Love my HRM

Just wanted to say that I got my new Polar HRM over the weekend and I am obsessed!!!

I am currently wearing it one whole working day to find out what my calorie expenditure really is... :love:


  • Roe1968
    Roe1968 Posts: 133
    which one?
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I totally want a HRM. Which kind did you get?
  • Mandie1117
    Mandie1117 Posts: 15
    Yes! What kind did you get and where did you get it from. I've been wanting one, but nothing like a "toy".
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I'm looking for one and I would love to know which one you got!
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    oh i just got a Polar HRM chest wear * bluetooth, I LOVE IT, got it last Friday, used it properly for the first time today :)
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    which one?
    I totally want a HRM. Which kind did you get?
    Yes! What kind did you get and where did you get it from. I've been wanting one, but nothing like a "toy".
    I'm looking for one and I would love to know which one you got!

    Don't know if this will help you any but...........Here is a link that was posted in another thread with a lot of information on HRM's. Also, I would suggest getting one with a chest strap as they are better to calculate an accurate HR.

    I just purchased a Polar FT40 three weeks ago.

    I previously had an old Polar FS3, which still works and I have had no problems with it, but it didn't measure calories burned so I opted to upgrade to a new unit.
  • frenchielover
    I don't need all the bells and main focus was calorie count. I bought the Polar F4 on It was on sale last week for around $60, however, I think the price has gone back up. It says its a mens watch, but the details say unisex and the watch gives you the option of choosing the sex. I like it a lot!