Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi All--went to a last-minute Mother/Daughter Mother's Day banquet with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and two nieces. Good times had by all.....and I ate enough for the entire native population of a small island somewhere. Sigh.... There must be a part of me somewhere that is content where I am, because Lord knows, my motivation/followthrough has been just about ZILCH lately! I gotta convince that little part to get with the program, because the REST of me still wants to lose a few more pounds!

    Okay, I feel better now that I've let that out.

    Cheers to everyone on this forum. Happy Mother's/Mother's-to-Be day tomorrow to all...may it be a day to celebrate and reflect on what we want and why we want it...even if we don't quite have it yet.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Jalara- I'm sorry your night was not the best.

    I'm dreading tomorrow! I'm hoping it will go quickly and without tears. Every year I think, maybe next Mother's Day I will be mother or pregnant. Nope 0 for three. We are going to my mother in laws for dinner and I'm in charge of salad- which is good because at least I know there will be something yummy and healthy.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Weigh in isn't going ot be great tomorrow - I had nachos and chocolate tonight! Oy vey...... oh well. I'm proud of the work I put in this week. And I'm sticking to it!

    So Mother's Day was supposed to be our Valentine's Day this year, but I'm not in the mood for it AT ALL. I plan to hit the gym and then make a lasagna dinner and relax for the day.

    What are the other non-mom's doing tomorrow?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm spending the day at my parents. We are leaving shortly actually. My sister is going to her BF's Mom's for dinner so we're doing a big BBQ for my mom at lunch....steak and salads and stuff. Then because my brother's girlfriend doesn't get off work until after 3, we're going to get take out for my mom for dinner. I find it so much easier to get through the day if I focus on my Mom instead of my not being a Mom. I'm kind of lucky that I don't have to hang around any kids today - I think it would be harder....

    Hope everyone has a great Mother (or future) Mother's day. We will all get there!!!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Karen, great attitude regarding mothers day... And happy mothers day to you, alisa, and the other mothers on this board. So very much baby dust to all trying!

    Luki, *hugs* I hope there are noters for you either, but if there are, I hope you feel no guilt.

    Jalara, I don't think I would want tocelebrate valentines day today, either, why did you pick this day?

    Pam, have a great time with your mom today, it sounds like a great plan.

    AFM, church this morning, then lunch and mini golf with my parents, then dinner with DH's parents, we are really blessed that we have both sets of parents near by, and I'm trying to focus on that today. I took a test today, though I shouldnt til Friday, but I thought it would be so neat to find out I was a mother on mothers day, and to maybe even till our mothers, but that was pretty warped thinking. Negative. Bleh. Luki, Im with you on trying not to cry today, we can do it!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    I wasn't down anything this morning. yuck. I am afriad I might have plateaued... but i also know in my head I was a little to lienant this week with the "little bites" I also have done some readin on aspertane and caffine. So i am going to try this week to only drink water,
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Andrea- sorry for the negative- hopefully on Friday it will be positive!

    Jalara- I'm with you all I want to do is stay at home and eat alot. But, I'm not going to have that chance...

    Katy- Same. I'm not down at all this week and didn't help Slytherin House at all :frown: I'm hoping by drinking alot of water today I'll flush some sodium and be down tomorrow.

    We are going over to the inlaws for a lunch/dinner around 3. My inlaws are very good about supporting the adoption route and don't bring up pregnancy at all. Its just hard to go over there because my SIL has 5 beautiful children (all girls) and I do wish I could take one home with me :o)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    So, remember when I said I had a nap yesterday? Well, it was a 6 hour name, and then DH and I stayed in bed until 2 this afternoon! We never do that, so it was a great great day!

    I just finished making lemon squares for dessert, and we're going to have lasagna, homemade bread and salad for dinner tonight.

    So VDay for us started as a tradition because DH gets the Winter Blues and is normally pretty down around VDay, so this is how we make up for it (and it's normally really fun). I'm not sure how Mother's Day got picked, but I don't think we've ever worried about it before.

    Harry Potter Challenge - I weigh exactly the same as I did on Monday! And I have no idea how that's possible! I worked super duper hard at the gym this week, and my calories intake wasn't too bad either (below my BMR for sure!). So I'm just going to hope for a loss this week. Boo-Urns!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I thought of everyone here when I read this. I think it really resonated with me....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Great post Pam! Loved it. Thanks.
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    mothers day + no weight loss= depressed.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- thank you for the link! It has been a hard day for many reasons and frankly don't feel like diving into it all again tonight. I'll fill you all in tomorrow, but right now I need a break from thinking about it. Love you all, goodnight!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 14: 231.9 lbs (-4.9lbs)
    Week 15: 232.5 lbs (+0.6lbs)
    Week 16: 233.7 lbs (+1.2lbs)
    Week 17: 230.8 lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 18: 228.2 lbs (-2.6lbs)
    Week 19: 227.7 lbs (-0.5lbs)

