW- 195
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Goal for this week is to stay under my carbs and calories (1300 calories, 130 carbs)

    I also am going to try to walk twice this week.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ooops fogot my goals for this week.

    1. 2 Zumbas and 1 "other" workout
    2. Keep my water intake around 8-10 glasses
    3. Eat out only once!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy May Ladies!!!! I know i've been MIA for a few weeks, mostly bc i went on vacation to Florida for 10days and i've been having a REALLY hard time getting back into the swing of...Life...

    So, basically I'm starting over with a new set of goals, a new time frame to shoot for and a HUGE amount of motivation! I am READY to get on this bandwagon hardcore! I did my weigh in today and i have pretty much been maintaining at a weight that i am unhappy with. I am at Goal is 135 and super-uper toned. I have 16weeks until...dundunnaduh...My trip to HI with my husband!! I am meeting him there and he's getting to get off the boat two weeks early! So we're going to spend a week in HI then come home and take my son to Disney for his 6th Bday! I can HARDLY wait....well i can wait bc i need time to get back in shape! I started eating good yesterday (since it was the 1st of the month it seemed like a good place to start) so my fridge/freezer is stocked with chicken and fish...I'm going to have to get creative with some reciepes....

    I got to skype with the hubs yesterday bc they were in port. He looks SOOOOO good! (he's running 4miles a day and eating super good so he's lost 13lbs since he's been gone) We joked around about "grown up skyping" but i'm so NOT feeling sexy these i told him not until i get to feeling better about he'll just have to wait until he gets home! :-)

    On the TTC front I'm on CD21, I went in and had blood drawn this morning....and of COURSE bc i had blood work set up my temps are saying i O'd on CD16....O'ing that early hasn't happened since we'll see if I have a normal LP and AF shows up next week on follow up appointment to get my lab results is next Tuesday so i'm hoping that he says everything looks good and regular. I've been off BC for 7months now so this is right about the time everything should be evening out on it's own and maybe that was the problem for the past few months!
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!! Hope everyone is doing great!! Haven't had a chance to get caught up on everyone's updates, but hugs for those who need them and high fives for those who earned them. :)

    AFM ... I'm going to Vegas this weekend and I'm happy to say that I'm gonna be able to wear clothes I used to fit into!! :) The only thing is that I noticed that my legs aren't as "pretty" as they used to me. Cankle City!! BOOO!! haha Hubby has a job interview this week and if things work out, we can finally begin our clomid treatments. I hope this is our time because this is the first time I've actually heard my biological clock ticking.

    Have a great week!!
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Happy Monday Everyone!!! :) I will be around through tomorrow and then I will be MIA because Im flying to Kentucky for the Derby!! :) I got the cutest dress and amazing decorated hat to match :) SO excited!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Happy May everyone! Jalara, thanks for making the new thread! I have nooo clue how to, so I am always impressed when others do!

    Pam, it’s so exciting how things are developing for you! And so quick (relative to all the time you’ve been waiting in the past). I could see how it would be weird, but I hope something does happen for you – and soon! How wonderful would that be!?! I wonder what the dryness could be – allergies?

    All you new comers, welcome!!!

    Katy, Congrats on the loss! You are gorgeous in that dress! Love the color! Don’t worry about your cheat meal. I hope you didn’t weigh yourself today, cause all the sodium will be in your system for the next few days.

    Luki, Don’t feel guilty about your pup. Maybe he just needs to be eased into the walks. Let him recoup a couple of days, and he’ll be fine. I didn’t that to my pup a few years ago, and I felt sooo terrible. They look so pathetic limping around, but he was running around a few days later. Oh, and congrats on the two pounds!!!

    Ron, we miss you on here! How great that you are almost halfway there!!!

    Jalara, I understand about the not weighing in. I try to weigh in Saturdays, but I know if I have a “bad” Friday, I should weigh in the day before instead. Hope all of your errands, etc went well!

    Ashley – good to see you on here – we miss you!

    Kim, I’m glad that you are sending your charts to the doctor – that doesn’t seem right at all.

    Alisa, Hawaii is a great motivator! You have plenty of time to tone up for then – you’ll be one hot mama!

    Hunny, Have a great time in Vegas!

    MrsHinds – Have a great time at the Derby!

    AFM, my temps seem pretty odd this month. I am on CD 21, my cycles are usually 30 days or so, and I usually O on day 16 or 17. Fertility friend is telling me I O’d day 18 this month, and has my coverline higher than the past (97.27 Jan, 97.43 Feb, 97.03 March, and this month at 97.70). If anyone is good at reading charts, can you look and see if it looks like they got the O day right?

