vemaddox Member


  • I know i need to quit but right now im not sure right now if i currently going through a divorce where my husband is leaving me for a girl 9 years younger than him (only been married for 2 years)...ive only been smoking for like 3 months and only smoke about about a half a pack a going to try and quit…
  • I would say stay low only as a precaution...I know my treadmil says something different than MFP. I try to use the lower one only cause i dont want to shoot myself in the foot on calories later
  • If anyone needs friends you can always add me
  • heres the thing about calorie intake....if your not taking in enough your body goes into starvation more and stores everything. i know u said you uped ur calorie intake but r losing slowly now. maybe ur still not at ur magic calorie intake number. try maybe adding a few more. also what is ur normal calorie burn? how hard…
    in help! Comment by vemaddox March 2012
  • I am on the medi weight loss program where you eat high protien and very low carbs (about 26 net carbs a day). If you havnt done so already try cutting out the starchy veggies. you are getting carbs through the other veggies. i have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks, i go in tomorrow for my week 3 weigh in. if you do decided to add…
  • i agree as well about the classes. its a nice change of pace
  • with the calorie intake, when u log ur exercises it subtracts from what ur calories where. what you do with those extra calories is up to you. for example lets say you ate all 1250 calories but burned 200 cals so it would be like you only ate 1050 cals that day. some people will eat those extra 200 cals some people dont.…
  • Can I add one more thing? This maybe more my rant but if someone asks for input about a new diet they are starting and others have used (myself i just started using medi weight loss clinics) give encouragement even if you may not agree with it. Telling them its a fad diet and its never going to work and they just need to…
    in Rant Comment by vemaddox March 2012
  • Thanks Kay...luckily i do have hubby to support me. I know you can do it too. I like it so far cause its reteaching me what i lost....i ate junk for the longest time and didnt care about portions or anything...its kinda nice to have to force myself to do it again
  • its actually not a quick fix...yes the first week is restrictive because you are trying to detox and getting your body ready...however after that food its added in little by little and you learn portions, whats ok, good and best for you to eat. its also doctor supervised
  • no its different from Medi Fast...Medi fast has alot of powder things that you mix with water. With the medi weight loss the first week you eat lean meats and eggs
  • ok so i will post my starting weight on here as beginning weight for decemeber is 212...yes i gained all the weight i had lost back plus some
  • that walk looks interesting to do...I know i will be on vacation from the 21st through the 28.. I will still weigh in (hopefully the cabin will have a scale.) we will be in the mountain and be doing a lot of hiking
  • I definatley need to do something to get my butt back in gear...I know it sounds sad but when my hubby saw how much i weighed on sunday...he said i wasnt allowed back on facebook until i lost at least 12 lbs....i know sad....i seem to do better when i actually have to post results and stuff....
  • lets kick some more booty this week...we can do it girls!!!! try something new this week....we tend to get into the same routine cause its working...shake things up a little bit....maybe try a class that you have always wanted to try....maybe a new workout video....just try something new this week
  • Good Morning Ladies!!! ok here is this weeks mini challenge.....we have been spending alot of time working out and maybe forgeting that we r ladies....(besides showering i dont really dress up and do stuff like i use to) so for this weeks mini challenge its to get back to ourselves....spend a lil extra time on your hair,…
  • Woohoo lets kick some booty Ok here is the lil mini challenge.....since things r startibg to get really intense the mini challenge is to add at least 5 minutes of some sort of stretching whether its yoga or just plain stretching...torn, hurt, or over worked muscles r no good
  • Good evening....hope eveyone had a wonderful labor day! day 1 mission complete tomorrows mini challenge is 2 sets of 15 tricep extensions i am having a very busy busy week this week...i will be off and on as much as I can be
  • Day 2 complete Starting off the day doing some mega house cleaning.....oh the joy
  • day one - mission complete did 100 crunches, 30 squat kicks, 30 tricep extentions, 2 sets of 21's, 50 jumping jacks
  • if you wanna do your home body fat test try this website...i know gary posted this website a while ago.....i just redid are my results Your Results You have 35.3% body fat. You have 69.2 Pounds of fat and 126.8 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water). website:…
  • Yes we are still going to have mini challenges...i figured give everyone these first few days to get into the challenge and on monday (or sunday night) start posting mini challenges....i need to figure a better time to get my workouts barley getting them in now since i started back not a big morning…
  • Im so sorry I wasnt on yesterday...It was the first day of school with the students and just so busy when i got home.....I'm sorry i let you all as co-cap yesterday...i will try to be better today! hope everyone is having a wonderful day today... i will start back up the mini challenges next monday since that is the first…
  • Hey ladies, Im happy to be in the group! You can call me ginny. I am the co- cap. I'll be posting mini challenges through out the week and lil tibits of stuff. I lost 4 pounds in august...august for me was just getting back on track...i hope to lose more this challenge
  • ok so i got this reciepe like a week ago from BLC (biggest loser club) and im gonna make it tonight...hubby loves cucumbers and said he would be willing to try it here is the reciepe Typically, this classic salad is made by dressing the cucumbers with full-fat sour cream or heavy cream. We lighten the salad by using…
  • Day 4 mission complete Mini challenge 50 lateral raises There is barley anyone posting now..where is everyone
  • Hello! day 3 mission complete mini challenge - 3 sets of 20 tricep extensions i feel like i am racing to get my workout in every night before i go to bed with working now....dont get me wrong i love my new teaching also not a big morning person...any suggestions?
  • Day2 Mission Complete mini challenge 3 sets of 20 push ups so i signed my daughter up for girl scouts last night and I am gonna be her troop leader...excited to do that except that means selling those absolutly yummy girl scout cookies!