

  • We both work full tie and have an overactive 5 year old (+ the usual school / life activities). Finding the time to workout is easy....staying motivated and strong enough to go get it....there in lies the trick! It's all doable if you can find your why.... I've added a few folks, but feel free to add me. My main focus is…
  • It's never too late to get yourself healthy....its the one thing you owe yourself! Welcome and good luck in your goals, happy to help if I can.
  • Congrats, Fantastic results! Way to hang in for the 60 days....see it wasnt that bad! The question is...Whats next?!
  • Hello - Welcome to the group..... Good luck in your goals, diet is the key...exercise...just required for health. Start by planning out your meals for the week, leave nothing to impulse until you get your arms around what is working for you. Cut out processed anything....any...thing! Workout in the early morning if you…
    in First Day Comment by rider72 May 2013
  • I'm doing lean Beast now too. Just started the bulk phase Monday. Where are you at in the program?
  • Bad days happen to everyone...watch your macros and add in steady exercise...you'll lose the weight. Gotta burn more than you take it....no secret to that, but the right kind of foods are key. Avoid anything processed, limit white foods (white rice, white bread, pasta etc...) Bring it man! Focus on your goal. Go clean our…
  • I found this article, some good points to it... http://getfitguy.quickanddirtytips.com/how-to-tighten-loose-skin-after-weight-loss.aspx
  • Alot will depend on how in tune your nutrition is. If your macros are on point, and you are lifting max weight for the exercises (muscles burns fat...period), then I would say around the 6 week mark you will start to notice significant changes. It take a couple weeks for your body to start to respond initially, but make…
  • Awesome.....great story, fantastic results. Good for you Dave!
  • Good for you! It's all about dialing inthe empty calories, especially when you ralize what you've been eating but not paying attention to! Keep it going!
  • Good luck man! You can do this!
  • No Fear! Man you got this! We've all been there at some point (thats why we're in here!), and you can EASILY get this in check! Focus on macros, and plan out your goals, meals etc... It all starts with you and you just pushed play! Bring it!
  • ^^^AGREED^^^! I would speak with whomever is hold the event (or planning it) and make that offer and be up front about your new eating habit. Almost vegan by the sound of it, maybe some lean chicken or fish? I found it easier to tell people that I was vegan vs. trying to explain limitations (you can have some good…
  • Pick a program that involves resistance training. You will kick up your metabolism fast and burn more fat than just cardio by building muscle (and no, you wont end up bulky)
  • I've done insanity several times, great cardio. Age is no limiting factor! Know your limits and if you have soreness issues get a recovery (post workout) drink. Recommeded if you havent done intense exercise for a while. Take breaks when you need to...and by the end of week two, you'll be amazed at how you feel.
  • It's all about the journey not the time it takes to get there, don't let one bag of treats throw you off. If you enjoyed it great, if you didn't...fine too. Just remember where you want to go and what it takes to get there. Being fit and healthy is harder than being unfit and unhealthy...but so worth it! If you fall off…
  • I take SunWarrior raw protein with my oatmeal post lifting. It's my staple meal every day. Gives me a 50/50 ratio for the meal, then I take another scoop at lunch and usually have veg for that meal.
  • Hey , Ill help motivate you...someones gotta keep you youngsters in line..... : ) It's not a diet...it's a lifestyle...master that....and you master your goals
  • if you ate 2000 calories from donughts....run longer tomorrow... : ) Otherwise, I wouldnt sweat it....back on track tomorrow. If you ate clean, then you really dont need to sweat it. I found I had to eat my exercise cals back in order to break my last plateau.
  • Good for you! Now that cookies are off the menu...time to bring it! Good luck in hitting your goals in short order, happy to add you to my circle of motivation.
  • Sunwarrior brand is a great tasting raw, brown rice protien; I find it easy on my system when I do supplement. Typically I use it when trying to do a shredder for a week or two and need to up my protien. I eat a LOT of veg, so my carb makup is about 70-80% of mydiet. Not 100% vegan, but getting close so I like the option…
  • Dig in man! Only two weeks left? You'll kick yourself for NOT finishing! This is the mental part of insanity...gotta dig deep in your own mind
  • Finished X2, halfway through my first round of Asylum. Il be doing the X2 / Asylum hybrid after that.
    in After? Comment by rider72 April 2012
  • Make sure you get enough carbs post workout, sounds like you are bonking (I get this a lot and I know its becuase im low on carbs or dehydrated)
  • Both are great programs...if you do a hybrid...better. P90X is great for strength training, but as mentioned, the cardio is boring (Kempo is just lame in my opinion). You will get a better cardio burn with insanity for sure, but the sessions in P90X are good if you are not in the best cardio shape (Insanity can be a shock…
  • I picked up some B-LIne resistance bands, good quality. You can also add one band at a time depending on how much resistance you want. Then later on get a handle with the three slots to use multiple bands -AND BRING IT! :) P90X2 uses med and stability balls, not so much in P90X. You could still use it to add in some core…
  • OJ has a lot of sugar...a LOT. Water is the best for you regardless, it's natures fruit juice.... : ) I typically dont have fruit in the morning, I stick with whole grains (steel cut oats usually) Apples will keep in the fridge for a while, so you can easily have a week worth on hand, take them with you as a snack or at…
  • P90X! Getting to be cliche, but that program works...Period. Good overall body strenghtening program, X2 is even better, goes for functional fitness and core strenght..Im doing that one now. Amazing results. A lot of good reviews on Turbo Fire as well for overall strength training (+ Cardio)...I have no first hand feedback…
  • Do yourself a Big favor.....and throw out your scale....those things lie! Devious inventions of self torture.... If you haven't yet, take body measurement and write them down, they are a better gauge of your own progress. Do you have a fitness program? If not...get one! If yes...are you tired of it? Maybe time for a change…
  • I quit going to the gym once I started doing P90X....buuuut.... I have ripped the DVD's to my iPod, and have the verbal queues where ever I go. Some pretty good programs out there to rip to apple format. Some free ones if you dont mind a watermark on the screen. You'll be busy bringing it, and wont be staring at the screen…