Weight Training

Hi there! I've reached my weight loss goal and now I am very interested in building muscle/ full body muscle strengthening. I'm looking for videos/ways to do this without the gym. Any suggestions? Tia!


  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    P90X! Getting to be cliche, but that program works...Period. Good overall body strenghtening program, X2 is even better, goes for functional fitness and core strenght..Im doing that one now. Amazing results.

    A lot of good reviews on Turbo Fire as well for overall strength training (+ Cardio)...I have no first hand feedback on that one.

    Insanity - You'll shred, and build strength, but no size due to how the program is structured.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you can also try out bodyrock.tv or get New Rules of Lifting for Women and do the exercises at home but you will need weights or sandbags