I've stopped losing weight, please help me

I workout 3-4 times a week, and I try to stay close to my calorie count for the day as well, but I'm just not losing weight. The first time this happend I figured it was a plateau, and then 2 weeks later or so I lost 3 pounds. however, I haven't lost any since then either. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? or what I should be doing different?


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It appears you lose in spurts and stutters. Keep up the good work and more will come off! You have to be patient with your body, it doesn't always understand what you're trying to have it do!
  • sjanbrown
    sjanbrown Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks, I used to lose about 2 pound a week, and now it just seems to not want to come off. Very frustrating. Thankfully I have really good friends that keep me motivated and going to the gym. :)
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Maybe look at the types of food you're eating. Your diary seems to be filled with a ton of junk and processed foods?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It is very frustrating. I lose the same way. I'll lose 5 or 6, then stop completely for weeks. Then lose some more, and stop. It sucks, but if you watch carefully, it happens to a LOT of people!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Your diary has a lot of processed junk. It might help to replace some of that with natural fruits and veggies.
  • I've also experienced significan periods of plateau. Weeks in fact. I got the advice of upping my caloric intake so I changed from my WFP recommended 1695 to 2200. Miraculously, it worked like a champ. I immediately dropped 2.2 pounds. I think the thing to remember is don't do the same thing more than three weeks at a time. You have to change it up. I firmly believe you will see more results if you change your patterns of practice and caloric intake.
  • hocuspogas
    hocuspogas Posts: 2 Member
    Some times you have to change it up, Eat normal for a few days and then reduce calories.
  • I workout 3-4 times a week, and I try to stay close to my calorie count for the day as well, but I'm just not losing weight. The first time this happend I figured it was a plateau, and then 2 weeks later or so I lost 3 pounds. however, I haven't lost any since then either. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? or what I should be doing different?

    I feel your pain - it took me 3 weeks of calorie counting and really slogging away at the gym before I lost ANY weight. Then lost a bit more the following 2 weeks then nothing for 3 weeks. Today I moved off the plateau again (another 3lbs gone - 13 in 10 weeks). It sometimes seems sooooo hard, and slow slow slow but it does come off eventually if you stick at it.

    Bloomin annoying though - especially when you're as impatient as I am!!
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    as long as you eat under your calorie limit the foods you eat are most likely not going to have effect on your weight loss.. yet they usually contain a ton of sodium and can cause water retention which can hide your true fat loss... a interesting read on this is the link below.. take a look... it happens to most people and they don't even realize it.


  • a few ideas...cut processed foods. eat 1 ingredient only foods. such as eggs, salad, mixed nuts, chicken..the list goes on.
    STAY AWAY FROM POTATOES, WHITE OR WHEAT BREAD. THEY ARE STARCHES THEY TURN TO SUGAR. Do pita veggie sandwhiches with a light mayo pr avacado instead of mayo. drink lots and lots of water i drink about 12 glasses a day. do a detox. or laxativ to reset your system.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I would probably stop eating cookies for breakfast and maybe switch to fruit/protein.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    I workout 3-4 times a week, and I try to stay close to my calorie count for the day as well, but I'm just not losing weight. The first time this happend I figured it was a plateau, and then 2 weeks later or so I lost 3 pounds. however, I haven't lost any since then either. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? or what I should be doing different?

    After taking a browse at your diary/log I have to agree with other posters in this thread. Replace a good amount of your processed foods with healthier options. If it's easier for you to eat pre-packaged foods pick up a good book called Eat This Not That Supermarket and Restaurant edition.

