

  • Yep..I noticed as I lost weight and trained my back muscles I "grew" a Lil taller...people tell me I walk like a marine but I can't help it due to my improved my backaches are gone...:)
  • yep log it in oz...i found that its chaper to buy the whole breast of turkey or chicken and cook it /slice it myself...i can control whats in it as well as the sodium content to an extent...then i can slice how i want...natural grain makes a great whole wheat/mutigrain bread.. and mission makes great carb balance wraps..…
  • I agree! Listen to your body..if you are hungry itll tell ya...just dont let it get to the point where you could binge out... being under on your daily isnt all that bad if you are not experiencing any negetive effects(tired,cranky,nausea ect) i eat when im hungry...its usually around the same time everyday
  • agreed! couch 2 5k is amazing:)
  • Is your mouth dry?? JK ok , everyone has the kinda day where ya could literally eat a horse...push through it,the goals you set are far greater than the immediate satisfaction of overeating.. ask yourself if your drinking enough water for what you do..i drink a lot! (its also 95deg here in louisiana) and i work in a shop..…
  • Talapia yum! btw WELL DRAINED 95/5 ground beef is not unhealthy at all....IF drained well.. turkey chili... Grilled Salmon and steamed veggies!! Tuna steak and WIld rice.. i could go on forever... you are more than welcome to view my diary ...i have lots of good food:)
  • Talapia yum! btw WELL DRAINED 95/5 ground beef is not unhealthy at all....IF drained well.. turkey chili... Grilled Salmon and steamed veggies!! Tuna steak and WIld rice.. i could go on forever... you are more than welcome to view my diary ...i have lots of good food:)
  • Take a sweet potato, cut it in thin slices... place on a baking tray.. bake at 350 till they become i have fried them too in canola oil .and used a paper towel to blot them to rid the excess.. either way is can salt them,put cinnamon and splenda on them,or really anything ya want ..(sugar free…
  • the human body is designed to conserve energy any way it can,hence the reason we get fat... after an 8 hr fast, your body is looking to replenish its glycogen stores..also your metabolic rate is slowed to a crawl..if you go and hit the gym ,you are burning calories yes...but not necessarily from your fat stores more often…
  • I agree...if you are hittin the gym 5 das a week ,you may be trading fat for muscle..remember lean muscle weighs more than fat.. also,you may wanna try circuit training as it incorperates more high intensity,fat opposed to dedicated weight training... Also,the scale can be your worst enemy sometimes...i use…
  • There are many variables to weight loss... Whats your workout regimen? Hows your diet? what are your goals? are you trying to be an athelete,or be fit/toned? the first step is diet...relearning how to eat is 90% of the game...once you do that..its smooth sailing.. hit me up and ill do what i can to help you:)
  • Its very hard to eat early in the am..but ya gotta do it... not eating before the am cardio can be bad,your body is already in a caloric deficit from the night of rest and repair(unless you tend to get up at midnight and eat) to burn 300+ calories can be counterproductive... eat light first thing...I wake up and grab a…
  • Navy? was I ...AM2 served on U.S.S. Roosevelt proudly.. as far as weights order to boost caloric consumption,you need to do resistance training as well as cardio..Lean muscle burns calories ,which in turn burns fat...Try a 3 day full body split on the resistance training and i promise the fat will fall…
  • ok...first off,im NOT a dietician...however i have years of research and application under my belt.. simply put..stick to complex; whole grains,no processed (white) breads,ect... do you have a Glycemic Index Chart? you can google it to give you an idea of what foods are high or low on the Glycemic Index...The…
  • Try a protein supplement..Optimum Nutrition makes a graeat tasting protein mix that is awesome..check out my diary if you wanna good example of protein and how to get it...hope it helps:)
  • beef jerky, protein bars..i make my own sweet potato chips for a healthy snack..
  • i own a hamilton beach blender...its glass and the blades remove easily for cleaning with just a will pulverize anything you put in sells them ..its black and glass..i dont have the model number though...hope this helps..
  • I agree,most "fat loss" products are a bust...and the ones that bump your resting metabolic rate have serious side effects...then there are thermogenics that increase your core temp to extreme safe and consistant..stick to a clean diet and get some cardio...there is no miricle pill,cream,drink,powder,ect...that…
  • i was a BIG have them on my shoulders,arms,legs,back,everywhere..most of them are fairly invisble..some are noticeable...there are out a dermatologist that has researched this issue,DO YOUR HOMEWORK..a general surgeon can perform cosmetic procedures without any "specialist" degrees...(although…
  • yeah,people are cruel for the most part...the worst part is ,that most people are so emotionally detatched from real people(as in people that are right in front of them as oppsed to on the other side of a screen) that they are clueless when it comes to matters of courtesy...she may or may not have meant to be insulting by…
  • AGREED! It matters not how "lean" you are if you arent healthy enough to enjoy it....
  • Up your protein,stick with the weight training..lean muscle burns calories...the more you have the more calories your going to need...LOG EVERYTHING..water,drinks,salt content,EVERYATHING...until you get into the habit of making healthy choices,its a took me a long time to lose body fat ,because i was greatly…
  • i didnt take into account the increased heart rate..
  • that is a great question...i would think not ..the human body is well suited to maintain your core temp while conserving energy..dehydration would be more of an issue..if there was any additional caloric burn from higher humidity it would (in my oppinion) be minimal at best..However there are studies of low temps causing…
  • I agree truly does depend on genetic makeup...but generally when you lose bf% you will eventually lose fat in that area as well..just dont neglect the resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass all around..:) good luck and thanks for the laugh!
  • ook..heres my educated OPPINION about women and muscle building...women lack testosterone(thank god) so therefore building large amounts of muscle without excellent genetics or "supplements" is not a concern at all..look at fitness models ava cowen,Jamie Eason,Jillian Micheals..They Move EXTRAORDINARY amounts of…
  • protein or high fiber meal replacement bars are a great choice...premade protein supplements are also a good choice ..beef jerky,dried fruit..slim fast..those are all good choices...another thing to consider is carbohydrate consumption during extended road trips...stay on the complex whole grain side as you will not need…
  • Protein is a very touchy subject, with a lot of variables... whey and soy are great choices for post workout and/or between meal snacks.. casien/egg protein is used mainly for prebedtime since it is slow digesting.. depending on your specific protein needs ,the general rule of thumb is 1Gram per Lb of body weight -to…