

  • You could be bingeing due to not eating enough, or feeling deprived of certain foods. I think you should evaluate what you eat on a normal day, and if needed, up your calories. Try to also include a small amount of your favourite foods (or binge foods if you can), so that you don't feel so deprived.
  • I think if you upped your calories to 1500 or thereabout, you would probably give your metabolism a boost and break through the plateau :)
  • To be honest, I don't think anyone is really proud to have an eating disorder. I think a lot of people, particularly those in the early stages of an eating disorder, kid themselves they're happy and they're doing an amazing thing, simply because if they accepted how awful it was they may then start to eat more normally.…
  • No. I agree that looks don't determine what they know and how much they can teach, but you look for someone who will motivate you as a trainer. I (and most people) would be far more motivated by someone who was more physically fit and could actively push you, rather than someone who is unlikely to be in good shape…
  • I am recovering from EDNOS/Anorexia. I'm aiming to maintain my weight now, or gain muscle :)
  • I'm a med student too, I'm only in my second year though so I'm probably not as busy as you! I like to plan out a working schedule, with breaks, so I don't feel guilty about exercising in my breaks as I know I wouldn't be working then anyway. It doesn't need to be a gym or anything. I do sit ups and press ups in the…
  • For me a cheat day is allowing myself to give into the indulgences I often deny myself! Mainly Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream (and more often than not, the whole 500L :D), and crisps. Man I think I have an entire emotional relationship with crisps. Specifically salt and vinegar kettle chips, and oven roast chicken…
  • Thank you for the advice! To be honest I hadn't really considered how hard the actual race would be... it always looks so easy on the TV :P Haha, no I know it would be hard so I'm just going to take it as it comes! I'm doing my degree at the moment, and next year will hopefully only have about 5 hours of lectures a week,…
  • Also good luck to everyone training for or running a marathon! I am aspiring to be you :D
  • Thank you for the replies! I'm going to try my hardest to get a place, and once that happens.... argh! I'm going to try for a charity place, I want to run it for Beat (the UK eating disorder charity) so fingers crossed I get it :) I'm going to finish couch to 5k, and then do the 'boost to 10k' option. Then I will trawl the…
  • 20g oats with 100ml milk (I use light soya milk). Porridge! Total of 141 cals if you have it with sugar, 96 if you have it without!
  • I think it's possible that you're not eating enough. Your body could be in starvation mode. I think you should aim for a net of 1200 cals minimum per day, and you might see a boost in your weight loss. Also - BREAKFAST! Not only does it mean you eat less throughout the day, but it really does give your metabolism a boost…
  • Ah thank you! I just wasn't sure whether cutting down on 16 calories was worth it, but I think it would make me feel better psychologically!
  • I don't think you should lower your goal weight at all. Without meaning to be harsh, if you aren't happy with your body/yourself at this weight (which is on the lower end of healthy), then you won't be any happier with it at a lower weight. The answer needs to come from within you, rather than from the scales. Keep up your…
  • An entire packet of hobnobs in one afternoon
  • Yep, I think. broth. Like, basically stock. Good luck :/ !
  • I think you should avoid the scale until the end of your period. Your uterine lining builds up before your period, this is what the weight gain is. Sorry for being crude but if you think of the fluid expelled whilst on your period... it's quite a lot! And that's all in your system before your period starts. When I know I'm…
  • I would say eat, so you have your 1200 calories no matter if you don't feel hungry. If you eat less today you may get hungrier tomorrow and overeat, and if you haven't had 1200 yet I'm guessing you haven't eaten that much today. Treat yourself! A treat within your calorie limit now may prevent you eating the same thing…
  • Me :) I find it hard, and it is extremely hard to try and diet without slipping back into some old habits. I found that I would consistently fall short of my goal by about 100 cals, and then think "Well I may as well lower my goal then" and after a few days fall short of that goal by the same amount as well. I'm not sure…
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