    For example replace your Girl Scout cookies for breakfast with Oatmeal and egg whites, if you adore pizza buy Boboli Whole Wheat pizza "dough", grated fat free mozarella cheese, seasoned ground turkey breast (seasoned with fennel seed, bit of garlic, paprika, pinch of real salt, and cumin to emulate sausage).
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Eat healthy and eat clean. Junk food won't get you anywhere. It is the problem, Lean proteins, healthy grains, fruits and veggies. You have to eat them to lose weight and keep it off for good. Once you get to your goal, once in a while splurge a little, but this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good Luck.
  • ebenso1
    ebenso1 Posts: 39 Member
    I recommend taking your measurements if you haven't already. I haven't lost a single pound in 2 weeks time but I have somehow managed to lose a total of 6 inches from my belly, butt and thighs! The scale is sometimes a dirty little liar! Don't get discouraged! If you keep eating healthy and exercise regularly the weight won't be able to do anything but melt off! Keep it up!
  • Psufilmgirl
    Psufilmgirl Posts: 93 Member
    I'd say way more protein and way less carbs, the processed kinds. That's really helped me. Also, I don't keep cookies in my house. Or pizza. I have one meal a week where I eat something I wouldn't normally.
  • Biscuit293
    Biscuit293 Posts: 2 Member
    Agree about the type of food you are eating. You can't save all of your calories up to eat large amounts of high-fat junk food and expect to get the same results as if you eat smaller amounts of highly nutritious food throughout the day.
  • Things that have helped me:

    -iodine supplements...if you use sea salt (uniodized) you aren't getting iodine for your thyroid and your thyroid needs it to regulate your metabolism
    -eat as naturally as possible. Fruits, veggies, grassfed beef and poultry, cut out processed junk
    -eat little meals throughout the day, every few hours
    -eat back your exercise calories
    -try only weighing every two weeks, the more you focus on what's not coming off...the more deflated your drive will be.
  • I workout 3-4 times a week, and I try to stay close to my calorie count for the day as well, but I'm just not losing weight. The first time this happend I figured it was a plateau, and then 2 weeks later or so I lost 3 pounds. however, I haven't lost any since then either. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? or what I should be doing different?

    Hay there..
    When loosing weight and working out the main thing to remember when goin by your weight is muscle is heavier then fat.
    You may still be loosing fat but gaining muscle so try not to get disheartened.

    Instead of weighting yourself, take measurments of key areas and only check and log them every 3 ~ 4 week.
    Doing it too often (less then 3~4 weeks) can again be disheartened as your not giving your body enough time to adjust.

    Mix you your workout routine a little and try using a HIIT (High-intensity interval training) routine in your work out
    these have been proven to be very effective for fat burnig.

    For example, start with 30 seconds of a very high intensity so you really feel the burn, then rest for 2 mins. Repeat this up to 10 times.

    When you start getting use to this, increase the intensity time and decrease the rest time


    Stage 1. intensity 30secs - Rest 2mins
    Stage 2. intensity 60secs - Rest 1 min
    Stage 3. intensity 90 secs - Rest 30 secs

    When you get to stage 3 you can increase the load or speed of what ever you are using
    then start back at stage 1. - So if you use a treadmill either increase the speed or / and incline.

    Hope this helps - good luck
  • tothetop23
    tothetop23 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm shocked that nobody has suggested possibly lowering calories. Or perhaps eating at maintenance for a week and seeing how your body responds.

    I will never argue that Pizza is healthier than an apple. But weight loss can and will happen if you are on a caloric deficit. The processed foods can contain high sodium which may increase your water retention, making it appear you are at a plateau. My advice is to give it another week and then consider reducing your calories further if your weight remains unchanged.

    Do not buy into the notion that somehow eating 2,000 calories of apples will make you lose weight but 2,000 calories of "junk" won't. A lot of people say things like this but conveniently check out when they realize that such a suggestion plainly defies human physics.

    Calories in, calories out. Think more protein, more water, and putting a sensible cap on your sodium intake. Enjoy life, enjoy your food, and enjoy your body. Do it your way, not what conventional wisdom (a wisdom that is failing people everyday) tells you to do.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    You can eat whatever you want as long as it's below your TDEE for weight loss (of course healthy eating is healthier, haha) but high sodium foods can lead to water retention which can mask your actual weight loss. If you're new to lifting weights, or you lift weights harder than normal the day before weigh in it can cause fluid retention which can also mask some weight loss on the scales. Just a few things to think about for eating before weigh in day and maybe choosing a day that doesn't follow a weight lifting day.