Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all! Well, the sun is shining again today--literally and figuratively--I'll take both. I'm still disappointed about having to wait another month, but I'm back to me again, which is nice. I'm not weighing in today--I figure it will be artificially low, so I'll wait a week to let my body adjust, rather than have a great week this week and then gain next week and be all sad.

    Jalara--I just had to say--the whole wooden nativity breakdown--that just sounds like classic Clom-ID crappiness messing with you. That used to happen to me when I was on Clomid--I never knew what would set me off, and then you add the stress of TTC and the normal PMS stuff on top and it is a perfect storm. And now that I am off of it, and remember what it was like, it is even clearer to me than when I was going through it. Be gentle with yourself and your expectations of yourself when you are on it, ok? It may be a necessary evil, but never doubt the evil part! Hugs! (That's my silver lining I guess--I get to put off the Clomid for another month. Not a great silver lining, but I'm just trying to find the positives.)

    Alisa-- I love the love letter! Well, just written letters in general. The immediacy of email and skype and everything is great in some ways, but the process of sitting down and writing a letter, and then getting it on the other end....there is just nothing like it. I still have every letter that my (now) husband wrote to me while we were friends/dating from a long distance. I hope that works well for you.

    Pam--feel better!

    I haven't caught up on everything everyone has written during my "wretch" of a time earlier this week. Hope everyone else is doing well....I love the Harry Potter houses. Too lazy to get into one myself though....sigh. Haha.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Jalara - Thanks. I guess I'll wait til Monday to start since this week is pretty much done.

    Pam - So sorry to hear you're feeling horrible. I dealt with that while I was on my honeymoon, and even for a week after we got back. It's horrible. I don't think I would wish sickness on my worst enemy!! In other news, that is exactly what my aunt said. I'm really hoping she's right because I can't even watch 16 and pregnant without feeling their pain, how am I going to go through it myself!!!!! And, on top of that, twins run in my family. There is a chance I might be next to have them... Haha. Scary thought, though I'd probably love it. :]
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Minni - congrats on your recent wedding! I was just married in August :) Hope your day was wonderful.

    Pam - feel better soon!

    Kah - thank you!

    AFM - I broke down again last night. My poor husband must think I'm losing my mind. Today I laid in bed for a VERY long time just trying to mope so I could get up and feel a bit better. I'm not sure if it worked, but we'll see. I also start round 4 of Clomid today. Oh joy Oh bliss. To tell you the truth, I don't really want to. I was supposed to see me doc before starting round 4 but my appointment got bumped to next week so...:grumble:

    I talked to our social worker today and we've finished everything we can for now (Child Abuse Registry check, Criminal Records Check, application, intake questions, etc), and now we wait. So now what? Do I just call every few months to let them know we're still here and still interested?

    For the move at the end of the month I hired cleaners today, and we're hiring someone to do our carpets, and now I'm waiting to hear back from movers on quotes to help (being a weekday that we have to move makes it more difficult). It's nice to not have to do everything ourselves, but poor DH! I'll be in my clinical at one of the hospitals on moving day and he'll be here doing it with just him, a girlfriend of mine (who is unemployed) and whoever we can hire to help us move on a Tuesday.

    I'm picking DH up and we're heading to the gym together tonight - I plan to go for 40 - 45 minutes to give me my target 400 burn.

  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies! Happy Friday!

    Jalara and Minni – A few newlyweds  I just married in September! Congrats on your nuptials, ladies!

    Jalara, From what I’ve seen on this board for Clomid, a few breakdowns are expected, don’t feel bad! I wish I advice on the adoption follow through, but I don’t. Checking in every few months sounds right to me.

    Karen, Glad the sun is back out for you! It is out here and gorgeous, finally! Glad you are feeling better as well. You are stronger than I – I would have weighed in!!!

    Pam, Do you guys have Mucinex in Canada? That helps me get rid of stuff like that quickly. Glad you were able to relax a little!

    AFM, I went to my gyno yesterday, and found out I have a cervical infection (ew) that he said wasn’t a big deal, but could keep me from getting pregnant. While upsetting to hear, it’s just a treatment for 5 days and I should be good. I brought in my temp charts from January til now, and he said that they look good and that it looks like I’m ovulating fine. Since I usually O on day 16 or 17, to abstain days 14 and 15 then BD 16, 17, and 18. He is also having DH give some sperms, so he is doing that Tuesday. DH is someone who likes to find problems, so he was willing to go do the deed. Luckily, he can make the deposit at home, then drive it in. I’m on CD 25, 7 DPO now, but pretty sure I have no hope this month bc of the infection. Oh well!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Pam - Unfortunately bc since i've been tracking temps since November which is when my cycles started FREAKING out on me, i don't really have a pattern aside from the fact that I haven't been Oing until ATLEAST CD35+. My temps spiked for 2 days then dropped back down. I am going to get a new thermometer tonight though bc i think the battery is low in the one i'm using right now...

