

  • February was a restart for me, my wife and my daughter. We are all going on vacation in June to South Padre Island and we weren't to happy with what we saw in the mirror. It has been great having them go to the YMCA three days a week with me, always keeps me motivated. Because of them we have not missed a workout all…
  • Don't know what is available to you, but at our YMCA we have a hand bike that lets you cycle with your arms and is a good upper body workout as well. It would be worth a try until you can do some regular cycling or swimming. One legged squats, or leg presses are also an option and have been shown to have a cross over…
  • Cheat days are very important! If you completely deprive yourself of foods you love, you set yourself up for failure. The sirens song of doritos or whatever your chosen food is, has derailed many people. Diets aren't fun, eating healthy and enjoying what you are eating when you eat it even if it isn't always heathy are…
  • Well you might try adding something with some complex carbs if your daily total will allow it and see if that helps. Not sure how your calories are divided up throughout the day, but I have found that if I front load mine breakfast through afternoon snack I feel more satisfied and then don't eat as may calories in the…
  • Well I guess my first question it what did you eat? My second would be how much did you eat? That would be a good place to start. Sometime what I eat ie(oatmeal, whole grain cereal, whole grain bread with peanut butter) as well as protein, stays with me a lot longer than other breakfast choices. Have you tried snacking on…
  • I exercise because it helps me "double down" on my weight loss. I burn calories while I run, do aerobic exercise, or lift weights but I also keep burning calories afterwards because the muscle I'm building burns more calories than the fat Im losing. Plus you always get a metabolism boost for a few hours after you exercise.…
  • I was in the military for 12.5 years, so yeah I still sing cadence while I run.....outside! LOL I got funny looks from people on the treadmills next to me when I tried it at the gym. Sing, have fun, run longer!
  • Yes you CAN lose weight without exercise, but better and faster if you do exercise. If you cut back your calories below your daily maintance level you will lose weight. Remember one pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so if you take in 500 calories less than your daily maintance level everyday for a week, you will lose…
  • My girlfriend and her mother both tried it and got great results. They really liked it for the fact that it gave them the whole lifestyle out look to fitness. I have been having success doing the online FITREX exercise program along with running three days per week. You should check out the site, You just…
  • Your score is 1.83. Your body is closest to a Mesomorph. You have a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it you should exercise and diet correctly for your type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it.…
  • It all depends on what your goals are. If you are trying to lose weight while building muscle, doing more than casual lifting in the gym then the extra protien will not hurt you. Plus if you are drinking as much water as you are suppose to you won't have to worry about ketones, in fact, you will spill ketones with almost…
  • MFP has a more carb heavy arrangement to calories than I am use to. I have always done weightlifting as part of my exercise regime, so I like the 40/40/30 diet myself. If you are lifting weights more than casually you need 1-1.5 grams of protien to 1 kilogram of body weight. The main thing is what ever you do, eat good…
  • I have read that too. Bio-chemically, it takes about 20 minutes of running(more or less depending on your body and fitness level) to switch from burning mostly glycogen to mostly fat. I remember this from a great book Fit or Fat by Covert Bailey. That being said, I can only speak as an authority on my own personal…
  • I really like the FITREX program. Its free, gives you fitness test to take before you start so you basically get a tailor made program for free. You can chose different workouts, number of days, ect to match your fitness goals. Take a look and give it at try!
  • 2200 I also lift weight for 35-50 minutes everyday and run 2 miles three times a week. So far I have not been hungry even when I don't eat into my exercise calories. Really like the sight, never kept a food diary before, this is so simple and easy to use its GREAT!
  • Thanks so much! That gave me another 216 calories on my total. It is confusing. Wish I would have thought to post before I put in my whole work out. lol Wonder how many calories 20 minutes of typing burns? hahaha just kidding. Thanks again!
  • Don't have a harley, but I rode my Honda VTX over 7700 miles last summer! Hit 20 states in 19 days include a short jaunt up into Canada. Nothing like living on the open road and seeing new vistas everyday. Can't wait till the weather here quits teasing and opens up into full blown spring! WOOHOO!
    in harleys Comment by docwasch March 2010