amandarenee31 Member


  • First time trying low carb/keto. 18 successful days and counting. Down 12 lbs and about 1.5% body fat. Started at 240 lbs and my goal is 150 lbs. I feel great and I'm looking for fellow keto friends for inspiration/motivation.
  • Thank you. I'm open to suggestions/help if you'd like.
  • I know I need a good bra but I literally have no money except a target gift card from with my mom and currently unemployed. Target does not carry bras in my size. I'm just asking for good workout dvd programs that are lower impact.
  • I just got my N4 for Christmas (December, 2011) and the other day, after my workout, I noticed my low heart rate was down at 59 and my max heart rate was up at 179. Idk about you guys, but that seems a little off. My resting heart rate almost never goes below 70 and thats when I'm sitting for awhile or laying down. For my…
  • These all sound really good. Any more ideas? Maybe ones without beans and with more vegetables/colorful ingredients? I cook with guinoa all the time. I use it in stir fries in place of rice or use it in indian cooking in place of rice. Dishes with a lot of gravy/sauce are perfect for it.
  • Thanks you for your input. Still haven't really gotten an answer to my question. I know I'm fairly young (I'm 20) but high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes runs in my family so I really need to get a head start on watching my sodium.
  • This is my only one right now. Had to get the cover up done because the original guy didn't give me what I told him. I love the wings on the new one though. I have a lot more planned but its just a matter of money and waiting til I reach the right weight for them to look right. My next one planned is going to take up my…
  • Thanks guys. I still can't figure out why I haven't lost any inches of body fat though. Other than the fact that I've lowered my sodium and have been slacking exercise wise.
  • I guess I should have been more specific. I only weigh my self first thing in the morning, before I've had anything to drink or eat, and after I've gone to the bathroom. As far as everything else goes, I constantly change what I eat and I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. I also try to stay under 1,500 mg of sodium…
  • I just posted a couple links to some scientific evidence. Actually, It does exist. Natural sugars are by far healthier. Anything that is processed makes digestion that much harder on the body.
  • I'm sure there are plenty of dead bodies. It's just that they may have died as a result of health issues caused by the Aspartame. Aspartame can cause diabetes if consumed over a long period of time. Plenty of people die from diabetes. What about all of the other things I listed above. It's the kind of thing that someone…
  • It is recommended to have no more than 7.8 mg/day. A one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily or 32 times the EPA limit. That's 8 times the recommended amount. Unless you're sticking to…
  • Here are some peer reviews done that shows how Formaldehyde is derived from aspartame and the effects of Aspartame Aspartame Toxicity Center
  • It's true that some people may not have any bad side affects from aspartame their entire lives, but there are a lot more who have negative side affects. I know I personally suffer from sever migraines. I get extremely dizzy with the migraines and no amount of medicine or sleep helps. Only to flush my body of any toxins. I…
  • I'm not all for the kind of site that this is, but you can google the dangers of Aspartame and get PLENTY of other sources stating pretty much the same thing. I just liked this one the best. I know a few people who have consumed the stuff all their lives and had several healthy issues. Going to all different kinds of…
  • I don't know if any of you have one, but I like to juice my carrots first before adding it to my smoothie. You could probably do the same with the Broccoli or any other hard veggie/fruit. I have a Jack O Lane juicer. I know they are a bit pricey but they really are great for getting the nutrients to stay in the juice. The…
  • My mom and I use it a lot. It's different than rice as far as texture goes, but I like it a lot. The fat content may be slightly higher, but it is good for you fat, not the bad stuff. It's one of those super foods. It's great for digestion and of course super filling. It's better quality than most pastas and rices out…
  • Iced green tea is my savior. I add Stevia (or Truvia which is the generic version) which is the only natural sweetener out there with zero calories. You could also try adding lemon and use Stevia with that. Do NOT drink anything out there with Aspartame or any other form of it. When that stuff reaches 87 degrees…
  • I was going to attempt to do this every day with an exception for having one rest day a week for my muscles, but my mom started this last month and had a hard time doing it more than 2-3 days a week. Her and I are both pretty active too. She does have some injuries so maybe I'll be able to handle more. Doing each level for…
  • This is so great. I'm going to have to save this somewhere. I'm always looking for little things that are healthy that I can snack on between meals.
  • Thanks so much everyone. I'll try the very slow jog thing as well as listening to different music as opposed to the metal I listen to usually lol - That kind of music usually gets me so pumped for a workout but I guess I should listen to opposite in this case. I'll try this tomorrow and post back with an update. Tomorrow,…
  • So I'm just checking in. Has anyone tried this yet? I'd really like opinions. Let me know if you loved it or not. I'm open to new suggestions to improve it as well.
  • I'm a little short on cash at the moment so I'm going to have to wait on the bra. I've been really wanting a pair of the new nike running sneakers that have the ultra flexible soles. What are some other things I can do that don't require any extra money? Running might not be for everyone as was stated above, but I don't…
  • I'm in. I already had that goal for myself. Having more people with the same goal only helps more. Sent my request.
  • How about looking up belly dancing workouts? They do work and they often combine some cardio too which is best for melting off the fat. Try doing standing abdominal crunches where you stand with feet hip width and then bring your stomach to your spine and do a C curve. One workout DVD I use is from Exercise TV. The DVD is…
  • I drink 10-14 glasses of water a day. I use a 16.9 ounce bottle and just keep refilling it as it's easier to measure water and makes it seem like you're not drinking as much. Also, Half of my water consumption each day is green tea. I usually make a huge pitcher of it in the morning and just keep refilling my bottle with…
  • Haha not at all. It's just harder on the food processor's motor if you don't put the leafy stuff and frozen stuff in first. If you want your motor to last, place in that order. Believe me, I drink smoothies every, single, morning. I've had blenders go because of misuse.
  • I hope so too. The peanut butter I use is purely peanuts. No additives, extra sugar or salt. I add the parsley because it's excellent for digestion as well as fresh breath. Coconut water sounds delicious though. I might have to try that.