Anorexia, Bulimia and all other eds!!!

I dont wanna offend anyone here but what is with all the girls on here with anorexia or bulimia. Its not something to be proud of and I worry about it. Your risking so much more than "gaining a few pounds" I'm only saying this because I've been there and have realised what I was doing to myself.. I didn't become some hideous beast of fattiness when I started eat right, if anything I looked better, healthier. Only reason I'm on here now is not to lose weight but to focus on being healthy and strong, cause thats better than sickly and skinny anyday. I really wish the best to all those girls out there that thinking having an ED is something to be proud of.


  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    It's not something to be proud of, but as someone who suffered with bulimia from age 17 until 22 on a costant basis & even found myself fighting it the last few years I know it is hard to stop/. I am new on here, so I haven't read anything about people being proud of it.

    Its certainly nothing to be ashamed of thats for sure, but I read a profile earlier this morning that made me worry.
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    That's why I'm on here, too! Learning to eat healthy, because I realized I don't exactly know how :/
  • khall9228
    Some girls do it to be cool, some do it cause they dont know how or lack the discipline to lose weight the right way. But more often than not, its a serious condition that they can't just snap out of. There's often a much deeper problem(s) behind the eating disorder that need to be addressed before they can get clean so to speak. Not to get too Freudian on u guys or anything but more often than not, I'd look at the parents and her relationship with them. It can reveal a lot. Either way sometimes its not something they can help and quit by themselves, just like most likely they didn't get started by themselves, they had some external influence that started it in the first place.
  • uncovering_me
    I've been struggling with my ED for years, and i want to get better sooo bad, but then again I don't think I deserve food at all. Everybody in my family calls me fat when I pick up something to eat, and when I don't eat they get concerned.. So in my eyes I am doing them a favor of not eating and losing weight so they won't call me fat anymore. It's a daily battle and it's something I don't wish on anybody.
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    I suppose its different for different people and something that you see as pro ED may not be exactly as it seems.

    As someone in recovery from an ED I use this site as it helps me know that I am eating the right amount of food. Its hard to get your portion sizes, calories etc right after years of restricting, binging etc.
    Also as with Holi I now have health problems due to years of bulimia, unfortunately hindsight & regret wont change this!
    I like speaking to people who have been through something similar - in my experience they understand a lot more than a person who hasnt experienced an ED.

    I do agree though Ruby, I think some people do use MFP to "help" them with their eating disorder. Unfortunately you are always going to get people being "proud" of their EDs, encouraging others to do that same etc. I suppose its a worry and the initial reaction is to want to help people in that situation, but I know from experience its very hard to help someone if they arent ready / dont want to be helped.

    Unfortunately thats the way of the world and the internet makes it easier for pro ED information to be spread! I think MFP deletes posts / possibly users when they notice this happening though??
  • ScrewedShadows
    I'm writing this as someone who has struggled with EDNOS - anorexia, bulimia, AND binge eating disorder... those who are on here that have an eating disorder aren't looking for attention, they aren't looking to glamorize eating disorders (well.. I can't say for everyone, it seems to be a thing to do now...), and they aren't here to try and flaunt... it's a way to see those who are eating healthy and try to learn from it. Most of my friends on MFP are healthy eaters, and I go onto their food journals and read what they're eating.. it makes me incredibly jealous/sick with myself to see that someone who could be so happy could eat a healthy amount.. while I'm so unhappy and eat so little.. I know you think this post is just your way of getting off your chest that people with EDs are in the wrong, but it's a mental disorder, you wouldn't be posting on here "Do you have depression? Get over it and be happy!"
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I think MFP deletes posts / possibly users when they notice this happening though??

    Yes. It's in the Community Guidelines:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    Point (d) is important. It's not the ED MFP has a "problem" with. Those dealing with EDs are encouraged to participate in the forums, to help themselves and each other work their way through it. What MFP has a problem with is people who are encouraging others to adopt an unhealthy lifestyle fall in the same category as people trying to sell dangerous snake oil - it's not the fact that they HAVE an ED, it's the fact that they are trying to draw others into it.

