Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Golly, just caught up from the past day or so and wow, lots of great discussion! Love the wedding photos. I've got to pull some from my back up hard drive and post some of ours soon.

    I guess I'm one of the newbies in the last couple of weeks. :smile: I'm Stephanie and I live just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I've been married to my best friend (we were literally friends for 3 years before we even started dating!) for 8 1/2 years. I'm pretty career oriented, so we waited to start trying until about 3 1/2 years ago. I've known I have PCOS since before that and have been taking Metformin for 5+ years, so I can relate and hopefully share lots of advice about living with the disorder. Since I've been on the Metformin, my cycle has been like clockwork, but that really hasn't helped with getting pregnant. During our TTC journey, I've timed, taken my temperature, charted, been on clomid, femara, & had a HSG during that time, but I haven't quite got up the nerve to take the next jump to IUI or IVF yet. I joined MFP for an easier way to track foods on my heart healthy diet, but it has been so much better than just a food tracker.

    Some happy news, it's almost Friday!! :happy:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Oh and to add to everything, I am stressing over our renter... She hasn't paid since March. :mad: Now, she emails me saying that she would like to pay every two weeks till July to catch up. I guess I have to give her the benefit of the doubt; at least she is trying to plan it all out. But I am afraid it looks pretty on paper, but when it comes to actually paying it won't be so easy. :ohwell: This is some unwanted stress.... Sorry for the vent. :laugh:

    I have been there. we had a tenant last year who only paid on time his first month. Oct. 2009. Nov, Dec, and Jan 2010 he was late. He TOTALLY skipped Feb. Paid it in March. Paid part of March's rent 2 weeks later, paid rest of Mar in April, and said he'd pay in full mid April. I told him this wasn't acceptable. he apologized and complained that he had probs with cable bill. (he paid cable before rent? you can't have a f'ing tv if you don't have a place to PLUG IT IN! :explode: )
    Then he gives 2 months notice mid april, and says he can't pay until 21st!!!!! I was going to fight him saying that's not 2 months notice, but I didn't really want the fuss! if he couldn't afford to pay rent, he certainly wouldn't be able to afford punitive charges. *jerk* Good riddance!

    ok, rant off. good thing i've never seen him again. lol!

    AFM: I'm Carina, from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I'm 38. Married in 02, went on clomid in 03, had dd in 04, breastfed her for 22 months. had one cycle after weaning and conceived right away. wasn't planning on TTC until summer, so pregnancy wouldn't interfere with my final Early Childhood Education placement. found out in May, I was 8 weeks. :laugh: took a yr off with family, finally finished all requirements and graduated with 3.86 G.P.A. in 08. Decided to TTC and called OB for fertility help, didn't get appointment until 09! ack! was put on Metformin instead of Clomid. he said b/c I got pg unaided, clomid won't help if I'm already ovulating. :noway: 1 yr later, still BFN, was given blood test for CD 25 and CD 3. did the test on CD 25, but conceived in Oct 2010 so I never did test on CD 3., M/C in Jan 2011. :brokenheart: :cry: :sad: Still TTC.

    So technically, we've been TTC for 3 yrs. but i really wasn't paying too much attention for the first 2 yrs. it was July last year when I started charting and guessing when I was O'ing. Since the M/C i've been using dollar store OPK. Went for CD 3 blood test last week. wondering if OB will call me with results.

    I'm a SAHM with a diploma in E.C.E. (not registered, so I can't call myself an Early Childhood Educator) :noway:
    I cared for some children last autumn, and my sisters twins in March and part of April. As you know, I finally got another client, starting on Monday. :)

    Ooops, sorry for the book. :)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- I know what you mean about taking notes. I’ve started to open up a word document and type in it as I go so I don’t forget as much. It’s working well for me.

    Andrea- I love whoopie pies!

    Mrs.Hinds- Welcome back! I was wondering when we would get to hear about the derby. OH MY GOSH, congratulations on the article. THAT IS SOOOOOO EXCITING!!!

    Welcome Libby and Eve!

    Ashley- I hope it all works out!

    Wow- I’m sorry about your tenant. I agree with Jalara get it in writing so you have an initial warning documented in writing.

    Alisa- “The elliptical on crack” that’s awesome…I call it the moon machine cause I feel like I’m running on the moon. That is exciting, congrats on the progress. I love the idea of re-sharing our stories to catch everybody up!

