Newbie here!

Hey all!
My name is Pamela and im just saying hello! I dont really have any friends my age interested in eating healthy and working out so it would be nice to get some motivation via myfitnesspal! And maybe even get to know a few of you healthy eaters and crazy work-out fanatics out there! I cant wait to start this new journey in my life, and I hope to meet and exceed all my expectations of myself with a little positive help from individuals :)



  • Mandie1117
    Mandie1117 Posts: 15
    Hello! I too dont have many people my age that are interested in such things, they are all skinny minnies anyway. I am 24 and my main motivation is to look stunning in my wedding dress in October. What are your goals? What kind of time frame?
  • Itsanewdave
    Itsanewdave Posts: 10
    You came to the right place if you want to get in shape and eat right. Everyone here is in the same boat!
    Add me as a friend if you want; I'll tell all my friends to add you too!
  • pamelalee08
    Well my goals are to FEEL better physically, and also to look great in my clothes. Im mainly just trying to tone up a lot and (this is a big stretch for me cause I hate running) but I would love to be fit enough to run a mini-marathon:D And im not on any sort of time frame,im just trying to make this a lengthy process so I will incorporate into my daily life FOREVER! :)
  • theMightyAnt
    Hi Pamela, welcome.
    As you've probably already found everyone is super friendly & helpful here and in the same boat.
    You've absolutely got the right attitude, looking for a lasting lifestyle change rather than a specific target, though goals are useful too. In addition FEELING great is your top priority, too often forgotten on here sadly.

    I've added you as a friend. If you want to check out me food diary etc for suggestions and share this journey.