Not able to exercise

I am new to myfitnesspal and hoping this will help me out. Did WW and was successful until I got stuck at my current weight and just could not make it to the meetings (I also didn't really like the leader). Hated wasting money and was told about this sight, so am giving it a shot.
Here is my issue....I am having severe foot pain in my left foot and am seeing a specialist tomorrow. Have been told until then, no extra activity, try to stay off it as much as possible, and have the hideous boot to wear. I already feel like I am gaining weight just by being so inactive. In turn this is making me very depressed ( I think my family is ready to put me up for

Anyone have any ideas of exercises I could do that would not put stress on the foot? I thought about strength training (on a mat). It would at least burn some calories.

I would love any support or advice. Feel so alone right now.


  • sophieamhaley
    Sorry you're feeling rubbish :flowerforyou:
    Could you go swimming? Or can't you remove the boot at all?
    What about some calisthenics? Crunches, push ups etc?
    Or doing some weights, like you say.
    Could you do any yoga or Pilates?
    Can you put weight on your foot at all?
  • gottabekd
    gottabekd Posts: 46 Member
    Hey, add me as a friend!
    I've been dealing with a busted left ankle for ten months, I'm still on limited activity. My physiotherapist says the rowing machine is great. And the bike is fine. I've finally progressed to being able to do the elliptical but that took some healing so I wouldn't recommend that.
    I'm trying to get myself to do more upper body workouts, and I'm contemplating swimming lessons (I have a fear of water that I need a pro to help me get over).
    Sorry it's not a lot of help, I'm struggling with the exact same feelings myself. I just got back from the gym today, 20 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes of weights and I was done, my fitness levels have fallen so far since my injury. It's really tough sticking with it when you are still trying to figure out what's wrong.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Exercising is wonderful and allows you to eat more. However, you can lose weight without exercise. It is not the end of the world to be unable to exercise for a time. I realize this isn't the same, but I was just sick and laid up for a week. Still lost a bit of weight! Not a lot, but every bit helps, right?
  • dramm674
    dramm674 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I would love to swim, but do not have a pool near me. :( They want me to keep weight off of it as much as possible so I think the idea of doing mat work and working my upper body will do good. The doctor said a stationary bike would be ok as long as I use my heel. Any recommendations on a good stationary bike?
  • dramm674
    dramm674 Posts: 9 Member
    Totally agree with you there. The exercising has been helpful with keeping the winter blues away. We are having one of the worst winters on record this year and no end in sight for March. :frown: That is why my goal is to track, track, track :happy:
  • Calfuray
    Calfuray Posts: 32 Member
    I've only recently (as in on Sunday) started exercising. Before then I was doing nothing - we are talking barely walking. In the past 6 weeks I have lost 13.4lb through diet alone. I've added in exercise because I want to be fitter too. You can definitely do it with no exercise :)
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I was down for 7 months from a hip injury on the left. Gained back 45 pounds from being depressed about it. Watch every bite. Now is more important than ever to be careful of your diet. I speak from failure on this topic.
  • RockStarlaa
    RockStarlaa Posts: 24 Member
    I've only recently (as in on Sunday) started exercising. Before then I was doing nothing - we are talking barely walking. In the past 6 weeks I have lost 13.4lb through diet alone. I've added in exercise because I want to be fitter too. You can definitely do it with no exercise :)

    This is me! I started with doing no exercise and lost 15 lbs in a month. I've since added in walking a few times a week, trying to work my way up because I get short winded quickly and have joing pain in the lower half of my body.

    That being said... I would suggest upper body exercises or core strengthening exercises. Get a body ball and do sit ups. Lay on your back and do scissor kicks. There's lots of things you can do that doesn't require using your feet :)
  • leaner426
    You can lose just by counting calories, and MFP has worked better for me than the new WW program did when I tried it ten months ago.

    If this is a long term problem you might look into getting a TRX suspension trainer (try Craigslist). They hang over your door and use your body weight for resistance. A lot of weight loss programs use a low calorie, lower carb diet with weight training to get quick results. Or if you belong to a gym use the weight machines. I rotate my workout exercises and build up a sweat and my heart rate. I'll do one exercise for my core, followed by one for my arms and then one for my legs and then start again. So I might use a roman chair to do leg raises to work my lower abs (3 sets of 10-20), then inclined bench press (3 sets of 8-12), then 3 sets of leg presses (you might only be able to work one leg depending on your condition). Then start over with different core, arm and leg machines (ab machine for upper abs, military press, leg extensions.) Repeat core, arms, legs until you work through all the machines you want.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Abd crunches, arm exercises with weights, meditation.
  • AmyML44
    I have Accessory Navicular Syndrome (an extra bone in my feet) and arthritis and as a result can not do any impact workouts but have gotten good results with isometrics. I'm having the extra bone removed from my left foot in a few weeks and am very concerned that I will put on weight during my recovery. Like you, I've been searching for anything that will elevate my heart rate without using my foot.
  • docwasch
    Don't know what is available to you, but at our YMCA we have a hand bike that lets you cycle with your arms and is a good upper body workout as well. It would be worth a try until you can do some regular cycling or swimming. One legged squats, or leg presses are also an option and have been shown to have a cross over effect on the unexercise extremity.
    Good luck!