Need some motivation

New to myfitness pal maybe somebody can give me some pointers on what to do to burn more calories while walking/running
are lunges affective?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    One step at a time or you will quit. can you run for long periods already?

    Diet, cardio, and strength training.
  • zackary90
    zackary90 Posts: 26
    no i cant run for a long period but recently i noticed im not stopping as much im building up my stamina cause i get winded easy..
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    try couch 2 5k and do some calisthenics.
  • zackary90
    zackary90 Posts: 26
    ok i will thank you . :)
  • zackary90
    zackary90 Posts: 26
    ok i will thank you . :)
  • massmech8111
    try couch 2 5k and do some calisthenics.
    agreed! couch 2 5k is amazing:)
  • gobigorange2916
    gobigorange2916 Posts: 16 Member
    Do you have a set of 3 or 5 lb weights you can bring with you on your walks/ runs? I've heard this is effective.

    Welcome to MFP, by the way! :)
  • zackary90
    zackary90 Posts: 26
    what is couch 2 5k? how do u do it
  • zackary90
    zackary90 Posts: 26
    thank you :) and no imm looking in to possibly getting some
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    Interval training. Walk fast, then jog or sprint for a bit, then back to walking. Start slow, i.e. stick a one-minute jog in there, walk again, jog again...then move up to walking briskly, then sprinting, walk/sprint. Burns more calories and keeps your metabolism higher for longer, and helps condition your heart too.