    Jalara - I have random break downs like that and i'm not even on anything...Lord help my husband if we have to go that route....

    Kah - Glad to see you're feeling better! I would be curious to know what i weighed after a bout' of the flu....always makes me feel skinny and that i know at somepoint i can get to that weight!

    AFM - The doc called and he hasn't gotten my CD21 progesterone level results in yet, but he did say that my "antogens were a little elevated" I have NO CLUE what that means....he said we'd discuss it more at my appointment on Tuesday. He said it's not an alarming level, but higher than normal non-the less....for the love of mike I wish I had a clue what the heck that meant!!

    So...for those of you low long until the carb cravings stop...I think it's mostly my brain/rebelious nature but all i want to do is sit on my couch and eat a big loaf of french bread....
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks guys - I stayed home today. There was just too much pressure in my head to think clearly. Just got up and had a steamy bath and that has released the pressure, but I hear the crackling now in my chest. I called my doctor yesterday and she cannot see me until Wed (even then I'm seeing a different doctor).....that's ridiculous!!! Taking all my inhalers in a final effort to stave off a full blown brochial infection....this sucks.

    Andrea - we do have Mucinex (I think, but in the past, the doctor doesn't want me taking it, they want the phlegm which has infections in it out of my lungs, so I have to take an expectorant instead.....) I'll see how the Benydryl works and then go from there. Feeling a little better now, but I can already feel the sinus' filling back up. Glad that it's a quick fix for the infection!

    Jalara - at least the move gives you something new to focus on....that's exciting (but I absolutely abhor moving!!! LOL I even skipped out on helping my brother last weekend....

    Alisa - isn't that the second one??? Is it maybe that the batteries in that brand is just weak maybe? Antigen: A protein, toxin, or other substance that makes the body react by producing antibodies. So you might be fighting something off....As for me, I still crave things like crazy, but I've found subs like spaghetti squash, etc. really help
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Mmmm.....a loaf of french bread. Me and french bread are like Homer Simpson and donuts.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Andrea - we do have Mucinex (I think, but in the past, the doctor doesn't want me taking it, they want the phlegm which has infections in it out of my lungs, so I have to take an expectorant instead.....) I'll see how the Benydryl works and then go from there. Feeling a little better now, but I can already feel the sinus' filling back up. Glad that it's a quick fix for the infection!

    Hmm, the Mucinex that I use IS an expectorant! Funny!:laugh:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Andrea - Maybe I haven't just looked at it. The commercials make it seem like the kind that dry up the mucous, not make you get rid of it....I might send hubs out for it tonight. He got me Cough and Chest congestion.....the congestion's in my sinus' though....not sure if it's making a difference for me....

    Karen - how weird is that. Just as I read that, the Simpsons is on in the background and Homer said, "That's a good-a donut"....LOL
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I usually go to zumba classes on Tuesday and Thursday, every other week, b/c of DH's schedule. I made it to the Tues class. but, b/c the school was having their spring concert, Thurs class was cancelled (and I couldn't go to one at another location, b/c it's my DD's school, so I wanted to see her performance.)

    My kids have been BEGGING to go to the family one, where kids 3 and up are allowed, so I decided to finally bring them today.

    Warning Debbie Downer post below

    O.M.G.!!! That was a mistake. :angry:
    They were slow getting ready, we were so late we BARELY made it. It had already started by the time we got there and it's only a 45 min class so it was short to begin with. Once in there, my darling children didn't follow the exercises, they were running into other people, jumping over each other, touching gym equip I didn't know what it was. Then they had to pee. :noway: :mad: :explode:

    I had to stop what I was doing a million times, chase them down and get close to them b/c the music was so loud. And I had to yell for them to hear me. My head hurts.
    Yeesh! Normally they are exceptionally well behaved. I don't know what was with them today.

    It feels like I didn't get a work out. :grumble:
    I drowned my sorrow in an Oh Henry bar. :ohwell:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So I made it to the gym again and had a good burn, and tonight (even with chocolate) I'm 286 calories under! That's a big win for me! If I'm ever under it's normally by a small margin, so I'm happy with this.

    So, I decided NOT to take Clomid today. The doc can see me and then tell me to do it again. I don't want to take it if it's not working.

    So I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow, and I opted to get her a for a cleaning service instead of going to a baby store. No baby stores for me right now, thank you.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I am currently laying in bed....watching TV.....with a whole bag of Mini-Mar's bars (twix, snickers, milkyway and 3 Muskateers) laying next to me....and I haven't touched them....

