ChairmanWow Member


  • Former Caribou Coffee barista here. The whole mold thing comes across to me as a bit of snake oil salesmanship. A long time ago, when it took inordinate amounts of time (and money) to get fresh coffee beans, the presence of molds could be a quality control issue. But beans are kept much fresher these days, are shipped…
  • My weight has dropped off a cliff after bouncing around the same few pounds for all of May. Maybe it was too much protein, or maybe it was too much alcohol, or maybe it was too much artificial sweeteners. The only thing I've been really consistent with for Just One June is having no artificial sweeteners. I feel a ton…
  • Just meat May was hit or miss in terms of weight loss. Pretty much stayed the same weight all month. So far this month I have avoided diet sodas and I've upped my fat intake and decreased protein. Now the weight is coming off finally. New lowest weight today.
  • :smiley: Once you pop, you can't stop!
    in Gosh Comment by ChairmanWow June 2015
  • May 1: 222.2 May 8: 221.6 May 15: 224.2 May 22: 219.4 May 30: 219.6 Too much of the wife's low-carb birthday cheesecake. Still, overall, loss for the month.
  • Made taco meat last night. Did not drain. Was delicious. I stand both chastened and enlightened.
  • I save the beef fat, but I haven't used it for anything for human consumption. My dog, however, is feeling very spoiled. Do you all save it just like bacon grease? I strain my bacon grease through a coffee filter to remove any of the little bacon pebbles. Not because I'm opposed to bacon pebbles but just because I had read…
  • ha! C'mon! I don't want to eat taco flavored ground beef soup. :smile:
  • We've been buying at least 80/20 or fattier, but I wonder if it is really the best bang for your buck. I browned 3 pounds of 75/25 the other week and weighed it after I drained it, the result being only 2 pounds of ground beef. 1/3 of the price lost in water and rendered fat. So that leads me to wonder if leaner ground…
  • May 1: 222.2 May 8: 221.6 May 15: 224.2 May 22: 219.4 Yay!
  • Fruit Fly July - Beginner - No fruit for the month. Offal (Awful) August - Intermediate - Two servings (at least) of offal per week. Beeftember - Advanced - Only beef or beef products (cheese, cream). Stocktober - Beginner - One serving of broth (chicken or beef) per day in place of water. Full-on Fast Friday -…
  • May 1: 222.2 May 8: 221.6 May 15: 224.2 On May 9, I hit my lowest weight of 220.4. But then my wife and I splurged with Chipotle that evening for a date. Still low carb, I think maybe 20 overall, but a splurge none the less when I've been eating less than 5 a day for the better part of a month. Frustratingly, I feel like…
  • I just realized that what I wrote above makes no sense! Call me sleep-deprived.
  • Yeah, I haven't been supplementing at all, so I'll give that a try. Seems like supplementation would be the way to go then, since meat doesn't seem to have a lot. I was trying to avoid supplementation for the month, thinking I could get everything I needed. Sodium - ok, that's easy. How would a meativore get enough…
  • Is anybody else having trouble sleeping? Ever since I went zero carb, I feel like my sleeping has gotten worse. I wake up a lot easier, and feel generally less rested during the day. Sometimes I wake up with what my mom likes to call "monkey brains," where my brain is going a-mile-a-minute at 3 a.m. Thanks.
  • Ukrainian, Italian, Lithuanian, Scottish. I have no idea what to do with that, but probably a lot of cabbage.
  • Starting weight 222.2 Current weight 221.6 Kinda bumped up in weight and then back down through the week. We've done much better at meal planning, going to the store every other day instead of once per week. This is helping us keep the meat and veggies (for the kids) fresh, and wasting a lot less. The kids seem pretty on…
  • If you have a french press, you can just put everything in and pump the plunger up and down a bunch of times. Completely quiet and creates a good immersion.
  • I've been a bit hit or miss on the artificial sweeteners, but have maintained zero carb since May 1. The scale hasn't moved, in fact, went up a bit, but all of the sudden I can fit into some of my old XL shirts I had stashed away. Color me excited!
  • I thought I'd give a first day overview. You know, for commiseration. So, I did good eating. BPC and bacon for breakfast, 8 oz sirloin for lunch, a couple pieces of pepperoni, and crackling chicken for dinner. So far so good. But oh my god the urge to break the diet was strong. I wanted soda or alcohol or some sort of…
  • I am more than brave enough! :wink: I accepted that dare AND bothered to read a bunch of the other posts. and thanks!
  • Here is my current trend: Starting weight: 238.5 on 3/20 - the day I started keto Current weight: 222.2 I've been 99% zero carb for the last month, but I have been having alcohol and diet sodas and such. I quit alcohol a couple of days ago and will be doing just water for May. My goals, other than to lose weight, is to…
  • That doesn't sound odd at all. I held the container of oil all the way out to the recycling bin, and it gave me bad feelings the whole way. Smelling the oil didn't really make me feel gross, but when I smelled the smoked chicken again, I immediately felt sick. BTW - I like that I know someone from Australia now. :smile:
  • I was having nuts, but they are just a bit too tempting. Except black walnuts. Those things are terrible.
  • That is the exactly description of how I felt. Motion-sickness. I don't think I've ever felt that way from chicken, or if I did, I must have ascribed it to something else. I think I'm going to lay off the chicken for a bit. Even if it wasn't the exact cause, I can't say I'm psyched about having any.
  • I hear ya. So, when my mom comes to visit, she brings a lot of products. Things that seem healthy, many things that are not. She bought a JUG of that stuff at Ollie's for $7. She's not about to pass up a bargain, regardless of the product. The stuff is truly weird. I feel like the marketing must be "All the smell of olive…
  • Thanks for all the advice. I guess my suspicion is mostly with the canola as well. It wasn't even straight canola - Olivextra Franken-oil. Smells like olive, cooks like canola. Weird. I did use a lot of it, and although it never used to hurt my tum, I…
  • Nope. Either a dry pan or coconut oil. Not sure if I've had any canola oil since I started the diet, except for maybe in a salad dressing. I've only been having Ken's Buttermilk Ranch and Ken's Blue Cheese; they seem to have the highest fat and the lowest carb.
  • What is this Taramasalata and is it delicious? I have never heard of it before.
  • A few year's ago, my wife and I tried to do the Whole30 thing. Only lasted two weeks. We lost a bunch of weight, but like every diet we had ever tried before, we didn't have the willpower to stick with it. Everything we have ever tried related to dieting has been like that. The whole start-strong, summer-camp excitement of…