

  • If you have a refillable prescrition they can be good for quite a while...a lot can change from a doc visit to a prescription fill 6 months later. Unless the guy said it in an obviously condescending manner, he was just doing his job. Kudos to OP for not getting pissed about it and taking it as a point of motivation.
  • What android app are you using?
    in HRM Comment by Dcgfeller June 2011
  • I have been starting every run recently with Lose Yourself by Eminem...I'm not really a hip-hop fan in general, but that song really pumps me up for whatever reason.
  • Why the hell am I laughing so hard at these 2. They are like anti-jokes.
  • My first major round of weight loss didnt involve calorie counting per se, it was more an educational experience on being healthy and since I had a ton to lose it was relatively easy. As a result, maintaining wasn't terribly difficult or different when I wasn't really losing any more. I just weighed in every week or so and…
  • Heh. Yeah. Alot of the NSV are great motivation for the people that experience them (I have had plenty myself), but seeing the pics is what really seems to hit home the most in keeping me on track, and sometimes you have to do some searchin to find them.
  • While frustrating to have other people bummed that there's no miracle, I certainly understand how they feel. Theres still plenty of times along my rollercoaster of weight loss that I have been discouraged by a pound or so a week and thought to myself "I wanna be thin NOW damnit!" It takes a lot to talk myself down and…
  • 4 drinks is going to be 400 calories on its own more than likely..That's quite a bit when you are talking about 1600 total calorie intake for the day. I love my booz too, but sometimes you just have to say no thanks and eat just about anything else that would help you stay full.
  • I'm not a huge veggi guy, but I am starting to eat carrots and broccoli like no ones business because they seem to keep my hunger at bay. (So basically I'm agreeing with everyone else I suppose)
  • Emailed this to myself, been wanting to try to cook eggplant and it sounds delish! PS, change IMG to img to show pics
  • 2 egg omelette with mozz cheese, green bell pepper, onion, and some garlic.
  • To add an actual response, The Prince of Persia. The only time I have ever walked out of a movie in a theater.
  • AHAHA! it was bike week a while ago and they showed this at a bike in movie I went to. It was terrible, but only as terrible as any other cheesy 80's movie. (They montage-d that one song in like 8 scenes, classic!)
  • Ah, the binge, my old nemesis. Every once in awhile it sneaks up on me. Been "fighting" it as long as I have been healthy-ish-er (~6 years) but have never been able to kick random days of major over-indulgence. Honestly, I am starting to accept that it will happen on occasion, and I just have to be prepared for it and plan…
  • This would be my vote. I also enjoy carrot in some rolls, but I'm terrible with names of all the different rolls so I can't say what specifically has them...I generally just eat what is put in front of me Sashimi....I can't do it. I gotta have the rice to cover the texture of raw fish, blech.
  • He was mostly grass fed, I think the dumped some corn in there every once in awhile but I certainly would call him grass finished over corn.
  • I got some burger in the freezer from a steer that had a bum leg. Since he was too little to get good cuts out of, almost all of it went to the grinder...it is some of the best burger I've ever had! Wish I had an accurate fat % for it to make logging it more accurate, oh well. And I also enjoy my wild game. Pheasant is…
  • You can definitely get a good pair of running shoes for under $100. Mine were $90, and I lovelovelove em. That said, don't look for a bargain, hell don't look at price at all until you have picked the shoe that fits you the best so you don't trick yourself into thinking that the less expensive shoe is "better" even though…
  • Ah, that is a much better explanation, and I have the same issue on some runs. My left (always left) foot/calf will fall asleep or "cramp." It is an annoyance, but I have never had it be enough of a problem to really consider stopping a workout and it generally goes away after a mile or two. My guess is that it is just the…
  • Yeah, I agree with Panda, it would be useful to know what kind of cramps you are getting. A lot of cramping is caused by dehydration, try drinking more water leading up to your runs, perhaps a gatorade for some electrolytes. As for running through the pain, and note that I'm no personal trainer, cramps and aches are…
  • I do not have experience with C25k or any of those, but as some have said the most important thing is just to go out and do it! start slow, walk, work in small intervals of jogging here and there. Over time you will notice you are jogging more and walking less. One thing I would add is invest in a decent pair of shoes,…
  • Sure a glass of white wine "only" has 120 cals, but thats for like a 4oz glass, where you could have a 12 oz beer for similar calories. To be honest, as long as you arent mixing your booz with something else high cal then drink what you like, but know that the higher the alcohol content the "less" you get to drink for a…
  • The net calories column is all of your calories eaten minus all of the calories you burned exercising for the day, whereas the "goal" column represents the GROSS calories you need to CONSUME to meet your net calorie goal after taking into consideration how much you have burned exercising. In your case, 1,460 is your NET…
  • Also, if you are really aiming for accuracy, be sure to subtract your BMR for the amount of time you exercised so it is not being double counted!
  • There is definitely not a problem running on consecutive days as long as your body feels good. The training schedule I have put together for myself (with the help of some friends who are bigtime runners) over the summer in preparation for a marathon in October involves 4 days of running (3 of which are consecutive) , 1 day…
  • I always seem to lose a lot the first few days or week, but I have to remind myself that that is mostly or entirely water weight...then I slow down to a crawl on the scale after that unless im super diligent. If you are hitting the gym, definitely the best reccomendation is to start measuring so you can "see" the…
  • When I need a quick kick in the butt workout wise i run the stairs of my apt. I live on the 8th (but every floor has 14' ceilings) so I take the elevator down to take out the trash or something and make myself sprint back up the stairs. Also, ~220 24 going on 25
  • not that yahoo answers is the best source in the world, but it looks like the "standard" shot glass is 1.5 oz, but I suppose that not everyone would fill them to the brim. edit: a "jigger" is a standard shot size comparable to 1.5 oz. I have always just used 1.5 because it is easier to make the 8x comparison with beer that…
    in Alcohol Comment by Dcgfeller May 2011
  • Hmm, I am seeing the 67 calorie shots of vodka..I must be getting my info from a different source. I was under the impression that a 1.5oz shot had 95ish calories. (perhaps you guys are referring to a 1 oz shot?)
    in Alcohol Comment by Dcgfeller May 2011