    I adjusted my food diary to reflect my new "Low carb" diet...I adjusted it so only 15% of my daily intake is carbs....Currently I am AT my carb intake for the day(49grams)...however....I REALLY need this chocolate...Maybe just one or two small pieces.....all in moderation right?

    Jalara - I think that is a GREAT idea!! I always like to give the new mom a "mom" gift too! I have a babyshower at the end of the month i might do something similar...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Alisa - No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moderation is great after you break the cravings! Be strong!!!! Put it away in the kitchen and then crawl back in bed!

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Options - Breastfeeding promo by The Bump - pretty good one too!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks Luki & Pam for the welcomes! Glad to be here!

    So, odd win for today, even though the story doesn't start out that way. Usually one day in my pd is just down right awful, add to that being upset that I'm starting a cycle all over again and it is often the day of the month that I just want to stay in bed. Well today was that day, but I managed to find things (even stupid things) to occupy me all day at work and the unintended side effect was that I was so distracted that I didn't have the urge to snack or anything! Had all completely sensible meals and even had enough calories left over for a fudge bar tonight! (A couple of Midol and a funny movie might've helped turn the mood too. :wink: ) Turns out this day ended up not being so bad!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- I hope you feel better!

    Jalara- YES! Slytherin- I was hoping. Sorry Pam... Yes I would just call occasionally and make sure everything is on track. I'll the the promo and doing as much research as I can on adoption breast feeding and how to improve te chances of success. I'm so excited to get to breast feed my child. Even if it ends up just being bonding and not nutritional, it will be AWESOME! I;m hoping I can pull it off :o)

    sdavis- that is totally a win! Good job!

    AFM- Two days of eatting out in a row. I have no patience to enter my meal Thursday night at Chinese so I just put in a lump sum. I am pretty proud of myself though because after Chinese we all went to a frozen yogurt place and I didn't get any...I figured the Chinese was a good treat and I didn't need dessert. Then today I went to my cousins softball game (she kinda more like a niece due to age and her mom is my generation) and then out to dinner. And of course this place doesn't have nutrition information on the web- I found a burger in the data base, but its not what I had...I figured it was close enough- right?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - I love the idea!!! I always am at a loss for what to get people. I have a friend that didn't have a baby shower so I thought I would just wait and see what she had (cause I had NOOOO idea)....long story short 6 months later and I still haven't gotten her anything :( Feel terrible. I think at this point I'll just splurge for his 1st birthday....

    Alisa - obviously Jalara's much more disciplined than me....LOL I was going to say, yeah, one or two....She's right of course!!!! Get them out of your system totally and then you'll be able to handle one once in a while.

    SDavis - It always amazes me how being distracted can help with not wanting to eat. CD 1 is usually the worst for me too!!! I always think I'm sick - feel lousy, can't get out of bed, achy, headache. I think most of my sick days off work turn out to be CD1.....and it's not that I'm taking it off for CD1, I genuinely feel sick and then I find out why and things tend to get better.

    Luki - that's exactly what I do. I tend to eat out at places that are mom & pop types and so they don't have the nutritional information or websites so I find something similar and log that.....

    AFM - this thing is definitely now bronchitis....blah.....I don't think I'm going to wait for my doctor's appt on Wed. I'm going to see a walk in clinic doctor today and get the antibiotics started (I still have visions of the pneumonia). So that means my steamy baths are going to stop too. On the plus side, it's supposed to be a gorgeous day today so I'll probably get into the garden for a good 30 minutes with weeding and stuff..... Tomorrow I'm going to my parent's house. I got my mom a small box of chocolates (she had them for the first time at the home show and she kept going back. Chocolates are not usually my mom's thing, but!!! ) They're a small locally made company. Then we're doing a bbq for lunch (steak and salads and stuff) so my sisters will both be there and then probably order something in for dinner so my brother and his gf/fiancee can be there (I write gf/fiancee because I've heard that they are engaged but I don't know for sure....LOL weird family). I was hoping to get a nice family photo done tomorrow, but it sounds like I'm going to have to wait since sister is going to her bf's family for dinner and will probably leave around 2pm and brothers gf doesnt' get off work until 3.....I still have it on my list of to-do things....(it's probably for the best since my sinus' are all swollen up and my eyes are almost shut.....LOL)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- Hope you start to feel better! :flowerforyou: I hate bronchitis- Just had it for the third time in a year. I almost always go with a zpac from the dr (only 6 pills and get all the meds in 5 days). I allergic to certain lung meds so its a safe choice for me
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    So after the baby shower I picked a fight with DH and went to bed for 6 hours.... I just got up and I don't even want to talk to him. But I'm going to the store to get a BBQ chicken so I can have a dinner I don't have to cook.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    No roast chicken :angry:

    So I had nachos with guacamole and Greek yogourt.