Lunch on the GO! HELP!

Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
OMG, i'm scared....just made the decision to go up to GA and visit some friends over the 3-day weekend. So I'll be gone from Sat morning-Mon evening. I'm bringing my 2 cup blender with me so I can continue smoothie breakfasts. Then I'll be going out on Sat and Sun, but I'll eat really good for dinner.

But what are some easy lunches? I'll be eating in the car for lunch on Sat and Mon, and on the go on Sun...


  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    When I travel, I have found that fruit bowls that you can buy at Starbucks, or places like that, are great for a quick lunch. Maybe also get a plain whole wheat bagel (but only each half) to fill up on fiber as well.
  • BodyUnderConstruction
    BodyUnderConstruction Posts: 82 Member
    If you eat at mcdonalds or sonic, places like that, get a burger not chicken. Fast food chicken is fried. But if they offer grilled chicken, get it. If not, get a burger with low calorie sauce like mustard and veggies. NO FRIES.
  • vabheegaard
    vabheegaard Posts: 61
    Fet come Healthy Choice steamers. The rest stops on the road usually have microwaves. You can heat then!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    in a bind i do subway. if you want something else(i love my local sandwich place too much) just avoid all dressings/mayo etc. I love starbucks salads but i take off most of the cheese.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    I'm assuming you can bring a small cooler with you in the car....sandwich makings, cut up fruit and veggies, granola, low cal snack bars (Kashi makes some good ones), dry cereal for munching (like cheerios). if you can bring a thermos, you could put soup in it for your first driving lunch on Sat.

    I have a really hard time eating out, but if you have to do fast food, Wendy's has some lower cal options (jr cheeseburger, plain baked potato, chili). Arby's roast beef sandwiches aren't too bad. Depends on how much you'll need to fill you up and how many cals you have per day. I only have 1200 so it's harder.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Personally, I like Subway - if you go for their lighter sandwiches on a whole grain bread, not that bad for you. Starbucks has some good sandwhiches too - look at the calorie labels, but I had their tomato mozzarella panini for lunch yesterday (380 calories) and lost half a pound today (it was coupled with a fish and steamed veggie dinner). At other fast food places, look for a grilled sandwich and lose the bun, with a side salad maybe (dressing on the side, don't use much).
  • massmech8111
    protein or high fiber meal replacement bars are a great choice...premade protein supplements are also a good choice ..beef jerky,dried fruit..slim fast..those are all good choices...another thing to consider is carbohydrate consumption during extended road trips...stay on the complex whole grain side as you will not need the glycemic spike during those long drives..just a thought:) have a great weekend and above all be safe...
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm assuming you can bring a small cooler with you in the car....sandwich makings, cut up fruit and veggies, granola, low cal snack bars (Kashi makes some good ones), dry cereal for munching (like cheerios). if you can bring a thermos, you could put soup in it for your first driving lunch on Sat.

    I have a really hard time eating out, but if you have to do fast food, Wendy's has some lower cal options (jr cheeseburger, plain baked potato, chili). Arby's roast beef sandwiches aren't too bad. Depends on how much you'll need to fill you up and how many cals you have per day. I only have 1200 so it's harder.

    Yeah, this is more what I was looking for....options for the car. Don't want to go to fast food joints. :) Don't have a thermos OR a cooler, but I don't suppose anything will go bad in the's only a 6 hour trip. :) Maybe just skipping lunch altogether and having snack foods, like dry cereal and an apple or something...?
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    cheese, crackers, fruits
  • ellenangel
    ellenangel Posts: 106 Member
    Doesn't need to be conventional "lunch" food- how about packing something like Clif bars and fruit? Both keep well. Cereal could work too- pick up some mini cartons of long life milk (I like Silk vanilla soy for this!) and just measure/portion out cereal/dried fruit/whatever into a couple tupperware tubes then add the milk when ready to eat (or pick up yogurts while driving and make your meal...)

    Pouches of tuna are good too- I keep some around for trips because I can always find a cheap side salad somewhere and throw the tuna on top. Add some crackers and you have a pretty good meal0 yeah, "fast food" with the salad but not a bad choice. For dressings, I really like hot sauce from Taco Bell :tongue: but also sometimes take one of those salad dressing spritzer sprays. Or get flavored tuna pouches :smile: