Just want to give up



  • I've always heard that stressing out can be a huge factor in not losing weight. I don't think you should give up just yet. Maybe you should change up your workouts, your body may need a change up. Also, it helps if you are drinking your water. It could be possible that you aren't eating enough of your calories back after a workout and your body goes into starvation mode and refuses to change. Anyways, I sincerely hope that you don't give up! Everyone has days where they want to give up but it is important that you don't. You may want to go to the dr. and talk about the issues your having with weight loss, have you ever had your thyroid checked??


    P.S. the skinny girls trying to lose weight annoy me too! :)

    I had my thyroid checked out a few years ago. My gyno dr called my thyroid dr a quack. B/c he told my gyno that my thyroid was inactive and we knew it wasn't. My thyroid is a problem but until I can get my insurance back and I can't have anything done yet. Sucks too. My thyroid is a roller coaster itself. One test it will be hyper and the next test it will be hypo. It's really doing flips. lol But I know not to give up. Just today feels like it.
  • You aren't doing weights? Well that is something you should DEFINITELY do then. If you gain weight during weight training you'll probably see a 3 lb gain (especially if you are sore) due to water and it'll quickly disappear after a few days.

    Honestly, no exercise routine is complete without weight training. It's A MUST! Muscle will increase your metabolism and help you start to lose fat.

    Before giving up PLEASE try adding some strength training first. Give it a few months and see what happens. I PROMISE you will at least FEEL slimmer if not start to look slimmer and even see it on the scale.

    Just got off the phone with the gym. I go in later today and have the trainer walk me through the weight training part of our gym plus she will also set goals with me on how much cardio and weight training to do every day. I normally do cardio every day b/c I LOVE to walk on the treadmill and listen to my music. So we shall see.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I cannot tell you how many times I've felt the same way - please dont give up.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Not much more to say than what has been said. A lifestyle change is incredibly difficult.

    If you care to open your diary (or lock it with a key and share the key), I could give you more specific advice :)
  • mowfaux
    mowfaux Posts: 38
    I'm not losing weight quickly either, but I am losing inches.

    Maybe you should stay off the scale and measure yourself instead?
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    I've felt the same way, sometimes still do. Don't give up! I'm over 40 and have started to notice that I REALLY need to start weight lifting because I've noticed that my muscles are smaller than they used to be and I know that's part of the reason I'm losing so slowly. Stick around and do this with us.
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I feel exactly the same way today. For the past two days i've been under my allowed calories and have been very proud of myself for that, however i've only gained weight and i'm so frustrated! I'm really re-thinking this whole diet thing. Honestly I don't even know how i'm going to get through today. I'm just taking it moment by moment and hoping I don't end up eating everything in the house!
  • I don't plan on giving up. I know that this is gonna happen.

    I used be 120lbs when I was in school. I graduated in 03 and I weighed like 120 to 125. Now I'm 263 and I'm 26 going on 27 and I've been out of school for 8 years. I gained another me.

    I know this is for me and not a wedding but I can't help but think that this for the wedding. B/c well the wedding started me off on the weight lost track. If it wasn't for my best friend asking me to be her maid of honor. I wouldn't be here b/c she is the one who got me thinking about my lifestyle.
    Also it's so hard to do this by urself. I know no one at my gym so I have no workout buddies and well I'm not gonna say that I never try but I'm shy and it's hard for me to open up to people b/c everyone is so judgmental and sometimes even them just looking at me makes me feel like I wanna crawl back into the dark hole. So I have found it's easier for me to just exercise by myself and tread this journey by myself as far as the gym goes and turn to MFP for my support but nothing beats having a person standing beside you pushing u that much more at the gym.
    Every day is a new day and there is days when we all wanna give up. Just today happened to be my day.
    I have mini goals and they are to lose two lbs every two weeks.
    Its nice to see that no matter what there is support on MFP. Thank you all.
  • vinkariz
    vinkariz Posts: 17
    I know how you feel. I have the same problem but you can't give up. I always have to remind myself that it's a long process. It doesn't happen quickly. Take all the good suggestions and consider how they might help you. I started taking water aerobics and it's great. You have the resistance from the water but you don't feel it as much because you are supported by the water. I lost eight lbs in 4 weeks after a long time period of no weight loss. I go the the YMCA and it' s not that expensive. I felt funny putting on a bathing suit but when I got there I saw I wasn't the only one there with a weight issue. Everyone was friendly and I enjoy it very much. It hardly feels like exercise but I feel sore the next day. For me....water, water water. Boy if I don't drink the water the scale just won't move. Weigh and measure everything....another thing I was slow to do. It makes a difference. Watch the salt intake. After too much salt I'll easily gain a few lbs. If I have a time where I'm not drinking water, not watching the salt intake and sitting on my butt I can gain 10lbs in two weeks. Everyone says that's not possible but it is for me. It's all water weight! I retain water like crazy. Anyway, maybe none of this will ring true for you but don't give up. Whatever you do don't compare yourself to those skinny girls. I know it's hard but they are who they are and you are who you are. Be your own best friend. Don't get down on yourself! At the very least, when you know you are doing everything you can do ,you can go to bed at night knowing you did your best....not that feeling we all know so well ...the oh I screwed up again feeling. Keep going.............
  • Don't give up. Consider a few things first:

    -Your calories actually may be too low, throwing your body into starvation mode (meaning it holds on to fat like it's going out of style).
    -Look at your sodium intake. Salt and Carbs both make us retain water.
    -If you are exercising is your heartrate between what it needs to be to be called "aerobic" (if it's not at your ideal heart rate for aerobic activity you won't burn fat) or is it too high so that it's "anaerobic". To get your max heart rate its roughly 220 minus your age. http://www.brianmac.co.uk/maxhr.htm
    -Check your bloodsugar and insulin levels by going to the doctor. You could be prediabetic or have insulin resistance and if so, eating too many carbs, even if you are under your cal limit will translate into fat stored because your body lacks the capability to break the glucose down.

    You are worth the work it will take to consider these things and find out which is inhibiting weight loss. You are strong and you can overcome this slump!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Same with me.... but..... I got a bodybuggSP and now I am seeing results again! MFP and even my Polar FT7 HRM were all giving me too high of numbers on exercise calories burned!!! So that's why I had little to no results. I have a slow thyroid so I was skeptical that my numbers were wrong....they were. You should look into getting a bodybugg. the food data base sucks so use MFP for that. If your tight on cash as most people are.....you can look for used ones on ebay.... but if you go to the www.bodybugg.com site and make a free apex account they give you a $50 discount if you buy one in the first month and a FREE 6 month subscription to the calorie tracking system! :):flowerforyou:

    Good luck!!