

  • I added you! I've lost 80 total since my highest weight and would love to lose least 90 more. So welcome and hi!
  • So in those moments do you refuse the food? Throw it out? Ask him to help you be accountable by not bringing it in? Curious to know how you handle it.
  • That is SO great! Progress is progress! Keep us updated on how it goes! :wink: :smile:
  • Be careful girl, don't be manipulated..... He needs to change for himself, not you. He needs to become the man he wants and needs to be regardless of if you stay or go.
  • I so understand your last paragraph. I know what that's like. My husband has high bp, high cholesterol and borderline gout.
  • This is so what I want my hubby to do---take responsibility for his health.
  • ' I so relate to this! Seriously, my husband has done similar things and you think to yourself "REALLY, here I am most of the time eating so healthy, I splurge and THEN you comment." I relate. :-)
  • I think if he isn't willing to put in the work, you've got a big decision. I'd look for a transitional housing program or a safe women's shelter in your area. (This is part of what I do for a living, so let me know if you need help locating one.) You either need to go or make a choice to stay and just change yourself.…
  • Amazing job! Wow, you are an inspiration. So, when's a book coming out!?
  • I can understand how you might feel, but maybe you can hold that to the backburner and focus on what the best enviroment is for your kids. Having them around that aggression cannot be good or healthy. Have you thought about family or couple counseling? Somewhere where you can work out your issues? It sounds like you both…
  • I so get this...sometimes my husband will be eating something TOTALLY unhealthy and I completely cave and eat it too...It's hard when someone is not exactly on the same page...but I'm finding it gets easier as I learn healtheir habits to not let his affect mine as much. Maybe you can talk to him about your…
  • Things that have helped me: -iodine supplements...if you use sea salt (uniodized) you aren't getting iodine for your thyroid and your thyroid needs it to regulate your metabolism -eat as naturally as possible. Fruits, veggies, grassfed beef and poultry, cut out processed junk -eat little meals throughout the day, every few…
  • Oh man! Well done! I cannot wait to be in Onderland!!!! Sending you a friend request!
  • Welcome Paulineg1977~~ I was at almost 300 at 5'5 about two years ago and it gets easier! Just remember to keep going! You can do this and get healthy!
  • Oh man, I understand the double burden thing, and the whole sabotaging each other (weak moments versus strong moments thing too.) It's really hard and I think if you let it it can create a rift. But I've been trying my best to just 'love' him the way he is, where he is, and continue on my journey, even if he's lagging…
  • You look amazing! Great job!
  • That last paragraph...yes I SO get that! It's hard enough to exercise your own willpower but then to have it against someone who is continually eating what they's frustrating as heck!
  • duuuuuude. Well said! And encouraging! Thanks!
  • Wow! You are awesome, you can come and clean and cook at my house anytime! So when you get into those arguments how do you settle it?
  • My husband eats treats too in a matter of hours! I'll bake cookies thinking I can eat on them for days, come home and they are gone! I've given up monitoring him because if I do, he just sneaks food. I'm hoping my healthy habits will inspire him.....however I've also entertained that if it gets too bad it might literally…
  • "I am so tired of having to make concessions for his weight ---- can't fly because we'd have to buy two seats, can't do anything outdoors because he can't walk far or do any kind of exertion without panting like a dog, can't have sex (I won't go there), etc. etc." I've felt like this too, my husband is 400lbs and 5'8 and…
  • Okay, so I decided we need a group for this, so I started one: Please come join if you have a spouse/partner/bf/gf who is overweight. It's challenging because you are focused on your own journey but live with someone who also may have the same…
  • Smurfymom, Glad I'm not the only one! I think I'm going to start a group! Cause it's hard!
  • Here's a TDEE calc:
  • Great Job! What an inspiration!
  • Don't give up. Consider a few things first: -Your calories actually may be too low, throwing your body into starvation mode (meaning it holds on to fat like it's going out of style). -Look at your sodium intake. Salt and Carbs both make us retain water. -If you are exercising is your heartrate between what it needs to be…
  • Congrats and well done! Also I friended you because I definitely need friends who are farther down the road then I am!
  • Friended ya! Done and Done!
  • I feel you. I did this forever, dieting than falling off. I've realized I have to stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a lifestyle change, and when you change your lifestyle you don't just change your eating and exercising. You change your priorities, your habits, your boundaries. It's harder, but I think…