Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Welcome Minni, Carina and Kileysmommy! Jump right into the convos!

    Kah - Glad to see you're feeling better! Stomach bugs are no fun! Although way to find the silver lining about losing weight! :-)

    Pam - it's funny you mention the child throwing a fit....I was just about the vent about how i wanted to change my name's been on of those days, well weeks really with my 5yr old...he is pushing EVERY button i have and he has come close to being sold to the highest bidder more than once this week!

    AFM - I basically ate all my calories today for breakfast...I really wanted Panera....their souffles are AMAZING! However! I did make it to the gym! I did 20min on this elliptical thingy that REALLY works your legs...I was DRIPPING with sweat after 20min so i know i burned at least 300 calories....Tomorrow is my appointment with my personal trainer so i'll do some weights and core training tomorrow and i'm going to try to do at least 10min of cardio.
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Jessica - if I could have known 10 years ago what I know now, I would have bought stock in pregnancy test companies....I might have made back the money I spent on them LOL

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hello Ladies! I've been lurking your thread for a few weeks now and hadn't quite decided whether to join in the conversation, but AF arrived today and I felt like I needed support from some people who just get it.

    We've been TTC for 3 1/2 years with no luck. I sometimes think trying to get back into shape and to a healthier weight is more about avoiding actually taking the next big step to go to the more expensive fertility specialist (I've been under the care of a great ob-gyn up through now), but then I joined MFP and I'm now feeling like getting healthy is just the right life decision any way you look at it. So, 16 lbs down, feeling better and we're just going to keep trying.

    Thanks for being such strong, wonderful women!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Alisa - OOOhhhhhh let me know when the auction is :wink:

    SDavis - 16lbs is a great first step. The first thing my OB told me was that losing 10-20% of your body weight typically kick starts people with wonky cycles back into "the groove". I don't know how much you weigh, so I don't know what that works out to for you, but that would be close, I would think.

    Have a great day is aquafit for me (finally!!) and lunch with my sister.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes. *hugs*

    I'm going to have blood work done today. Last Oct, while still trying to conceive, OB gave me two lab req forms for blood work. one for CD 25 and another for CD 3. I "gave" blood for the CD 25 test, but CD 3 never came, so I have a left over lab req form.

    I called my OB's office and told them that this is 3 months of DTD before, on and after O'ing, and still not pg, I want to do the blood test for CD 3. Receptionist said ok, and when OB gets results, he'll have me come in.

    Normally tonight is Zumba night, but they hold classes at my children's school, and tonight is the spring concert. so zumba is cancelled. I'm thinking of taking kids tomorrow to the family one.

    my goal for today = NO CHEATING. been cheating every day. :ohwell:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    SDavis- I'm happy you joined the conversation! I was a thread stalker for a long time before I worked up the courage to actually put my TTC life out there and I'm so happy I did. the support here is just what I needed- I no longer feel like the alone infertile one.

    Carina- I hope the blood work goes well. Drink lots of water so they find the veins easily. Even when I fully hydrated they have a hard time drawn blood.

    AFM- I have a major triumph! In the last two weeks I have found out 6 friends our pregnant (2 last night alone) and not a single tear about it :smile: I'm very happy with myself. Today is the teacher appreciation breakfast and going out with DH and friends to Chinese, I pray I can find the time to workout and have the will power to not pig out.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey all! Back to logging today--but I plan on being over the cals today if I feel like it. If I want it today, I'm eating it. Hubs has started with some symptoms of what I had, but he very rarely gets sick as bad as I do, so I'm just praying that he gets only a taste of what I had.

    Yesterday ended up being a cruddy cruddy day, TTC-wise. I was so sick on day one of my cycle (Sunday) that I forgot to call and make the appt for my HSG with the radiologist. I tried to make it yesterday (the first day I have felt human and even thought about it), and they told me that I had to wait till next month since I didn't call the first day of my cycle--even though the test isn't supposed to be done until sometime between day 6-10. WHAM. I explained what had happened, but there was no wiggle room from them--and the person I spoke to was really rude. So, then, completely dumbfounded at the experience I had just had on the phone, I had to call the RE's office and tell my nurse, etc. that we had to wait a month, and promptly broke down on the phone. So embarrassing. But, I'm happy to say that my nurse was so understanding and reassuring, which was nice, after having the proverbial door slammed in my face by the radiologist's office.

    So, most of the rest of yesterday, while laying on the sofa trying to recover from intestinal flu , was spent feeling like I"ve wasted a month because I forgot to make a phonecall. Since yesterday, I've regained a little perspective, and a little more strength, and while I"m still working through some sad and mad feelings, I've decided that I'm not blaming myself for it like I did yesterday. It's the damned intestinal flu's fault--not mine, and I"m not going to let it make me feel like it's my fault. I"m still really really disappointed though. It's another month of "hurry up and wait", and I didn't even see it coming. It's like a "kick me when I'm down" month. And I know it's only a month...but as we all know on this's another month. Blerg.

