30 Day Shred Exercise Plan?

Every month, I like to alternate my workout routine so that I don't hit a platue as easily. For example, last month, I did something where I worked out groups of muscles alternating days and had the 7th day be a rest day. Well this month, I'm doing the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I like to have a plan already written out on my calender so that I can just wake up and do my workout with much thought.

Is there some workout plan for this workout that I can follow for the 30 days? I also have Jillian's 8 week Ultimate Pilates kit and that came with a workout to follow for 8 weeks total. I really need something like that so I know what I'm doing and I feel like it wouldn't be right to just repeat this workout every day while I move up through the levels. Don't the muscles need a chance to recover or some variety? If there is a plan for this, let me know where to find it. Thank you =)


  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    The workout plan for the 30DS is to do each Level for 10 days... There are 3 levels = 30 days.
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    Most people do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2 and then 10 days of level 3. I will be on my last day of level 2 today. I have taken a day or two in between workouts sometimes when normal life happens or when I have softball practice or go on a long distance run instead. I have heard of people doing it 30 days in a row before too. I think it depends on what you feel your body can do.

    EDIT: I have also heard of people just doing level 1 for all 30 days and still getting results... and I have also heard of people doing level 1, 2, 3 and repeating that way in a cycle for all 30 days.
  • PeytonSwan
    PeytonSwan Posts: 56 Member
    Believe me if you do this day by day ( I'm right now on Day 3 Level 1 and everything is aching ;D!) you wouldn't want more workout , but something like pilates or yoga which actually can also be relaxing would be a good idea. Just don't push yourself to doing too much !
  • amandarenee31
    amandarenee31 Posts: 54 Member
    I was going to attempt to do this every day with an exception for having one rest day a week for my muscles, but my mom started this last month and had a hard time doing it more than 2-3 days a week. Her and I are both pretty active too. She does have some injuries so maybe I'll be able to handle more. Doing each level for 10 days makes sense now that it was mentioned and doing pilates along with it sounds great too. Any other suggestions?