Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I caved in and had a spoon of PB - it was yummy and it certainly added calories It put me at 1226 for the day, with hardly any exercise calories eaten, but I'm just not feelin it today. Oh well!

    Yes - please share wedding pics!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Nicole- Welcome! There are several ladies on the board with PCOS. You'll feel right at home!

    Andrea- I'm sorry about your day. At least now you know and we have so many people on the board to give you great adivse.

    Jalara- good for you the change it up and you didn't cave in you meet your goal of 1200 net.

    I love the wedding pictures. Here are some of ours. The funny thing is my husband and I got so caught up in the reception we didn't take any posed pictures of just us. I know, how did we forget that?! Just one of those things that we laugh about :laugh: Here are pictures of our bridal party, at the reception line, right after our first kiss, the wedding cake, and my hula for my husband. It was really hard to narrow it down, but these are good ones :happy:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    OMG! AWESOME wedding pictures! You all are GORGEOUS brides! :)

    I love the "yay" pose, the spot light dance, you and DH under your veil, the sword tunnel, getting married on the beach, and the brilliant blue party and your hula dance! SO AWESOME.

    I had asked to have a pic of our hands / rings with my bouquet, but photographer forgot. :ohwell:



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Loving the wedding photos, they even brought a bit of a happy tear to my eye. You all look beautiful and so, so happy
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Oh great - now I have to get in on the action....

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Okay Pam - you have to explain the rifle(?) in the last pic!

    Ladies you are all so beautiful!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I love wedding photos! Ya'll look amazing! I will have to share some of mine shortly...:smile:
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Aww the pics are so good! you look great! My hubby and i got married last year, best day ever :)

    Nicole- I have thyroid issues as well and i have a lot of symptoms of PCOS but the docs say i don't have it ? idk. anyway welcome!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Jalara - LOL - My dad kept saying it was a "shotgun" wedding because we were so young and I hate delaying the planning so I pulled the whole wedding together in about 6 months....I'm sure plenty of people thought we "had" to get married....Ha ha....joke's on them......not really.....I really should stop saying that.....
  • TessaGibson
    TessaGibson Posts: 15
    Hey everyone! I'm usually a message board reader...not responder! So I'm a bit new to this! However, reading through the posts on this particular forum had me soooo interested and excited, that I really want to be a part of it!

    My story - my husband and I got married this last October, but have been dating since I was 18. This calculates to almost 9 years together. We are just now discussing TTC. While we haven't started yet, I have some worries that we might face a few obstacles.

    I had my last annual exam a couple months ago and talked with my physician about family planning. I have been on some sort of birth control since I was 17... and I initially started taking it because I always had an irregular monthly period. And by irregular... I mean 5-6 months without one. At the time, I took my morning pill and everything seemed fine. I didn't think much of it because when I was taking my BC, I got it regularly. When I mentioned this to my physician a couple of months ago, she seemed concerned that even at 17, I was showing signs of fertility issues. She said that losing weight is one area that I have control over and it may increase my chances of conception.... When she said it in those words "I HAVE CONTROL OVER" -- I thought, time to get movin' lady!

    Long story short, I'm trying to prepare myself mentally AND physically for the process. I have already lost about 36 pounds, and still have about 20 to go.

    Sorry for the novel! You all have inspired me to become a part of this great group and to share my story... that I haven't even shared with some close friends yet!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome Tessa! We hope you like it here, and that you don't end up staying long....we like to move peeps along to the pregnancy board as soon as we can!! Haha.

    Okay---so seriously, how do I get a picture into this thing? I had to sound like an idiot, but I have no clue.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi lovely ladies - the wedding pics are gorgeous!!! I have no clue on how to post pics, maybe I will try to figure it later and post some! I'll switch my deafult pic to one of my favs.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Whoops, kinda large sorry!!!

  • bissabwell
    bissabwell Posts: 26 Member
    I don't post very often and, to be honest, haven't been logging in and keeping track of myself for at least the past month or so. I have been crazy busy at work with State testing and writting a HUGE grant application (we find out Friday if we won, fingers crossed!) so I let taking care of myself go by the wayside. However, after recent events, I have a renewed and strengthened committment to losing the weight. Here's what happened...