    Of course, the forum administrators are human beings, and they depend on people reporting such behavior along with other undesirable behaviors. That's what the "report" button is for.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    . those who are on here that have an eating disorder aren't looking for attention, they aren't looking to glamorize eating disorders (well.. I can't say for everyone, it seems to be a thing to do now...), and they aren't here to try and flaunt... it's a way to see those who are eating healthy and try to learn from it.

    Unfortunately there are people on this site who encourage/promote eating disorders.

    Fortunately, the moderators are usually pretty much on the ball and such stuff tends to vanish quickly, and after a few posts the user also vanishes.

    Appeals for help, request for advice, and even looking for attention (in the form of an outpouring of sympathetic support) are wonderful to see. Being a tiny part of helping encourage someone with an ED seek the help they need and start turning their life around... that's a beautiful thing to be a part of, even if it's a teeny little part.

    Few things make my day happier on this forum than seeing someone post "I'm calling the support line right now"

    And as far as learning healthy eating behaviors, that's basically what ALL of us are here for, no matter which end of the spectrum (too heavy or too light) we come from.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I think some of them go on here to get better and some of them come on here to
    A. get skinnier
    B. track their food (they aren't eating)
    C. find others like themselves

    Sorry for being rude/straight forward. :devil:
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    I think some of them go on here to get better and some of them come on here to
    A. get skinnier
    B. track their food (they aren't eating)
    C. find others like themselves

    Sorry for being rude/straight forward. :devil:

    Why say sorry if you don't seem to mean it?
  • Recovering_for_cupcakes
    I think some of them go on here to get better and some of them come on here to
    A. get skinnier
    B. track their food (they aren't eating)
    C. find others like themselves

    Sorry for being rude/straight forward. :devil:

    A. You're right a lot of us EDer's are. The rest of us are blatantly aware that we are killing ourselves slowly and desperately want to stop but don't know how or can't.
    B. Right on. A lot of tracking feeds ED behaviour. It can also indicate where we are lacking in our macros so that even in restriction there can be a harm reduction approach to our severe mental illness.
    C. Do you have any idea how isolating an ED is? I don't mean the kids who use a laxative once, or skip a meal. I mean for those of us whose lives have been gutted by a disease we can't control. Who have lost our friends, our partners, our children and our jobs all in search of our bones. Yeah, you're right. We are here to find more people like us because in the end we either find them somewhere or we die alone. I don't love the pro-ana crowd, I'm not one of them- I'm the pro-recoveryisamuthaf*ckinb*tchandsometimesI'dratherdiecrowd. But I come here every day to find people like me who understand how hard it is and I will not judge anyone who hasn't made the commitment to recovery.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Because this site is primarily a food tracking website.

    Some would argue that being obese is just as much of an eating disorder as being underweight. You're pretty much killing yourself either way and lack self control with both issues.
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    It's not something to be proud of, but as someone who suffered with bulimia from age 17 until 22 on a costant basis & even found myself fighting it the last few years I know it is hard to stop/. I am new on here, so I haven't read anything about people being proud of it.

    I actually hope that those who suffer with the disease realize what they are putting their bodies through. Was I skinny.. yes. Do I have health issues now because of it? Absolutely. Was not worth it one bit.

