

  • Just in case anyone should search this type of issue in the future I wanted to say that when I went to my doctor for my yearly physical a few weeks ago I found out I am anemic. After having been on iron pills for almost 2 weeks I'm already noticing I don't feel as bad in general or as easily winded. I haven't been swimming…
  • Sorry if this is a dumb question but, those of you that say you get short of breath when exercising, did that get better once you treated the anemia? I started swimming again about 6 weeks ago and I am still struggling with the cardio. I just assumed it was due to my asthma but when I went for my yearly physical I found…
    in Anemic? Comment by zoey116 August 2013
  • When I signed up for the class I thought it was only swimming since the class description didn't mention anything else. Also since it is through the community college if I quit the class it will affect my GPA and I have worked too hard to let this mess it up. As for soreness I was sore after the first few days but that…
  • I can't really answer your question about physique changes since I have only just started swimming again myself. I used to teach lessons and lifeguard but I haven't been in the water in about 18 months or so. As for dealing with water up your nose, try blowing bubbles out your nose while your face is in the water. When…
  • Like 4727 said there are alot of things it could be. Going to the doc early is best. If you let it go you could cause more damage. I've been having right knee pain a lot lately when I have my knee bent. My PCP originally tried antiinflamatories but when that didn't work I was sent to an Orthopedic doc who did X-rays and…
    in Knee pain Comment by zoey116 March 2011
  • Did they say what type of abnormality if you don't mind me asking? few Years ago my Primary Dr sent me to a cardiologist for a workup b/c I felt like I was going to pass out everytime I would work on my legs. They ran all kinds of tests and said everything was fine and I must not be breathing right. I can't even tell you…
  • I think people are just RUDE period. It stings more when its over an "imperfection" or what not. I work at a rec center in a rather afluent part of an already afluent town. One night a parent was having a tantrum b/c we wouldn't let her son break a rule. A rule that was meant to keep him from snapping his neck. She got so…
  • I guess you could say I recently "climbed back on the wagon" about a week ago. I lost steam about Thanksgiving b/c I just had too much going on and I had not been able to get focused again. This past week is the first I've been able to stay focused more than a day or two.
  • This may not be what you want to hear but the less weight you have to lose the harder/slower it is. Keep at it.
  • I am starting to need motivation too... I've already lost 40 lbs and need to lose another 40-60lbs more but I have totally lost steam :( Though I've been thinking about going "on maintenance" through the holiday's and then start again...not entirely sure thats what I'm going to do or not...just kinda losing motivation :(…
  • I agree with the others about allergie shots helped me ALOT. I had asthma as a child and grew out of it ...and then back into it in my early 20's :( As an adult I went back on my allergy shots but didn't think they were doing any good b/c I was still having issues b/c I was still having a few issues so I quit. About 6…
  • I agree with everything everyone has said so far but also if your doctor puts you on antibiotics you have to be carefull b/c some of the newer/stronger ones can cause serious muscle damage if you do anything strenuous. I am on Avelox right now (for a nasty sinus infection)and have also been warned about Levaquin (sp?) that…
  • yeah I edited it...sorry this is my first time posting pics...
  • I'm in!!! I didn't find this thread till today but I had already started week 1 day 1 yesterday :) I wasn't able to run all of the intervals so I am going to keep repeating it untill I can run ALL of the intervals. :)
  • #1 work hard to maintain it #2 TATOO!!!!! I want in on the right side of my rib cage from about my bra line to near my hip I think and yes I know it will be rediculously painful but I don't care :tongue: #3 wear a bikini for the first time sense high school but I wont be self consience this time around b/c I WILL be toned!…
  • I want to get into running but for right now I only swim for excersise. I am trying to work as many hours as possible while going to school so I don't have much time for working out. I work as a lifeguard and swimming instructor so its easy to swim while at work (and on the clock :wink: ) Everyweek we (lifeguards) have to…
  • Maybe you just caught them off gaurd? Sometimes when you see people "out of context"it doesn't always click. I've actually had the reverse happen. I used to work in a hopsital and on several occasions didn't recognize people in "street clothes" instead of the scrubs I normally saw them in. But I do relate to what you are…
  • I used my inhaler (only 1 puff instead of 2) at work(before swimming) friday night and was a little shaky but less so. Today I used it again before swimming and was fine. No shakyness...maybe I just needed to get used to taking it again. I probably hadn't used an inhaler in more than 6 months before the other day.
  • I grew up in Homestead. About 30 miles south of Miami.
  • Originally from Homestead, FL (about 30 miles south of Miami) but now live in Plano, TX which is just outside of Dallas.
  • I've gotten used to being a swim suit as its my work "uniform" It sucked at first but I soon realized I am by far not the largest person there AND I work mostly with (Spoiled) high school kids so even if I were a size 0 I'm sure they could find something to be critical about so I don't pay them any attention. But I am sick…
  • I am right on the verge of Onederland I keep teetering between 199 and 200 (yes I am one of those crazy people who weigh in everyday) soon I will consistently been under 200 :)
  • Vaca Frita, steak subs, and chicken kitchen! Can't wait till I go to Miami in a few weeks....I've been dreaming about what I want to eat when I get to go home :)
  • Plano (near Dallas) here :) i have between 50-70lbs to go...
  • I teach swimming and thought I would add a little bit more info on this is that when your swimming with your face in the water, breath out through your nose (we Tell the kids to blow bubbles out of theie nose) that way when you come up you only have to breath in. Trust me it makes a big difference. Also when doing front…
  • Don't have any answers but I am curious to see any answers...was craving a tuna melt today but I didn't do it b/c it was 900+ calories (at Jason's Deli where we were ordering from) I was kinda dissapointed with the lower cal option but I was a good girl :)
  • The Colony is a city nearby.
  • I ha gotten stuck for almost 2 months and I tried various different things.I tried to wait it out to see if my body just needed to adjust, I went on "maintenance" for 3 days, I started swimming (ALOT), lastly I went on "maintenance" for 6 days and then back to a goal of 2 lbs a week which dropped me to 1240 cals per day.…