    My story:
    I go by Luki, my Hawaiian name, and I'm a 7th grade math teacher. I married my college sweetheart (and most amazing guy ever) after six years of dating and our 3rd wedding anniversary is June 28th. (Funny story: He told me he was going to marry me the second time he saw me. He reminds me all the time we was right.:laugh: ) We had a “white wedding” and have been TTC ever since. My husband was adopted as a familial adoption and we are currently getting our paper work together to adopt our child. We have always talked about adopting (I mean always- since our first month dating) and we are so excited to meet our child. We originally talked about having a biological child first and then adopting but God has “flipped the script.” As many Polynesian do, we are planning a familial adoption of an infant. An infant because I want the opportunity to breastfeed my baby. We are not sure if it will be from within the US or from Samoa so we have to make sure we lineup all the paperwork. Currently we are waiting for my husband’s citizenship certificate so we can both have US passports and go to a US embassy if our baby ends up being born in Samoa. We hope to have our lawyer and home study completed by the end of the summer so we can get the word out to family that we are looking. We plan on continuing to TTC for the rest of our lives and maybe someday it will prove of be a part of God’s plan for us. I have done initial testing- nothing was wrong with my hormones and a cervical biopsy was negative. My doctor wants to do a blockage test, but my husband needs to complete a successful SA first. He has tried three times and it just hasn’t worked out for a variety of reasons. He has also recently been diagnosed with type II diabetes which is a possible reason for the infertility- a successful SA would be able to tell us more.
    I'm working very hard at letting God guide my life and not fighting with Him over my plan vs. His plan. It is a continuous struggle so I write about it alot (sorry, it if bugs you:wink: ). I've had some major break throughs on this front recently and I'm hoping it will continue.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Eve :)

    MrsH - I`m so sorry that I missed your post about the Derby....I am so excited about that article. Definitely let us know if it is published - I love seeing stuff like that and it`s so much more exciting when you `know` the person

    Stephanie - so glad to know your name....LOL SDavis felt weird when I wrote it :)

    Carina - I had no close you were so close...well not close close but certainly not too far :)

    Luki - doesn`t bug me :) I need to know I`m not alone in my struggles.

    Work today and then girls night tonight - going to see Bridesmaids with my sisters and about 10 other girls that I`ve never met....LOL Should be an interesting night....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    My name is Ashley, I live in Montréal, Québec. I ran into an old friend from high school about 6 years after graduating and well… now we’ve been together 5 years next month (married for almost 2). We’ve been trying since the wedding, and have been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” and so I’m just about to start my second IUI, but it’ll be the first one using medication (Femera & Ovidrel).

    Welcome Eve, a healthy lifestyle is the best thing to achieve before TTC, best of luck!

    Stephanie, since you’ve been on both Clomid and Femera, what was your experience like?

    Carina, glad to see another canuck on here! Yeah on the new client!

    Luki, everyone goes through this process and finds comfort in different ways. Our goal here is to support each other in any way possible, so don’t worry about writing to us about it. That’s what we’re here for!

    I didn’t have the opportunity to find pics last night, maybe tonight.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I'm Karen, and I'm a TTCer. (Everybody now "HI KARENNN!") I"m from Virginia, Hubs and I have known each other and been good friends since HS, dated off and on during the latter part of college, broke it off when he wanted to "explore", and then we got back together when he told me that he realized every single girl he met, he was comparing them to me. I graduated with a Masters in Community Agency Mental Health Counseling a few years ago, and got pregnant with my son two weeks after going off of birth control. Stayed home with him, working part-time in a family business, so I haven't even used my degree. Well, not professionally, in any case. Haha. Started TTC for number 2 a little over a year ago, expecting that it would happen right away, but it still hasn't. Have tried 3 rounds of the evil drug Clomid, and am in the process of working with a reproductive endocrinologist now. Something about my body just changed after having my son. I joke that my body put everything good it had into him, and it just doesn't seem to have anything left for another one, yet. We don't have any coverage for the treatment, so we can afford one or two cycles of IUI, and then we just have to let it go. I'm really hoping it works, but if it doesn't, I've started to think about what my life will be like if I only have one kid. Not as I imagined it, but still pretty great. Hopefully, we will do an IUI cycle in July.

    AFM right now: I'm leaving in a few hours for a wedding rehearsal. It's been crazy getting ready for this--we have a new sitter coming tonight to stay with our son (everyone will have more fun that way.) He knows her from church so it should be fine--he's never really met a stranger. She's spending the night with us since we will be getting back so late, so I've been running around trying to clean bathrooms and inflate aerobeds, etc. I hope it is a good experience tonight. I'm not much of a night owl anymore. No gain, no loss this week--I'm going to take it--I've been over almost every day, but not by much. Maybe next week will be better....we'll see.