    Thanks in advance!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone! So - a longer post now :)

    Katy - I went on a mad search for your dress today, nut couldn't find it :grumble: Since I'm in Canada I was limited to looking online, but wow did I look! It's a beautiful dress and you look beautiful in it. Really beautiful. Your progress is amazing!

    Luki - hope puppy is okay :) And congratulations on the loss! Sounds like you're kicking some @ss!

    Jessica - welcome!

    Ron- miss you! And I need to see a new pic soon!!!!

    atcbabe - love the attitude!

    missionchick - welcome! Sorry about your accident, but hopefully you'll feel at home here while you convalesce (and after too :))

    kcurtis - Clomid wasn't so bad - the worst I got from it was hot flashes, although I know Karen had it worse.

    JessicaBuff - yes you can walk while TTC and while pregnant too. It's important to be as active and healthy as you can during both. Once you get pregnant you can do the same things you were doing before pregnancy, so long as your doctor doesn't have you on a restriction.

    Alisa - it's about time you showed up on here! You need to come around more often.
    Grown-up communication is fun :)

    Hunny - enjoy Vegas! I want to go there just to see Gartth Brooks - I love him! I'm jealous...

    Andrea - no worries - when I left for a couple of months Pam was good enough to take over the thread for me - so hopefully between the 2 of us there will always be a new month up!

    AFM - I had a good day today, after a night full of night terror (again, and I have no idea why). I got in a good workout at the gym, and the older guy on the machine down from me even commented on how long I'd been going and how impressed he was (he did 30 minutes, I did 60). Then it was errands and picking up DH and off to vote. Voting is..... meh - I have no real opinion.

    Food - I found a way to cut down my breakfast calories (I really enjoy making my high protein egg burrito in the morning). Recently Food For Life came out with miniature corn tortillas (I'm gluten-free) that are worth 1/2 as many calories as the regular one, and don't hold as much so I can still enjoy what I want but at a lower calorie count. Yahoo!
    Also, dairy has been giving me issues lately, so I have been alternating between almond milk and taking Lactaid when I have cheese - it seems to be helping - my tummy is acting better and almond milk is low cal, so that's nice.

    Goals for the week:
    8 cups of water a day (I've been slacking)
    Workout 4 days
    Get a calorie burn above 400 for each workout
    Log food every day
    Stay under calories 4 times

    Wow - I'm a talker tonight!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- Yup, I’ve checked his paws and he’s all good. I’m contemplating getting him doggie walking boots. If we keep walking on these gravel roads it will probably be a good idea. That is horrible about the hydro pole I’m glad he wasn’t hurt I would be so mad!

    Jessica- I think walking is fine and shouldn’t the possible baby. Taking the workouts lite at the beginning of my TTC journey is how I packed on all these pounds I need to take off. As long as the doctor hasn;t told you otherwise I would try to stick with your walking goal.

    Alisa- Welcome back! I’m happy you got to skype with the hubs. As far as adult skyping it has to be better than phone sex. (Well as long as no one is around and there is no chance of anyone walking in.) My husband and I tried phone sex once and it just didn’t work. I was laughing the whole time just because it was so weird. Plus I’m horrible at talking dirty- I’m too much of a dork for it to work! :ohwell: Your husband will will home soon and those two weeks in Hawaii will be AWESOME!

    Hunny- Vegas?! WHOOHOO, have fun!

    Mrs. Hinds- Have fun at the Derby…I always think that would be fun to do one year.

    Thanks for all the support about my fur baby! I;m just really excited my frog has reached the end of the rainbow:happy:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Luki - doing a happy dance (to help celebrate the weight loss AND burn a couple cals myself....the perfect celebration). At least there isn't anything in his paws...that's a good thing! There wasnt much we could do about the hydro pole. We called in the guys and they fixed it, but it's the walkway to a school yard and I guess the kids play with it (stupid stupid stupid...but anyways) because 2 weeks later it happened again, not with my dog, but it had been tampered with. Look at the froggie go!!

    Ashley - Looking forward to later.....Missed you!

    ATC - those are great goals - can't wait to hear how you did with them

    Mission - I have back issues myself so hopefully we can share tips on exercising without killing ourselves!

    Kim - Thanks - that's what I figure...I mean 10 minutes versus 23 hours 50 minutes....but wasn't sure what others would do. Sounds like your body might be at a happy weight and it might just need time to realize you want to keep going. The most frustrating thing in the world is the irregular cycles....6 months of irregular cycles that have been charted should be enough for them to do something for you (as long as it's not for infertility LOL). Good luck with the goals!!

