Has anyone done the"Insanity DVD'S"Whats your thoughts?

I'm looking into doing the Insanity DVD'S...Looks hard and fun at the same time...:happy:


  • dorio115
    dorio115 Posts: 4
    If you wanna get some nice cardio and a lean body go for it, but p90x will produce better results IMO. Hope this helped :)
  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    It truly kicks your butt. I did the fit test and was sore for 4 days then did the cardio and was out for another 2 days, it is not worth that to me. I knew that I should have bought the p90x.
  • I love Insanity! I just started week 2 and it is so hard, but after your workouts I feel so great! I am very happy with it and my results thus far. You should definitely try it! (:
  • KatR13
    KatR13 Posts: 39 Member
    I just finished my recovery week today..
    Try it, you will love it too!
  • Insanity is great! Fast paced so you never get bored (I found I did when doing P90X), and a great quick cardio workout if you need something to vary your workouts with
  • GuilH
    GuilH Posts: 2 Member
    Did the insanity for like 2 days a few weeks ago. My wrists were hurting almost like I pinched a nerve or something. When I was in my 20's (before I stopped working out) this would have been great but now in my late 30's I'd rather do something a little more toned down so I don't break something.
  • tracnelson
    tracnelson Posts: 1 Member
    I've done them they are hard but I think they are fun...it looks to hard on TV...but u go your speed and work as hard as u can...so it doesn't get easier ...but that's cuz your always pushing yourself harder ....
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I just finished today, I lost a size and a half in 9 weeks and nearly 17 pounds!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Just finished it. do it . You'll love it and your body will thank you
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I've done insanity several times, great cardio. Age is no limiting factor! Know your limits and if you have soreness issues get a recovery (post workout) drink. Recommeded if you havent done intense exercise for a while. Take breaks when you need to...and by the end of week two, you'll be amazed at how you feel.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I have done a full cycle. I enjoyed them. Lost some weight; about 8lbs.

    If you have bad knees, this can be a problem, especially with all the plyometrics.
    Invest in a a good pair of cross-trainers as well.

    Good luck if you do it! :smile:
  • maxfactor2
    maxfactor2 Posts: 1 Member
    Insanity is great and you will lose weight. However, if you have any injuries or issues such as knees..forget it. You can take some of the exercises and do at your own pace but you wont get the same results. I felt that over 35 its hard on the joints.
  • Luckyshan89
    Luckyshan89 Posts: 24 Member
    I love it! Today's ends my week one, I'm excited for week two :))
  • Be very careful. I hurt my knee doing it and couldn't work out for a month.
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Two Words.......It works ! Im on my 'second" round.
  • If you love cardio - Insanity is where it is at! google insanity before and after pics and you will see the amazing results ppl have had!! and there is no equipment required except for some way to play the DVD's and whatever clothing you want to wear. It truly is an amazing workout.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    just finished week 3.. it will kick your butt..just do it at your own pace.. when you need a break..take one and catch your breath then pick up again. Even on the DVD they have to take extra breaks too...
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Started in February, gonna keep going til December. It works. Stick to the macros, avoid that Harris-Benedict equation nonsense.

    Gonna hit up Asylum next year.
  • @guamybear you are turning into an expert!!! :) Insanity and Hip Hop Ab's at the same time!!!! you are rocking it!!!
  • LiveLoveLaughAlways
    LiveLoveLaughAlways Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for all the great input!!Have a great work week everyone:)Cheers!!:)