I been watch this infomercial for several days now and finally broke down and made the purchase. Has anyone tried this product before?


  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
  • Va_lady32
    Va_lady32 Posts: 27
    I've seen them also and would be curious to know. I think that most of those diet gimmicks that you see require a low calorie, exercise diet. If you are doing that anyway, what is the product actually doing. Keep us posted, I would love to know if it actually works!
  • tadburger
    tadburger Posts: 12
    yes - I tried it based on the ads.

    Did nothing for me. I didn't realize how much of it is based on the sense of smell. And at that point, my sense of smell was very limited. Even now that I have had sinus surgery, I doubt that the smell of the Sensa would scare me away from eating.

    They were very good about cancelling the plan so I give them credit for that.

    And maybe it will work for you. I think tracking food is vital to any plan so hang in there!

  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    My husband bought it. Basically the infomercials just wore him down, so I can't blame you.

    But if you read the materials, you use Sensa in addition to a 1200 calorie a day diet ... so, it's going to work. NOT because of the sensa, but because you are on a 1200 calorie a day diet.

    Same as the belly fat cure book diet. 1200 calories a day.

    The 'magic pill' is not the book, diet, pill, or powder ... the 'magic pill' in ALL of these gimmicks is the same - 1200 calories a day.

    So, save your $, pack it back up, ship it to the manufacturer for your refund, eat 1200 calories NET a day ... and you will have the 'magic pill' for weight loss.*

    *generally. although it's not EXACTLY 1200 for everyone. hence MFP's calorie goal setter thingie.
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I personally think that the only thing that is going to lose weight with this is your wallet. Miracle weight loss products don't exist. There is only one proven way to succeed: eat less, exercise more...

    It's a shame that people have the nerve to make money out of others misery.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Ripoff product. You'll GAIN weight rather than lose. It's a DEXTROSE (sugar) based product. Ship the crappy stuff back and get a refund quick~~~I did. :)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    My husband bought it. Basically the infomercials just wore him down, so I can't blame you.

    But if you read the materials, you use Sensa in addition to a 1200 calorie a day diet ... so, it's going to work. NOT because of the sensa, but because you are on a 1200 calorie a day diet.

    Same as the belly fat cure book diet. 1200 calories a day.

    The 'magic pill' is not the book, diet, pill, or powder ... the 'magic pill' in ALL of these gimmicks is the same - 1200 calories a day.

    So, save your $, pack it back up, ship it to the manufacturer for your refund, eat 1200 calories NET a day ... and you will have the 'magic pill' for weight loss.*

    *generally. although it's not EXACTLY 1200 for everyone. hence MFP's calorie goal setter thingie.

  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i keep seeing it just makes your food stink so you dont want to eat it? man..that sounds horrid
  • tooblessedforstress
    I've seen the infomericals as well and was wondering how that stuff works!! Give us a update on how it's working for you and good luck!! :happy:
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I personally think that the only thing that is going to lose weight with this is your wallet. Miracle weight loss products don't exist. There is only one proven way to succeed: eat less, exercise more...

    It's a shame that people have the nerve to make money out of others misery.

    Here is an interesting article about it...
  • massmech8111
    I agree,most "fat loss" products are a bust...and the ones that bump your resting metabolic rate have serious side effects...then there are thermogenics that increase your core temp to extreme safe and consistant..stick to a clean diet and get some cardio...there is no miricle pill,cream,drink,powder,ect...that will give you a six pack,otherwise we would all have is here to help with all the knowledge and good people that are more than happy to assist..hit me up if ya need anything..good luck :)
  • tanisha36
    tanisha36 Posts: 20
    Thanks....the only thing I really need is a basic workout plan. Currently I run 2.56-2.63 miles at 8am on tues, wed, and thurs. On Monday and Friday we have command PT (in the Navy) so that is usually 15 min warm ups then 45 min of circuit, soccer, relay races or dodge ball. I am 218 now and trying to get to 190-195. My problem area is having two c-sections and that flabby extra skin is just giving me this horrible pouch. It's embarassing because I have a great shape then there is this pouch hanging there. I'm not trying to be the next Mrs. Universe and not into weights, I prefer cardio and have no problem working out. I just want results faster than what I am getting now. Since November I have lost 22 lbs and that is not enough for me. WHAT ELSE CAN I DO???
  • massmech8111
    Navy? was I ...AM2 served on U.S.S. Roosevelt proudly..
    as far as weights order to boost caloric consumption,you need to do resistance training as well as cardio..Lean muscle burns calories ,which in turn burns fat...Try a 3 day full body split on the resistance training and i promise the fat will fall off...dont worry about getting"bulky"...women do not have the required hormones needed to build mass amounts of muscle..
    Resistance/weight training has HUGE benefits for women..remember,muscles do more than just burn fat/or move weight,They also support your skeletal framework..keeping muscles trained can signifigantly reduce the effects of osteo diseases..something to think about of luck:) hit me up if ya need ...