    Okay--off to find sheets and figure out what she can feed little boy for dinner...
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    My name is Shannon and I live in Texas. My hubby and will be married two years in November. I'm a corporate receptionist, and pursuing a writing career in my freetime. My husband has had cancer three times in the past three years, and the chemotherapy killed his sperm production (along with pretty much every other side effect you can think of) and so we are going through the IVF process. Since it's so expensive we are applying for grants and saving money, so in the meantime, I am trying to lose about sixty pounds so that I will be in excellent shape to be carrying a baby. I want a safe and healthy pregnancy, and my ultimate goal is to change my whole lifestyle so that I can teach my children to be healthy as well :)

    Thanks everyone for the writing congratulations! @Pam: They actually arent having me write the article. They just had me transcribe the interviews so they could use them for future articles that they're working on. But-- I keep watching for articles that include some of the quotes that I got!! :)
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Luki - I don't mind reading all that you write. :happy:
    @ Pam - I know! I go to T.O. a few times a year. and pass thru it to visit my sis in NY. Have fun at the movie. :drinker:
    @ Ashley - Yay for Canadians. :happy:
    @ Karen - HI KARENNNNN! :tongue:

    @ Luki and Karen - I like and admire your outlook on life. *hugs*
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen - have a great time at the wedding tomorrow, sounds like it's a lot of work, but that you're going to be having fun!!!!!

    Shannon - too bad, but you'll have to share any articles with your quotes :)

    Carina - I'm actually just north of Toronto, but no one really knows "Keswick". Newmarket's our next biggest town and it's a 30 mile drive into Toronto north :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member

    Ron - Stalk stalk stalk! We miss you!! Give us updates on your progress! Gender? Names? Common! We can only learn so much from your baby-gaga ticker!

    Gender scan is on Monday!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- Have fun at girls night.

    Karen- Have fun at the rehearsal and wedding.

    Ron- Exciting! I hope baby cooperates.

    AFM- We got a call from our Foreign Exchange Student Placement Advisor and we have a match. Whoo Hoo, VERY EXCITED! The student is transferring over to us because his current location is “too far in the country.” She said his only criteria are we are clean and have good food- check and check- so we got him. My weekend is suddenly jammed pack getting the room ready so he can move in. He will only be with us for two months but then a large group of summer program students are coming in so we should be able to get one of those students once this one goes home. Nervous for it all to go well, but we are pretty low key so as long as they follow the program rules it should go well. (He is our first student- we have talked about it for awhile and had that home visit 6 weeks ago and have been waiting for a match since.)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Just have to share.....I just made some BOMB chicken salad - I took 1lbs BL-SL Chicken Breast, coated it with about 2T of premade Pesto - Baked @ 350 for about 45. Let cool - shred and add 1/2 C of Mayo (I used the reduced fat olive oil kind) and 3 celery stalks chopped. Salt and pepper to taste and I also shook some garlic powder on it...Wrapped 1/4 of the mix in a flatbread wrap....YUMMO!!!! I think grapes would have been good in it too but i didn't have any..I have some avacados though so i know what i'll be adding to it tomrrow for lunch! :-)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Oooh - recipe! Thanks Alisa - I'm going to try that!

    This is something I'm dying to try (I saw it on an old re-run of The Biggest Loser), take rosemary sticks, take of the springs and then skewer the chicken pieces onto the rosemary and put on the BBQ. Apparently the rosemary taste comes through like perfection!

    I don't suspect I'll be around much this weekend - I'm in the nursing lab for the next 2 days doing physical assessments.


    Edit - I just went online and got the details - here you go!

    Rosemary Skewered Chicken with Orange Glaze


    Juice of 3 oranges
    1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
    1 tablespoon honey
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
    4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch cubes
    6 large sprigs of rosemary about 10 to 12 inches long, with half the leaves removed


    Preheat a grill or grill pan on medium high heat.
    Place the orange juice into a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until the orange juice has the consistency of a very thin syrup.
    Add the Dijon, honey, garlic, and ginger and continue cooking over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
    Remove from heat to allow flavors to meld and reserve.
    Evenly divide the cubed chicken among the rosemary sprigs and skewer the chicken onto the exposed part of the rosemary sprigs.
    Lightly brush the grill with oil and grill chicken for 1 to 2 minutes on each side or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165F on an instant read thermometer.
    Remove skewers from the grill to a serving plate, drizzle with the orange sauce and serve immediately.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mmmmmm yummy guys!!!

    Luki - that`s so exciting.....sounds like you`re going to be busy for the next two months (hopefully more if you get another student)

    AFM - I have to say that I had a great night at the movies......not the best thing to watch when you have a cough though...There was a joke that only me and my sisters got (reference to another movie) and I almost died. We were the only ones in the theatre laughing which made it even funnier. If you`re into movies with a kind of sick humour (a little like something about Mary), this would be one to watch. I`m so buying it for the days when I feel like crap :) We went for bubble tea afterward and that was a bad choice!!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay - I did another pre-weigh in today and it looks like I've actually gained this week - two weigh in morning sin a row! I don't know how though. I created a spreadsheet yesterday to better track myself, but I have no idea what the deal is.