    Wow, week 19 of the year already...that's crazy. My weight is back to where I was expecting it to be. I did minor things this week, not intense at all but because I was sick, I was low on calories and eating poorly for a few days. Yesterday I went a little overboard (although I did say no to quite a few things) and so the scales reflected as much. Woke up this morning without an overly stuffed nose or chest pain). Today's the last 4am wake up call for about 2 weeks for me (hubs wanted to drive me to the airport on Sunday next week and to take off a weekend at work, he needs to take off 5 days, so he's off starting from tomorrow until Monday). It should be fairly quiet, which is good, I need the time to relax and get fully better.

    Hope everyone's days weren't too bad yesterday. I got a lot of sun. We had great weather and got my Mom's new veggie garden kit put together, then her new outdoor swing and got into her garden some. DH helped with some of the new cabinets and then it was naptime for me.....LOL Dinner ended up being pizza - not the greatest choice, but in for a penny, in for 3lbs.....LOL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Week 1 - 229
    Week 2 - 228 (-1.0 lb)
    Week 3 - 226.2 (-1.8 lbs)
    Week 4 - 227.4 (+1.2 lbs)
    Week 5 - 227.8 (+0.6 lbs)
    Week 6 - 227.8

    Yeah, so.... I didn't change at all which annoys me to no end after I worked so hard last week! But, alas, it's a process so whatever. At least it's not a gain.

    Goal check for last week:
    Goal Check:
    8 cups of water a day - done!
    Workout 4 days - I only made 3 days
    Get a calorie burn above 400 for each workout - done!
    Log food every day 6/7 days
    Stay under calories 4 times - made 3

    Hmmm... so in retrospect maybe I didn't do as well as I thought I did. Well, turns out tracking goals is a good tool! Okay, so goals for this week are:

    8 cups of water a day
    Workout 5 days
    Get a calorie burn above 500 for 3 workouts
    Log food every day
    Stay under calories 5 times

    Time to up the ante I suppose! Also, I've decided that I should take a picture or something in my goal shorts, so I'm going to work on doing that this week. My goal shorts are a pair of shorts I wore on my first date with DH. I think they're a size 16 and I could wear them 23(ish) lbs ago. So I shall see if I can find them.

    OB appt on Wednesday, and DH has the day off for it, so hopefully it will go smoothly and we'll get on with whatever needs doing.

    After our day in bed yesterday, I couldn't go to bed until 430, so I got up at 1130 and now I'm zonked and have no energy. Meh, oh well! Also, after playing catch and frisbee yesterday my throwing arm hurts! lol - Time to do more of that.

    We had signed up for soccer-baseball for the summer with the city's rec sports group, and they cancelled it because not enough people signed up! Boo! Unfortunately nothing else is even remotely interesting. It was supposed to be an "us" thing, so I guess we have to find something else!

    Pam - did you gain since last week or lose? I'm so confused! One says gain, one thing says lose.... either way, I hope you feel better!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    My first weigh in with the group. Here's to keeping each other strong!

    SW: 211 (March 2011)

    Week 19: 193.6

    Sorry to hear from several of you about being sick this past week. It's even worse in the spring when you want to be out and about doing things. Here's wishing for speedy recoveries.

    Pam, thanks for the link. And courage to all of you who had a rough weekend!! Yesterday ended up being ok for me, but Saturday was a huge meltdown with the hubby after the Waffle House waitress asked if I was a mom. We're just at different emotional points about this. He's disappointed but determined (such a healthy emotion, I'm envious) and I'm at angry. Maybe this is my sign to take up an exercise that gets out frustration - like boxing, ha! :laugh:

    I was determined to control something about yesterday though, so even with knowing I'd be over my weight loss calorie & nutrient targets (a huge brunch with my MIL and then a big graduation party) I still recorded EVERYTHING! And it was a feat, because everything was homemade and buffet style! But I did it and was just a smidge over my maintenance number, so no setbacks, and I'm hoping maybe even a nice little confusing boost to my metabolism.

