Plateau Support Group?



  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    i would like to join!! ive been stuck since MAY!!!! ridiculous. anyway i've drank green tea since January so that wont help me LOL.

    in my extensive research to find a cure to my plateau, i have come to the conclusion that i have been under eating and OVER EXERCISING !! i guess too much cardio is a bad thing.... i am trying to cut back slightly and try to allow myself a rest day a week ( i work out 7 days a week ) i may try the eat more for a few weeks and go back down thing too.
  • marybethbeech
    i would like to join!! ive been stuck since MAY!!!! ridiculous. anyway i've drank green tea since January so that wont help me LOL.

    in my extensive research to find a cure to my plateau, i have come to the conclusion that i have been under eating and OVER EXERCISING !! i guess too much cardio is a bad thing.... i am trying to cut back slightly and try to allow myself a rest day a week ( i work out 7 days a week ) i may try the eat more for a few weeks and go back down thing too.

    I think that might be part of my problem, too. But I just can't believe that I should eat MORE to lose weight. I know that there's a scientific explanation and all that crap, but it just doens't compute for me lol
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I've been stuck at the same weight for the last two weeks as well. And before that I had another two weeks where I didn't lose, so I definitely smell a plateau! I've been waiting for one to hit so I keep thinking I'm worrying too much about it, but I also don't want to wait too long to do anything and get discouraged. I think part of my problem is that my success so far has kinda gotten to me and I'm slacking off and letting myself eat out more. But it's only slightly more than before so I'm gonna try some changes. I've increased my work out time (before I'd do about 35 minutes at the most) to at least 45 minutes and more if I can handle it that day. I'm gonna try paying attention to other nutritional values like upping my protein and lowering my carbs. I've heard that this has helped others break a plateau.

    And finding this thread I just might try drinking some green tea...though I don't like tea, lol. I guess since I'm increasing my work outs I probably need to take in more calories too, which I don't look forward to. I'm gonna check out those links you posted.

    Let's stick to it!
  • marybethbeech
    I weighed in at 152.8 a few minutes ago (which is down a little over a pound). I've had a stressful couple of days and I haven't been sleeping and I didn't eat right or exercise yesterday... I've read that some people lose a little weight on the days they don't exercise because their muscles don't hold on to as much water since they're not repairing themselves. I'm going to keep on eye on the scale and see if this weight loss sticks or not.

    How is everyone else doing? Any luck?

    Welcome Pfenixa! I'm glad to have you! Hopefully we can all break through this plateau!
  • marybethbeech
    I just took my measurements and they're down for the first time since June! Granted, I'm only down an inch, TOTAL of all 3 body parts I measure, but still! It's better than nothing, right? Or maybe my extreme state of fatigue is causing me to measure inaccurately... lol
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Sigh....weighed myself this morning and I am 156 lbs :( I have been anywhere from 154 - 158 lbs these past few weeks. If I see 153 I will totally squeal with delight.....if I see 152 I just might cry, lol.

    I think some changes I might make is doing strength training for 30 minutes every other day. I also need to start running, not walking, as my daily exercise....I got lazy for a few weeks when I realized that if I walked fast enough it still burned cals but I need to start running! For 30 minutes per day at a minimum, but I'll up it to 60 minutes to every other day or every 2 or 3 days if I feel like it. Also, drink more green tea. I've been cutting back on drinking tea (the most I typically drink nowadays is 1 cup a day....)

    I'm just so worried I'll be 154 - 158 lbs forever!! And it's my goal to be 150 lbs by the end of this month (even if I have to starve myself a day, I really need to see this number...) so I gotta start working my butt off.
  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    I am going through this to I hate that I am at a plateau also for a while but still am doing everything but more weight training for sure so I am hoping maybe the muscle toning is doing something, idk I just need answers I am going to keep pushing hard though I just wonder why it is so hard for these last couple lbs to come off really makes me sad sometimes!
  • giraffe
    giraffe Posts: 12
    Please count me in! It doesn't make mathematical sense but it is happening - 4 days of cutting down to 1200 calories/day and burning 400-450 calories doing cardio at the gym yet, I am not any lighter, in fact I put on 0.5lb!! I am trying to convince myself that perhaps I am building muscles and muscles and staying motivated, but it is getting a bit harder now that I am feeling hungrier with 1200 calories compared to Day 1. I know I need to be patient...
  • giraffe
    giraffe Posts: 12
    Dear all,

    I read somewhere recently (will try to dig out the source) that when we are embarking on a change and developing a new good habit, it's easy to fall prey to being discouraged and one way to help is to look at how far we have come, rather than how much more to change. So, for all of you up there, shall we take a look at how far we have come, and try not to focus on how much more to go?

    BTW, Mrsbroco, I stumbled upon your signature - thanks for the reminder :) I am going to make a sign with those words and hang it in my bedroom and in my office!
  • zoey116
    zoey116 Posts: 75
    I ha gotten stuck for almost 2 months and I tried various different things.I tried to wait it out to see if my body just needed to adjust, I went on "maintenance" for 3 days, I started swimming (ALOT), lastly I went on "maintenance" for 6 days and then back to a goal of 2 lbs a week which dropped me to 1240 cals per day. Also in that time I had a few major personal changes. I changes jobs and went back to school so there has been alot of stress. I eventually started loosing again (only 5lbs more so far) and my best guess is that it was due to temporarilly upping my calories. Idk for sure though.

