Went to doctor today..

So I've been doing MFP since January 2011. I go to the gym almost everyday and take Zumba 1-2 a week. I mentioned in a previous post about pushing myself very hard at times that I start to feel faint and dizzy. So today I went to the doctor's to have something (unrelated) looked at. I then mentioned to her that I have been eating healthy and going to the gym... I went on to explain the feelings I get during high intensity workouts.. she explained that it is normal when you push yourself to hard to feel that way and suggested I take it easy... She then suggested she give me an EKG just to be sure... 20 minutes later, she returns with the results and tells me it came back abnormal! She told me to hold off on the gym until they find out whats wrong, and in the mean time she will refer me to have an ultrasound done of my heart. She also had me go to the local hospital to get blood work down as well.

Soo, I'm kinda freaking out... I've NEVER had health problems and I am 25 years old. I have never been perscribed medication other than when I have had strep throat, and in fact I can't even swallow pills, so when I get headaches, etc don't even take OTC meds. My mom discovered she has an over-active thyroid so I did mention this to the doctor, which could be the cause.... but regardless I feel this is the beginning of maybe a serious health problem or have to take meds when I can't even swallow pills...

I go to the doctor to have 1 thing checked out and now have to get 2 seperate ultrasounds for 2 different things, and blood work... I guess I am writing this post to vent and get my thoughts out...I am finally trying to be healtheir, excersise and eat right and now this happens... I just hope that it is nothing serious... in the mean time no gym.. although I think if I do go I'll be taking it easy.. : /


  • leslieaht
    leslieaht Posts: 14
    Went through all that last January - and it can be terrifying. But keep in mind that it is always better to know what is wrong and do what you can to treat it rather than ignore it untill it is way more serious.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    Agree better to know than not know
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry.

    The great news is you're doing everything right. You're seeing the doctor, you've been adhering to your plan. Try not to get discouraged, you can work with whatever happens. For now, focus on keeping your stress under control, gathering any support you need, and your food intake. Stick with this!

    I sympathize so much. I don't want to make this post about my life, so I'll refrain from posting my own adventures. But I hear you.

    Vent often. Stay motivated. Keep up the great work as soon as you can.
  • marygillman
    marygillman Posts: 5 Member
    So sorry to hear of the scare you're going through. It sounds like you're doing all the right things to take care of yourself. I'll send good vibes your way and hope things turn out for the best.

  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    thank you all for your support and positive thoughts.. greatly appreciative.
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    I do agree that it is much better to know than not, but its kind of hard not to be scared as you are waiting for tests and answers. I will keep you in my prayers. Make sure to keep us posted on how things turn out.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I've had a slight hyperactive thyroid several times in my life. It gave me an irregular heartbeat. The endocrinologist put me on some kind of blood pressure pill. It was no big deal. You're young and healthy. If you have a little problem, they'll diagnose it early and take care of it. Please try to relax. Stressing too much could make it worse.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Please don't be scared about the pill aspect! If that's what it takes to make you better, there are all kinds of options. I have several friends who have hospital-grade pill grinders - just put the pill in, twist the cap, open it back up and you've got a fine powder that you can mix into yogurt, ice cream, chocolate syrup, etc. Don't despair.
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    What I do when I am freaking out is really try and tell myself "what would happen if this didn't happen" and your situation could have been really bad. Sure you might have to take a pill, you can figure that out, its better than the alternative of having a heart issue or something that leads to a really serious issue. It could be worse. You are doing everything that is best for you right now. Express your concerns with your dr, that is why they are there. And if you have to take a pill, talk to the dr or even your pharmacist about ways to take it other than pill form, or ways to take a pill that you may not have tried yet. Good luck and my prayers are with you.
  • DMK710
    DMK710 Posts: 106 Member
    Your decision to get healthy could be what (in the long run) saves your life if it does turn out to be a heart issue. You are young and you are doing all the right things. take care of yourself in everyway! Good luck!
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all for your feedback, my ultrasound is this Saturday, I will keep you posted...
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    Did they say what type of abnormality if you don't mind me asking? few Years ago my Primary Dr sent me to a cardiologist for a workup b/c I felt like I was going to pass out everytime I would work on my legs. They ran all kinds of tests and said everything was fine and I must not be breathing right. I can't even tell you how many times I have been sent to specialists for something that turned out to be "just me"
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    DONT FREAK OUT YET! Last year exactly at this time i went through the same thing. Basically they noticed in my pulse an irregular heartbeat. I had to get the ekg and ultrasound, luckily its a "safe" version of an irregular heartbeat.

    Dont stress till you find out whats up.
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    No they didnt say what was abnormal about it, but ya hopefully its nothing, in the mean time I'm going through gym withdrawl
  • GinoATC
    GinoATC Posts: 60
    Hope all is well. Keep us posted!
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    Ahhh, still waiting to hear on results of my ECG. I hate it though... not only am I nervous of the outcome but I can't go to the gym yet either... I'm afraid I'm goons gain weight back since I can't really be active...
  • kimmieko16
    kimmieko16 Posts: 24 Member
    UPDATE!!!! All my tests came back normal including ECG and blood work... still don't know why my EKG was abnormal though. I have a physical scheduled next week, so my doctor will explain more then... YAY back to the gym!!!!