    Jessica - I would totally do the walking. The only one the doctors don't recommend when TTC is kickboxing (I guess they're nervous that you'll get kicked or punched in the abdomen). All other exercise seems to be good. I know woman that swam right up until their due date. Studies show that babies of Moms who keep active during their pregnancy are less colicky (sp?) and generally easier babies. Key is to listen to your body and follow the lead of your natural inclinations). Don't tell anyone, but I did the donut thing this morning too.....LOL Just kidding, my diary is open for all to see, but seriously - that's why I'm over on carbs, fat and sugar today....I just couldn't say no....

    Katy - great goals!!!! I might have to add some similar ones around fat and sugar (my kryptonite apparently)

    Alisa - Missed you!!! Sounds like a vacation was just what you needed to get re-motivated. HI should be so much fun, especially since your hubs has been gone a while now :) Fingers are crossed for the results - this bc pill nonsense sounds so frustrating. You decide you're ready so you go off and it takes almost a year to actually be ready (but people who are actually on it, miss one pill and end up pregnant.....GRRRRR)

    Heya Hunny!! WOO HOO!!!! Good job on getting into the old clothes!!! Drink the water and that may help with the cankles....usually it's water retention....Enjoy your weekend away!! I see you're doing BL 12 weeks. I was completely in for it and then I forgot to post my starting weight in time and that was that....LOL How are you doing in it?

    MrsHInds - That sounds like so much fun. I love how they do the hats like at Ascot in the UK....I'd go JUST for the hats!!

    Andrea - yeah, they could be allergies I guess. Usually my allergies manifest in asthma attacks and I've been suspiciously low on those this year (I take a daily antihistamine - great for the allergies, not so good for the TTC stuff). If this doesn't clear up soon (could also have to do with AF) within a week or so, I'm going to my family doctor to try to figure it out. Looked at the chart - it looks pretty good to me. Did you maybe have a lot of stress in the first half? Sometimes that can delay ovulation a few days. As for the coverline being high, it might be environmental....I know right now my temps are all wonky because some nights I have the window open and some nights I have two blankets (fluctuates between just below freezing to around 15C depending on the day)....

    Jalara - Don't you love when someone comments about how good you're doing (especially when it is as genuine as that sounds!!) I love my diary because of exactly that reason. I can look at it and figure out how to cut down on the calories or bump up the protein at breakfast (in my case - since I've been off eggs since the cinnamon barky incidents started). Good job on finding a substitution you can live with!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I missed you ladies too! One of my goals is to log on here every night or at the very least pop in on my lunch break and at the very least keep up with all you ladies....I'm REALLY needing some accountability. I logged my food today! My trainer doesn't want me worrying about counting calories too much as long as i'm eating "clean" I've decided not to count my fruits and vegetables unless I add something too them (i.e I ate a raw avocado for lunch today so I didn't log it, but i'm eating roasted artichoke hearts with garlic and olive oil for dinner so i'll count that)

    I actually forgot to put my week's goals on the last post so here they are....:

    1. Drink 8 oz of water everyday (gotta work my way back to 10)
    2. Hit the gym at least 3 times this week
    3. On days i don't go to the gym do 15 push ups (at least 5 regular) and 3 sets of planks
    4. Log all my food
    5. Keep up with everyone (including getting to know those that I don't know very well yet)

  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    andrea- dont be to surprised if your crosshairs change after you get a few more temps in for now they look about right but they may go dotted. Not all your signs are lining up perfectly. Good luck and sometimes a less then normal chart is a good thing.

    Jessica- You should be just fine with the walking program. My docs encouraged me to start working out and to keep working out while ttc. Besides ttc can talk time to be a success and life can not be put on hold for ever. I think this is true in every aspect of major restrictions while ttc. I still will drink occasionally or do other things not recommended while ttc but as long as ive been at this perfect months have not been any more successful then imperfect. So i do what i need/ want to in moderation.

    Hunny Have fun in Vegas. Im going at the end of Aug and that is what my first goal is all about.

    Hi to everyone else hope you all are having a good day
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    CD1 should be tomorrow - bleh! Stupid..grumble grumble grumble.....
    Have my appointment with my OB soon - thank goodness. I need this to change. It's baby time dangnabbit!

    Rant over.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - That sounds like the right approach to me!!!

    Jalara - I know what you mean!!! Bring on the babies!!!!!

    AFM: Took the dogs for a walk in my PJs, did some gardening (weeding, raking, cutting down trees) and now I'm tired and I'm going to bed! LOL Probably will watch the election results until I fall asleep....Ontario just closed the polls - they should have the results starting to come in around now.....still 3 hours until they close on the west coast. I don't think there will be any surprises in my area...
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    Jessica - the walking video has a girl doing low impact that you can do if you need something a little less intense - those are great videos! My mom and I used to do them when I lived at home. My mom lost 10 lbs using them.