    But, I am going to control what I can control-- I've decided I"m not going back to that radiologist, and I plan to speak to the practice's manager, just to inform them of my unsatisfactory experience with their customer service and offer the helpful suggestion of some sensitivity training for their support staff, especially when dealing with fertility issues. (I had a fantasy about pestering the majorly rude receptionist by calling her several times a day for the next month, just to keep her updated on my cycle and to make sure I "don't have to call back next month". But then I figured she really isn't worth the time and energy--and I'd rather act like an adult, even if others don't--in the end I think it works better.)

    So--learn the lessons from me everyone--if you need to schedule a HSG--if they tell you to call on the first day of your cycle--it's not a joke. Next month on day one of my cycle I will set an alarm, and I will have my husband set one too!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Luki - AWESOME!!! That's big :)

    Karen - *hugs* People can be so unbelievably rude!!!! I remember when I started going to my Fertility clinic (some will remember), they wanted me to call on CD1 (which was July 4 that month). All good. Then they wanted me to call on the CD1 of my next cycle. Well wonky cycle girl that I am, I had to call the following week....then again, I had to call on CD1.....they called me in August....what happened to me? I haven't had a CD1 yet.....LOL Believe me, they know me. I don't even have to say "Hi this is Pam, we have an appointment." Now I just say "Hi Ellen....." LOL They actually asked me to stop calling them for CD1s in Sept. Still - you'd think they'd show a little more compassion....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Luki - great job! And you'll do great with food today :) Just remember that you have to contribute to your House! (I'm waiting to be sorted by the sorting hat...)

    Karen - I'm sorry this is been such a bad time for you. What kind of bloodwork are they doing for you? I'm wondering what to expect next week.

    Pam - my thyroid has been checked a million times and is always fine (my GP likes to think there is a medical reason why I'm fat). So no worries on that end.

    So - utter breakdown last night. While in bed. I suddenly remembered that the wooden advent calender we got this year (which I love) was supposed to have 3 of us for this coming Christmas, but it'll only be 2. And I broke down crying so hard. Poor DH doesn't know what to do. I'm PMSing, and very upset about everything TTC right now. I didn't think I'd have to go to my OB for help (and the Clomid didn't seem like a big deal to me at all). But here I am, next week, going for some more serious help.

    I started weighing my food again today. I'm trying really hard to have a good week and I don't want to weigh in on Monday and have a bad day. I weighed myself today and was up, even though I'm on my period and know it shouldn't matter today, I was up and I couldn't figure out why. I've had 2 really great workouts this week, and have done okay with calories. My water intake has been great too.

    I decided to pay more attention to the other values in my food diary, besides just calories. I need to eat better over all and not just focus on calories in and calories out.

    Dream - I dreamt that our social worker gave us, like, 30 kids to choose from for adoption. Wouldn't that be nice!

    Happy Thursday everyone :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Jalara - I figured, but if they hadn't it would be worth doing...I have the same melt down every time I think about the holidays because every year, I promise myself that next year will be different :( Don't put so much pressure on yourself about it all, it'll just be counterproductive.....and you'll feel horrible about everything)

    I see that I'm the only non-Slytherin in the HP challenge......nuts! LOL oh well.....
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Thanks for all the welcomes!!

    I'm just getting back into the groove of things since getting married. My aunt told me to really work on strengthening my ab muscles for that day when hopefully we can conceive. I just recently got off of the depo shot, mainly because it was effecting my bone density, which is pretty scary considering I'm only 22! Hubby and I are debating TTC in August or Sept... :]

    Soo. How's everything work here? Goals? Check ins? :]
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Is it possible to become less fertile after gaining weight? I have 3 kids now, and they all happened easily..But i have been ttc a year now and the only thing i can figure is my weight...My doc was totally rude when i went in about my period bein irregular and not being able to concieve..He said that i was obviously fertile cause i have 3 kids..And my period didnt have anything to do with it....WHAT????!!!! That makes no sense to me! Anyway im just venting...Bout to leave and get the kids from school..TTYL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    mimmi - we weigh in on Mondays and each of us set our own goals for the week.

