

  • I go to the gym 3 days a week, try for 4, but rarely happens. I typically spend about 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical. I do appreciate everyone's advice. It is really helpful just to be reminded to stay calm and just keep my eye on the goal. I guess it doesn't really matter if I meet my goal right on time, just as…
  • I have more than 10 pounds to lose, but only have 8 weeks to lose ten pounds. So, I am definitely in, as I need the same thing. I am a 24 year old, also sedentary lifestyle. I am an assistant project manager. I try my hardest to make it to the gym 4 days a week...but that is a rare.
  • I had: 1 Cinnamon Raison Bagel Thin 2 tbsp light cream cheese 24 oz. ice water
  • Yes, it's a huge possibility that it is wrong. Unless you have the heart rate thing. I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor so you know what you're really burning.
  • I don't eat my exercise calories...but I have seen on here where people say you should. Personally Im torn about it. If I eat it, my body is absorbing the nutrients and such, if I work out and burn off fat and calories, why is it neccessary to eat them back? IDK
  • I tend to get sick at the gym when I work out after cutting my calories back. Infact it just happened last night. Woozy feeling, not exactly a cold. Try to take a multivitamin and take vitamin C tablets, they will boost your body to fight off illness.
  • No, you just need to be more thoughtful with your meals. Dont go eat a bunch of biscuits for breakfast, or else you'll screw yourself for the rest of the day. Plan your meals a little better. If you HAVE to have a biscuit, have one....ONE. Then eat a sensible lunch, lots of raw veggies are always good, you can eat alot of…
  • You need to switch up your routine. If you work out at night, try to work out in the morning. If you do upper body then lower body, switch it up. You need to confuse the muscles so they actually work. Your body gets used to the exercise and that is when you hit the plateau. BUT if you switch things up every month or so,…
  • Nancy, Im sorry to here about your foot. I understand how hard it can be to work out and such with such horrible pain. Maybe for the time being you can do things that dont require you to use your foot. For instance you can still work out your arms and your inner and outter thighs as well as your core. Then once your foot…
    in all right Comment by Mandie1117 May 2011
  • Hello! I too dont have many people my age that are interested in such things, they are all skinny minnies anyway. I am 24 and my main motivation is to look stunning in my wedding dress in October. What are your goals? What kind of time frame?
  • I would think things like roasted peanuts, maybe the 100 calorie snacks. To keep in the fridge, I always like to keep carrots and cauliflower (my two fav raw veggies), yogurt, fruit. Also, I have learned from the trainers at my gym, they eats lots of plain tuna, or you can dress it with lemon juice or hot sauce, and they…
  • Yes! What kind did you get and where did you get it from. I've been wanting one, but nothing like a "toy".
  • I always thought of it as "the more you have to lose, the faster it comes off", until of course when you hit your plateau.