    My goals for the week are 1 - drink 8 glasses of water 2 - track all my food 3 - try some light walking

    Thank you guys so much for all of the encouragement and well wishes. We are going to the OBGYN on Thursday to discuss TTC with my doctor. My DH is going with me to hear what he has to say. I have to be careful b/c I have menstrual migraines and they are pretty severe. My birth control and other meds are what control them. However, all of the meds I normally take are no-no's for pregnancy. We are curious to see what he will recommend. I am a school teacher so we are waiting til school is out to go off the meds so it won't interfere with my working. Soo... all of that on top of the back injury is really frustrating. Ugh...

    On the plus side our romantic weekend was amazing. We went to Asheville and rented a really sweet little cottage with only internet to connect us to the outside world and it was awesome! We had a hot tub so what else do you need! Saturday we slept in and went to a little locally owned restaurant called Tupelo Honey and shopped in downtown, then toured the Biltmore House and their winery and followed all of that with a great dinner at PF Changs. Sunday we got up to eat breakfast and were five minutes from leaving when I fell. So we spent all of Sunday in the ER in Asheville. I have to say that despite the pain I was in, it was still nice to be with my husband all day. It was such an amazing, sweet, and loving weekend until then. I feel bad that most people just hear about the fall!

    Thanks again for the encouragement and I look forward to getting to know all of you ladies as well. :)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Mission- OMG I hope your back heals quickly! It definitely does sounds like it was a lovely weekend until the end. It must have been great to have all the one on one time with the husband. I'm a teacher also, I teach 7th grade math :o) When we first started to TTC I was all about spring and summer being the perfect time for the baby to arrive. As we have continued to try we know when you are ready to have a family there is no "wrong time"- anytime would be perfect. Good luck on Thursday, I hope you hear good news!

    AFM- My gym changed the workout schedule and no longer offers Zumba on Monday nights. I can't believe it! I was looking forward to Zumba all day. I even logged it before I left. And then I got there and saw the May class schedule. I really wanted to just turn around and go home, but I resisted the urge. I went into the women center and did cardio to an hour. I burned the same amount of calories; it just wasn't nearly as much fun.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mission - sounds like an awesome weekend. LIke Luki, my cousin is a teacher and she had both her girls in May/June. The added bonus was that her husband is a teacher too and so they both had the summer off for the first few months of the girls lives. I keep telling my sister (also a teacher) that when she and her boyfriend decide to start a family they should do it then too....It's such a big deal to have both of you home especially those first few sleepless nights.

    AFM: Well that was certainly election - lots of changes in our government last night. On a related note, my cousin (same one as above actually) said something the other day that I haven't been able to get out of my mind. I know she didn't mean anything by it, but I was at a loss on how to respond (especially since everyone knows we're TTC). We were saying how time flies because they've been in their house 4 years now. She then went on to say that she didn't even have her two girls back then and can't understand how some people would live without children......uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................yeah................I don't think it was aimed at me, but still......I was speechless....
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Good Morning! I think i am gonna skip the donuts this morning after yesterdays flop!! lol...Gonna steer clear of desert foods that is my goal today..I got a BFN this morning which is always a bummer, but i know i need to lose a lil more weight before i get preggers goals for today

    1 exercise!!!
    2 no sweets
    3 8 glasses of water
    4 stay in calorie goal
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- WOOOOOOOOOW that is ridiculous. As you said I doubt she even realized the affect it would have on you. Some people just don’t fully think out how their comments relate the people around them. My friend that is about to have a baby said one the other day that I just can’t get out of my head, “In the summer, of you get that puppy, you can walk her while I push the stroller.” It was a very low blow coming from her since she and her husband weren’t even trying when they got pregnant. I feel for you- I’m so sorry!!!

    Jessica- I'm sorry about the BFN. good luck with the goals today!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Week 1 - 229
    Week 2 - 228 (-1.0 lb)
    Week 3 - 226.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    Week 4 - 227.4 (+1.2 lbs)
    Week 5 - 227.8 (+0.6 lbs)

    Argh. I don't like it, but it is what it is. Today is also going to be turning into CD1 (Cycle Day #1 for the newbies) so that's no fun either.

    As Pam mentioned - we got a new government last night - some big changes going on up here.

    Pam - I'm sorry she said that. Some people need to think before they speak.

    Jessica - sorry about the BFN.

    Study day today!