I need encouragment!!!



  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    In the future, remember this. If you have built a healthy and active lifestyle, then ONE high calorie/low activity day will not harm you. The trick is to build yourself up to that to begin with.
  • I feel you. I did this forever, dieting than falling off. I've realized I have to stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a lifestyle change, and when you change your lifestyle you don't just change your eating and exercising. You change your priorities, your habits, your boundaries. It's harder, but I think you'll end up sticking to it longer. I know I am. The trick is to continue even if you have a bad day or fall off the wagon...I'm learning that I can make mistakes and still get back up.
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    I would love to try to give you encouragement. Like you I have done them all and I'm actually good at it. I'm an RN. I have lots of knowledge about nutrition and health. I think I could write the perfect book on how to lose weight! So why am still struggling? Because, like you when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard. I work as hard and fast as I can to gain it all back. ( which doesn't take long at all ). So, like you and possibly MANY others we have to figure out how to 'fall off' and quickly get back on! Abad day is just a bad day. It doesn't have to turn into a bad 6 mos LETs DO IT.
    Anybody else out there that know how to do it and have done it but just can't avoid falling in to all the traps that turn this weight loss in to just another yo- yo diet? Let's help each other. I personally am usuall good for just about two months .... Three tops.
  • jodieh06
    jodieh06 Posts: 49
    i find encouragement through tumblr, a blogging site. There are some amazing people on there trying to get through their own weight loss journeys, so i added a few to my favourites and check them out a few times a day. It reminds me of my goals as well as giving great tips and exercise ideas :)