    And guess what ladies?! It's a new week, new mini-goals and a fresh outlook. Here's a little May sunshine for all of you: :flowerforyou:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    No loss this week, but no gain either

    So here is the story…I got my to the in-laws and we did the whole “why are you thankful for mom thing.” Which was a little awkward because basically it was for my MIL and then my one SIL with the 5 girls. Both my other SILs also have a hard time on mother’s day with the eldest being a birth mom and not having any other children and the other not having any. And then my FIL actually point out that we have no children yet- he was trying to be cute about it by saying we have no kids and I take good care of my husband, but it still put me on the spot. All of this I was able to handle. But then I found out my SILs family is planning to adopt “to get a football player.” I felt I was kicked in the stomach! 1. What a horrible reason to adopt! Not just because you want a boy, but specifically because you “want a football player.” How dare you adopt for that? What if the child wants to play the violin? Or wants nothing to do with sports?! 2. Not to mention they would also be having a familial adoption so it is going to make our matching process that much harder! AGHHHHHH! I can’t believe them. I held it in the entire time we were there. On the way home I mentioned to my husband that I’m going to be upset if they find a match before us. I was looking for support like, “Don’t worry it won’t happen” or “They won’t go through with it, it is the wrong reason to adopt,” something to calm myself. But no. He totally dropped the ball saying, “Is there anything else I should know your going to be mad about.” Wow, thanks for the support DH. That’s when the tears started. I had held them back all day and just couldn’t anymore. We got home and I stayed in the car to awhile to collect myself and then went in and we talked. He is just feeling the stress and feeling guilty that, “he hasn’t been able to give me a child.” And we talked through that I wasn’t mad at him for me not being able to get pregnant, that I’m excited to adopt, and I know we will adopt, and someday hopefully we will also conceive. I was hurt and needed support at that moment and I didn’t get any.

    Today is a new day and I hope it will be a good one.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Luki - I'm so sorry! What a horrible day - and seriously? A football player? I don't think I could have kept my mouth shut about that. Do they know you are trying to adopt?

    Also, I'm curious (and I'm sorry for not knowing) where are you in the adoption process? I know yesterday I spent a lot of time looking through adoption stuff and trying not to think too much about the long wait ahead of us.

    Hugs to you!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Wow luki, that really sucks. Well done for coming round to a positive outlook though, that can be hard sometimes.

    Glad you're feeling better pam.

    Jalara, i would guess you'll see the loss from all your work next week, that's happened to me a few times.

    Afm I lost three pound last week but then went a bit mad with the eating yesterday, not sure why. I'm trying not to beat myself up about it but feel like I've really let myself down. I just need to not let that turn into an excuse to just give up.

    So with that in mind - goals!
    1) 8 cups of water every day, not cheating and not counting what I drink at the gym
    2) introduce at least one new exercise thing, maybe a DVD or something to shake it up
    3) be a bit nicer to myself!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    First weigh in with the group: 205.6 this morning.

    I'm just getting back into this, so I'm not too depressed. Kind of mad at myself for gaining back 5 lbs on the honeymoon, but what're ya gonna do?

    Crunches at least 4 days this week.
    Volleyball tourney at mom's with the fam this weekend.
    WATER!!!! Must up my water intake!!

    I'll be back later. Break is over at work!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    SW: 148.2

    Week 1 of 16 - 150 (+1.2)

    Happy Monday Guys - I know yesterday was difficult for some of you guys, I'm glad you all found ways to cope!

    Pam - LOVE the new pic! You look awesome! Sorry about the bronchitis! I got it twice last winter (not the most recent one but the one before) and it kicked my butt both times! I'm surprised I haven't gotten it at all here since our air quality SUCKS

    Jalara - That's such a fun idea for Vday! I might try to adopt that with my hubs! Pick a random day like Presidents day or something...i bet it makes getting dinner reservations easier!

    Luki - Some people have their priorities so mixed up...if you want to adopt a football player adopt an older kid that is in foster care and needs to get out of the system....but seriously...why would THAT be your reasoning....

    AFM - CD28 today, according to FF it is saying I O'd last week...but who the he11 knows anymorem it changes daily...I have my follow up appointment tomorrow with the gyno for my lab results and potentially a referall to go have and internal ultra sound done to make sure everything is clear etc. I'm starting to get concerned....trying not to think about all the potential problems, but we just always thought i was "Super fertile" and now we're finding out otherwise....

    My Mothers day was pretty uneventful, I slept until 11am (mostly bc i was on the phone with my friend until 3am the night before) then I went over to my "Deployment family"'s house (it's my neighbor and her husband is on the boat with my husband so we spend...almost everyday together) and we just layed around and drank coffee until like 2pm....then I went home and separated came out to 7 loads....2 loads of towels, 2 loads of lights, 2 loads of darks and a load of the HECK can two people (one being a 5yr/ol) create SO many clothes??!?! I just don't get it! Then our mothers day dinner (since neither of us wanted to cook) was KFC....hence the gain of 1.2lbs, I'm sure it's mostly water weight from all the sodium. I have 15 weeks and 15lbs to lose...So after work today i'm going to take the kids out on their bikes and i'm going to interval run around my neighborhood. Gotta get that cardio in!