    BTW I know it wont make any of you feel better but I can't wait till I get down to 150's!! :blushing:
  • giraffe
    giraffe Posts: 12
    I added green tea into my diet yesterday (4 cups) and this morning I'm down by .6 lbs. The tea is the only thing I did differently. It did let me push myself a little harder while I was doing cardio (I haven't had any caffeine in 6 months, it gave me a boost) but other than that, the only difference was the tea.

    Maybe it's just water weight that will rebound... I'm going to keep an eye on my weight over the next week.

    How about you guys? Any progress? Is anybody else still even on this thread? LOL
  • giraffe
    giraffe Posts: 12

    That's what I found when I did a google search on breaking weight loss plateaus. They all say more or less the same thing. The last article recommends drinking green tea, which is something that I haven't heard before. I think I'm going to try to work that into my day and see if it gets me anywhere.

    Ok, I am going to add green tea into my daily routine! Anybody heard about using apple cider vinegar to help? 2 tsp in water?

    Anyways, i read that it's easy to fall prey to being discouraged when making a change in our lives and one way to help is to look at how far we have come, rather than how much more to change. So, for all of you up there, shall we take a look at how far we have come, and try not to focus on how much more to go?
  • molberts
    molberts Posts: 35
    I'm following the Dukan plan and have lost 11lbs, but I've been stuck at the same weight for 10 days now :cry: Doesnt seem that long I know but after an initial loss of 5lbs then a steady drop of 2-ish lbs a week it's most disheartening. :ohwell:

    I think its because I usually work evenings but have had 5am starts instead this week - my body doesnt know which end is up! I think i may not have been eating enough either and definitely havent been exercising enough - i usually bring my dogs for long walks but apart from one day this week there's been torrential rain!

    Have increased my food and hopefully will see a loss when I'm back in my regular routine of working and walking next week :smile:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Ok, I am going to add green tea into my daily routine! Anybody heard about using apple cider vinegar to help? 2 tsp in water?

    Yeah, I'm looking into trying some green tea too. I just made a thread about it actually, so any of you green tea users take a look, lol. And I know nothing about any kind of vinegar, but I'd try alot of different things, hehe.

    I've increased my workouts and got some protein mix yesterday so I'm just waiting to see if anything happens this coming Sunday...
  • marybethbeech
    Sigh....weighed myself this morning and I am 156 lbs :( I have been anywhere from 154 - 158 lbs these past few weeks. If I see 153 I will totally squeal with delight.....if I see 152 I just might cry, lol.

    I think some changes I might make is doing strength training for 30 minutes every other day. I also need to start running, not walking, as my daily exercise....I got lazy for a few weeks when I realized that if I walked fast enough it still burned cals but I need to start running! For 30 minutes per day at a minimum, but I'll up it to 60 minutes to every other day or every 2 or 3 days if I feel like it. Also, drink more green tea. I've been cutting back on drinking tea (the most I typically drink nowadays is 1 cup a day....)

    I'm just so worried I'll be 154 - 158 lbs forever!! And it's my goal to be 150 lbs by the end of this month (even if I have to starve myself a day, I really need to see this number...) so I gotta start working my butt off.

    I know how you feel! I think 155-ish my just be my body's natural shape. It's still on the high end of my BMI range, though. I would really love to be closer to the middle.
  • marybethbeech
    Ok, I am going to add green tea into my daily routine! Anybody heard about using apple cider vinegar to help? 2 tsp in water?

    Yeah, I'm looking into trying some green tea too. I just made a thread about it actually, so any of you green tea users take a look, lol. And I know nothing about any kind of vinegar, but I'd try alot of different things, hehe.

    I've increased my workouts and got some protein mix yesterday so I'm just waiting to see if anything happens this coming Sunday...

    I'll go check out your thread! There are a lot of really good green tea threads in the forums. I read a lot about it before I added it to my diet. I'm about to go have my first cup for the day!

    good luck, everybody! When do you guys want to do weigh-ins?
  • happy115
    happy115 Posts: 68
    I wonder if that's my problem too
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I vote for Friday mornings to weigh in. It's before the weekend (which are the problem days for some haha) and it's also after the week, which is where most people have a solid schedule where they can incorporate exercise.
    If we do choose Friday mornings, we should wait a week, of course, lol.
  • marybethbeech
    I'm following the Dukan plan and have lost 11lbs, but I've been stuck at the same weight for 10 days now :cry: Doesnt seem that long I know but after an initial loss of 5lbs then a steady drop of 2-ish lbs a week it's most disheartening. :ohwell:

    I think its because I usually work evenings but have had 5am starts instead this week - my body doesnt know which end is up! I think i may not have been eating enough either and definitely havent been exercising enough - i usually bring my dogs for long walks but apart from one day this week there's been torrential rain!

    Have increased my food and hopefully will see a loss when I'm back in my regular routine of working and walking next week :smile:

    What is the Dukan plan?
  • marybethbeech
    I vote for Friday mornings to weigh in. It's before the weekend (which are the problem days for some haha) and it's also after the week, which is where most people have a solid schedule where they can incorporate exercise.
    If we do choose Friday mornings, we should wait a week, of course, lol.

    Let's do it Friday morning. I could use a week before my next weigh in.

    I got EA Sports Active for the Wii yesterday and started the 30 day challenge. I've done it twice and it is KICKING MY BUTT! Have any of guys tried it? It makes the WiiFit feel like taking a bubble bath!