    what sort of health issues?
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    You had an ED? I don't believe you. Because then, you would know that it's a mental disorder and it's not something that you decide on! I have struggled with EDNOS for awhile now and I know that everyone I know on here that has an ED is NOT proud of it! Thanks for judging us. :(
  • l_need_skinny
    I've truly never met anyone on here that's "proud" of their ED. You're completely getting the wrong idea. I wouldn't go on Facebook and talk about it and none of my friends know about any of the issues I have with eating because I AM ashamed. But when you find a group of girls going through exactly what you're going through it kind of becomes a comfort zone. MFP is the only place I've ever felt I could be honest and true to myself. Although most of my friends on here are unhealthy and some not planning on recovering anytime soon, most are thrilled to hear that any of their friend's are recovering and are super supportive of people they don't even really know. It's not that anyone's proud to have an eating disorder, but anyone struggling with one knows that there is a large community on here not judging them because they are.
  • AlieBalie
    AlieBalie Posts: 16 Member
    The inherent problem for someone with an ed history of ed etc. Is that trying to be healthy often will lead right back to where you started. Similar how it is easy to slide back into alcoholism or other addictive it is very easy on a site like this to see people struggling with reverting back into those habits. I have been having that struggle tonight...having just wanted to have an all out binge, but choosing a different route instead. For me, it was a post on here about all these super low cal foods/fat free etc. That was triggering. But thats not anyones' responsibility, its mine. When i see that sort of thing, I have to step away so I don't get lost in that mentality. I've not had an "active" ed for years, but its always hard, especially when i am focusing on food and exercise, and all that. So what I am trying to say is it is normal to see people with ed on a site like this

    And I am sure there are others here who aren't trying to be healthy, get better, etc. I do see posts about their awesome under 1200 over exercising calorie intake. I figure its better to just ignore and not give them the attention that they want/need for it. Any attention for them, even negative, is good, it helps them feel strong, look what I can do, etc.
  • seashman
    You say that but according to your profile you're aiming for a goal weight which would give you BMI of 16.1 which would make you severely underweight. Are you sure you don't still have body image issues of your own?
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I think some of them go on here to get better and some of them come on here to
    A. get skinnier
    B. track their food (they aren't eating)
    C. find others like themselves

    Sorry for being rude/straight forward. :devil:

    you're not sorry - don't offend people.

    Are there pro-ana and pro-mia people on this site yes - but the fact is there are plenty here who are:
    A. Trying to figure out how to deal with this vicious cycle of not having full control of what we want. Those in recovery know they need to stop, but the brain just does not allow it. They see somehting completely different when looking in the mirror. Try living in a Fun House Hall of Mirrors and tell me your brain and eyes don't get distorted. That is the life of ED!

    B. Yes to track our food and learn how to increase calories in a more healthy manner. The ones who track to see how much they are NOT eating are wannabes!! A true ana or mia doesn't need a site like this to know what to do.

    C. Yes to find others to help encourage each other to get better. The relationship those in recovery can have with each other is unbreakable bond. No one can fully understand the mind of someone with ED unless they too have had or have ED. Knowing the signs and the triggers and the right words are priceless!!

    To OP: I really don't think you are one to talk. You're ticker says you are trying to lose 11lbs. From where??!! You may not have a diagnosed ED or feel you have one, but you certainly have body dismorphia!!

    I've never known anyone with a true ED to be "proud". Most of those with an ED know its wrong and knwo they need to make changes. Those who are pro-ana and pro-mia are usually (not always) little teenagers /young women who think hip bones or thigh gaps are the new fad and they have to be a part of it. Its not a fad - its serious and should be taken seriously!!
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Because this site is primarily a food tracking website.

    Some would argue that being obese is just as much of an eating disorder as being underweight. You're pretty much killing yourself either way and lack self control with both issues.

    Thaaank you!
  • lottie_28
    To be honest, I don't think anyone is really proud to have an eating disorder. I think a lot of people, particularly those in the early stages of an eating disorder, kid themselves they're happy and they're doing an amazing thing, simply because if they accepted how awful it was they may then start to eat more normally.

    Personally, I am in recovery from EDNOS/Anorexia and I used this site in the midst of my ED and I do now. I used it then to keep track of my food because it was easier than doing it on paper. If a person is going to count cals and keep track of food, they will do it no matter what - this is just a very helpful and easy-to-use outlet for that!