    Jessica - yes, weight can affect fertility. Were your cycles normal before you had your 3 other children? I would be either a) asserting myself with my doc and letting him know that you know your body, your cycles, and that you've been trying for a year and aren't pregnant (meaning that something is up), or b) finding another doctor

    Recently I had to assert myself with my doc, and I did it nicely but firmly. I told her I felt like she was being dismissive and that I know what I'm talking about and would like her to give me her full attention and hear what I'm saying so that TOGETHER we can figure things out. She was really embarrassed and changed her tune pretty quickly!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Recently I had to assert myself with my doc, and I did it nicely but firmly. I told her I felt like she was being dismissive and that I know what I'm talking about and would like her to give me her full attention and hear what I'm saying so that TOGETHER we can figure things out. She was really embarrassed and changed her tune pretty quickly!
    WTG! great choice of words! I'm glad she had the decency to be embarrassed, and become the Dr you need her to be. Most Dr's have a superiority complex.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Thanks Carina!

    Goal Check:
    8 cups of water a day (I've been slacking) 4/4days
    Workout 4 days 2/4days
    Get a calorie burn above 400 for each workout 2/4days
    Log food every day 4/4days
    Stay under calories 4 times 2/4days
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Change of plans on the aquafit for tonight. I think I would be pretty upset if someone showed up in my condition so I'm not going tonight. My nose feels like someone turned on a faucet and my left sinus' are pretty swollen; I feel like I got hit with a bat. Gosh, I hope this clears up soon. I am going on a business trip in 2 weeks and I really don't want to be caught in a situation of having to go to an ER while out of the country (I'm covered, but still!!!) Doing everything I can to make this clear up quickly. All I want to do right now is take a steamy bath and go to bed....We even got take out for dinner....all I wanted was soup and a sandwich....I hate this crap!!! I don`t even remember what my goals are right now and I`m pretty sure I posted them on the fridge door (so every time I have to grab something I make sure it will help me achieve my goals)....blah!!!!!!!!

    Minni - I was talking to an old boss of mine that had one of those mothers that worked right up until she delivered and then went back to the fields. His point was that the work they were doing in the fields (squats and bends and lifts and twists) kept their muscles in such great shape that labour was manageable and recovery time was next to nothing. I can see how that would help - your Aunt is probably on to something there. I know I`m doing my squats, lunges, twists and pushes every day!!!)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Pam - - Sorry your feel gross! I have been battling an allergy cough in my chest....NEVER fun having breathing issues!

    Kah - i can't believe how particular these clinics are for specific cycle days! I would have had a COW!

    Jessica - I had to change Dr.'s bc the one I started seeing first told me that going 50+ days between periods was normal...On What Planet??? Unfortunately too many bad apples ruin the bunch and i'm sure most of these Dr. don't deal with a lot of women who actually know and understands the in's and out's of fertility so they treat everyone like they're idiots...

    AFM - FF changed and says that I didn't ovulate last week...however, all the NASTY PMS symptoms are here....HUGE craving for Chocolate, MAD crazy moodswings...I feel bad for the people around me...I think i've randomly freaked out on my son (that was not justifiably brought upon himself) more than I'd like to admit.
    Worked out with my trainer today....holy moly she kicked my *kitten*! She did tell me that I needed to scale back on my carbs for until my husband gets home....So I can really do some uber-fat burning over the next 16 weeks. I can still have carb-y vegetables but no bread or pasta....:sad: :sad:

    I also wanted to thank all of you guys for your suggestions for me and the hubs! It really means a lot to me. I had to write him an email last night to express what I need from him emotionally while he's gone...Kind of had a little emotional break down...I was having a hard time "opening up" to him...I told him that i could go as long as he needed me to w/o "BD"ing however 6+ months of no intimacy is just cruel. So he said he was writing me a love letter...I thought that was a sweet gesture. I'm also going to mail him a book called the "Love Languages" I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of lovers we are...I told him it would be helpful for when he comes home to know how the other one needs to be "loved"
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm also going to mail him a book called the "Love Languages" I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of lovers we are...I told him it would be helpful for when he comes home to know how the other one needs to be "loved"

    GREAT book! Glad you are reading it :smile:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Feel better, Pam! :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Thanks guys - I drowned myself in decongestant last night and it seems to have helped. I took a hot bath and thankfully I must not have enough mucous in my lungs yet to cause issues so I think that really helped. I woke up this morning and things are definitely loosening up so thats a good thing. My head still feels like a bubble though and I feel guilty for missing aquafit yesterday (but I would have had to have my rescue inhaler on me in the pool and even then my nose was dripping and that would just have been gross for everyone else that was in the water). I might be able to try the aquaZumba tomorrow morning...that's my goal if I can get this cleared up....

    Alisa - my last cycle was similar - do you see any pattern that the tool doesn't at this point? I found that I was able to manually override and it was accurate. It removes it, I think, when you hit that 18dpo and there's no sign that you're possible pg because 18dpo is typically considered pg. That book sounds fabulous!!! What a great idea!!!
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