    I told hubby last night - you're about to be married to the healthiest fat girl in the world! He said he was proud of how well I've been doing, and I guess I'm just going to try to make peace with it, and hope I lose eventually.

    Maybe my body is tired of starting-and-stopping and will respond once I've been at it awhile longer. Who knows! But I'm not giving up yet.

    Frustration! Hmmm....maybe it's being 30. 30 is never good to dwell on. :ohwell:
  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone. I would love to join you guys. My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years and ttc for over 5. I have unexplained infertility. I have undergone 3 rounds of clomid, 6 rounds of iui's (3 with clomid, 3 with follitstim and ovidrel) and 2 rounds of ivf. I live in Illinois and our insurance covers 4 rounds of egg retreivals for ivf, and in my 2 cycles I didn't have any eggs to freeze. So i only have 2 more rounds of ivf left before we have to pay for them ourselves (which I am praying won't get to that). We have taken the last 7 months off but will be going back to the doctor to start everything on June 7th. We decided to get healthier in these 7 months hoping that would do the trick for us. I have lost 30 lbs so far and would like to lose another 15-20.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Jodi - hope that you find as much support in the group as I do :)

    Jalara - I'm up too over Sunday.....but I have seriously crappy eating to blame.......although, I should be down for my weigh in on Monday - I think it was artificially low for the HP challenge because I was sick.....we'll see. Hufflepuff won last week and I was the second biggest loser on the team. I doubt I'll even stay the same this week, I think I'll be up.

    AFM - I have a question for those of you in the US (around Southern US and Texas specifically). So I have my trip this week and I'm excited and nervous all the same time. I know I'll probably be eating fast food a bit while on my trip and the only fast food restaurant that I think we have here that is found there too is McDonalds. Not gonna happen. I guess I'm looking for suggestions on healthier options for fast food. My hotel serves breakfast so I'm covered there and I think the office has a cafeteria (although I'm not sure on timing). I think I'm going to dinner with my workgroup one night so I won't have options there. My hotel room has a kitchen and the hotel will pick up groceries for me (and charge me only for the groceries). The only place i know I have to shop is at GNC for Fertility Blend Viamins that I can't get in Canada, but I think I'll wait until DH and I are in New York next Friday for my sister's graduation (I fly in from Texas and then drive back into New York)....
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Yummy recipes. I'll have to try them out but I don't know if I want to experiment with the exchange student...we'll see:wink:

    Jalara- I'm sorry your frustrated, but keep going. Remember this is a life style change so we have a lifetime to get to our goal weights.

    Jodi- Welcome! I hope the next round does the trick. Congratulations on the weight loss so far- thats awesome!

    Pam- Have fun on your trip! ummm, healthy fast food? I like Subway as a healthy option. I generally say no to cheese, get a 6 inch on wheat or oregano bread and turkey, ham or chicken breast- you can also ask for any sauce you want on the side so you can control how much to put on because sometimes the workers drown the sandwiches. Other than Subway I love the chicken pita without sauce at Jack in the Box- sooooooooo yummy and not too bad for calories.

    AFM- spent almost the whole day making sure the house is perfect for the arrival of our student. In all I cleaned for over 4 hours which was awesome for burning calories not to mention the house looks GREAT! I will pick him up from the English Language Center after work on Monday. Unfortunately DH has work on Monday until 10:00 pm so he won't meet him until later in the night or when he drives the student to school on tuesday. I'm very excited and hope it is a good match for everyone. Tomorrow we are going to Costco to load up on food and goodies.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    AFM- We got a call from our Foreign Exchange Student Placement Advisor and we have a match. Whoo Hoo, VERY EXCITED! The student is transferring over to us because his current location is “too far in the country.” She said his only criteria are we are clean and have good food- check and check- so we got him. My weekend is suddenly jammed pack getting the room ready so he can move in. He will only be with us for two months but then a large group of summer program students are coming in so we should be able to get one of those students once this one goes home. Nervous for it all to go well, but we are pretty low key so as long as they follow the program rules it should go well. (He is our first student- we have talked about it for awhile and had that home visit 6 weeks ago and have been waiting for a match since.)

    That's SO exciting! We had a foreign exchange student in 2000 from Japan and he was awesome!! Thanks to Facebook we are still in contact :) you will have lots of fun. Where is he from?
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Jalara - hang in there.

    @ Pam - glad you enjoyed the movie. :) I find it unusual that I have never heard of Keswick, especially it being north of T.O. But I know where New Market is. My cousin lives in Aurora. :)