    I went to a new OB back at the end of March. I haven't had a regular doc in a while and needed at least an annual and all that fun stuff. A mom at my school is a nurse for this doc and she spoke very high;y of him. (he seemed nice enough, but I will probably end up using a midwife when we get to that stage) I wanted to know how much weight he thought I should lose, minimum, before TTC and he says, get this, "NONE"

    Seriously? I hit the "morbibly obese" range on the BMI chart and he says "I would have no problem with you getting pregnant right now, you'd just be at a higher risk for certain things..." I was a little shocked to say the least, but then I let it go to my head. I currently have no adverse health problems due to my weight so why not, right? If the good doc says it's okay, then it must be okay! All the while, in the back of my mind I'm thinking this might not be the brightest idea I've ever had. Anyhow, after talking to DH about it we decided to go ahead and jump in and being the overly scientific, annalytical person that I am I went right out and bought a BBT themometor and What To Expect BEFORE You're Expecting. Not that I haven't done hours and hours of online research, but there's something in me that likes to have a book in hand when working on a "project." So I starting tracking my BBT with my most recent cycle (2nd since coming off BC), currently on CD22, and so far I haven't had any shift at all. I'm guessing that I haven't O-ed at all.

    I know it's typical to have some where you don't but it's kinda freakin' me out a little because I keep coming, in my mind, back to the weight! I KNOW that it's an issue, even if the doc says it's not. And I now KNOW that I can not keep making these excuses for myself. I have to get my a** in gear and I'm ready for the change. I'm hoping that by being more active on the board that I will be more likely to WANT to connect, comment, and be accountable. Thank you for building this community!
  • Enduranze3
    Enduranze3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ladies, I was wondering if I can join? A little about me (I'll try to make it short)....DH and I have been married for almost 6 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 9 years ago. We tried to get pregnant and couldn't so we attempted to adopt. We had a foster son for a year and a half but he ended up going back to his biological family. Needless to say I took this pretty hard. We then decided to do IVF, got pregnant, miscarried, we did a frozen transfer, pregnant with twins, miscarried, frozen transfer, didn't get pregnant, and finally we did another frozen transfer and I got pregnant. I gave birth to my son September of last year. Well now we want to try again. I stopped taking my Metformin so I will start that again this weekend (not looking forward to the side effects) and I KNOW I need to lose weight. We decided to try the natural way and if I am not pregnant by November 1st we will transfer our last three frozen babies. I would really love to get pregnant naturally and my OB says if I lose weight it will probably happen. I would love to join this group and support eachother through this!!
  • Enduranze3
    Enduranze3 Posts: 45 Member
    BTW, loving the wedding pics!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi ladies!! I know I have been MIA...I have missed so much! Sorry to those who had a rough Mother's Day. Also, I love the Wedding pictures!!! Keep 'em coming! :flowerforyou:

    Minni- I'm with you on slacking in the goal department. So lets get back to it together! Yay, for starting TTC. I was on the Depo for many years (more than they suggest). It took me 10 months to get my period back and here I am 17 months after stopping depo, and I still have not Oed at all! But everyone is different! My fingers are crossed for you!

    Nicolek- Welcome!!!!

    Pam- Thank you for the Non Mother's day artical! I'm sure I related to it just as much as many others! It also made me start to appreciate being a non-mom a little more. It gave me a little more peace in this very stressful TTC time. I'm sorry to hear that your cold is messing up your taste, even more than it already was. I, also, HATE drinking out of a glass! I don't know why, it just isn't the same! I haven't been getting my water in this week (at all) because I haven't had my water bottle. My DH and I pulled our wedding together in 6 months too! I just didn't see the point to plan any longer. The more you plan, the more ideas you get, and the more money you spend! I really couldn't believe how many people asked me if I was "knocked up." :laugh: Nope, just impatient.

    Jalara- We did cupcakes for our wedding too! Yummy! Great job on changing your calorie goal. I wish you the best! I am at 1250 and have the hardest time sticking to it! Like Kah said, I probably should see the "not enough" message a little more.

    Alisa- I'm SO sorry! Hugs!

    Kah- Good job on your goals!

    Tessa- Welcome!!

    Andrea- I LOVE the color of your bridesmaid dresses!

    AFM- I will post some pictures when I figure out how!

    I have been slacking on my goals.... :ohwell:
    Weekly Goals (I missed Monday)
    ---8-12 glasses of Water
    ---Eat out only once!-(Done Monday night)
    ---take vitamin
    ---Get back on track!

    Still no signs of Oing this month. I can't wait till June, so we can start the next step; starting clomid. I just feel like trying is a waste of time right now... :frown:
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    No time for posting right now. I will when I get home, if I have time. And I will DEFINITELY post some wedding pictures as soon as I figure out how. Hahahaha. Loooooove all the pictures so far, though!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    Okay---so seriously, how do I get a picture into this thing? I had to sound like an idiot, but I have no clue.

    Karen, I went to the the Technical Support Section of the message boards and looked for a thread on posting pics, and learned there!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Here are my wedding pics, can't believe it'll be 2 years in October! Monday 8-2






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