

  • Just finished MIC. Only 3 days left....yay! Honestly, though my left achilles was hurting bad through the entire I am going to ice it tonight and hope it feels better tomorrow. If not, I may take a couple of days off to recover before finishing up the last 3 workouts :-(
  • My advice is to not get discouraged if you can't keep up with the pace they are jumping on the video....a lot of those guys need to take short breaks too. Rather, count your as many as you can do safely with good form. The next round, try to match that number. The next day that jump workout comes up, try to do…
  • MCC kicked my butt yesterday. I loved it, though. Looking forward to knocking out MIC today as it is my favorite of the Month 2 workouts. I been feeling a little more fatigued the past couple weeks and both of my achilles are really sore. Other than that I am feeling great. Take care y'all
  • Got back into it with Max Plyo yesterday. I felt much stronger on my power jumps and level 3 drills. That workout is a monster. I'm so jacked to be in the final! I think I might actually send in my pics for the T-shirt this time.
  • LOL @ that pic. OK, so I missed Max Recovery last Thurs and missed MIC on Friday. I attended a funeral service on Friday and just didn't have the motivation to get MIC done. I made up MIC on Saturday instead of CC&B. I am going to jump back into the scheduled workouts for this final week and tack the missed CC&B on at the…
  • Hey y'all. Sorry to say that I missed the Max Recovery workout yesterday. I didn't get much sleep the night before and was dog-tired. Not a big deal really, but it does kinda bum me out that this is the first day I've missed since I started. I plan to pick back up with the scheduled workout today and power through the…
  • Im still around. My wife joined me yesterday for MaxPlyo. I sprained my toe up doing power pushups if you can believe that and my achilles is sore. I'm too close to let up right figure if I survive MCC this evening I've gotten over the most difficult part of the week. Take care.
  • I felt great yesterday during the Max Circuit. It's amazing how much my conditioning is improving. I am pretty sure MIC is my favorite of the Month 2 workouts. Im a little sore, but overall my body is holding up well. When I did Insanity last year, I felt like I was being held together with bubblegum and ducttape. I think…
  • edorice - Thanks. I can't function without my glucosamine I started in May and it makes all the difference in my joint pain. I am confident as my core strengthens and my weight decreases my knees will be less and less sore. My wife joined me again for Max Recovery today. Gotta say I'm glad there's only…
  • I survived Max Plyo last night. There's a great deal of jumping on that one, so my knees are feeling tender. I'm just trying to focus on safety. I kept pace with Level 3 drills, so I am happy about that at least. jreese - good for you! That really is the best think about living just feel better. Just last…
  • Do you guys know when the new P90xMC2 is being released? Yesterday was Circuit and I felt much better about my performance and effort. I've noticed that my HR is recovering much faster which is a good sign of improved conditioning. I am now consistently recovering from my 90-95% of max range to below 80% during the 30 sec…
  • Max Conditioning was a grind yesterday. For some reason I was very sluggish and struggled to push past 85% of my max HR. My wife also rejoined me yesterday after sitting out for a week, hoping to find out she was pregnant...but she wasnt :-( So we were both struggling and it just wasnt a good look for But, today…
  • Hello everybody, My wife and I are in the process of trying to have a baby. My wife is wondering what she will be able to do safely to stay fit while she is pregnant. Right now we workout out with Insanity and she previously did 2 rounds of P90x. Obviously, both of those will probably be too intense during pregnancy. She…
  • I am burning a lot of cals during each workout, but that's mainly b/c I am 235 My wife hates that I burn that many more cals than her, but she is only 135. I tell her if she wore a 100lb vest during insanity she would burn around 1200 too! I am also considering a round of p90x in August with Insanity subbed in…
  • I just finished Max Plyo and it felt great. My sore spots felt a lot better today and I burned 1157 cals. Only 3 weeks to go!
  • Max Circuit was terrific today. I burned 1337 calories...that's stoking the fire. I'm excited to almost have the 1st week of month 2 complete. My hip flexors, calves, and obliques have been crazy sore this week and my knees are starting to get pretty tender. Looking forward to resting
  • My daily goal is 40% protein, 40% carb, 20% fat I try to keep each meal as close as possible to those percentages as well. Most days I come up a little short on carbs and go a little over on fat. This mix seems to work the best for me as far as ensuring I don't get hungry throughout the day and still having enough energy…
  • 5 weeks ago I gave up fried food, white breads/rice/pastas, and sugar/candy/pop of any kind. Everything is on the table for 1 cheat day a week, though which is normally on Sunday. Case in point, July 3rd BBQ I had Ribs, pulled pork, tater salad, deviled eggs, and ice cream. The next day I stepped on the scale and had lost…
  • First of all, you are correct that everybody is different and to each their own. That being said, I wouldn't go so far as saying that breakfast jumpstarting your metabolism is a myth. When we fast, or abstain from consuming calories, our metabolism slows down. For most of us, the first meal of the day ends our longest fast…
  • LOL...I always catch Johnny and Akil doggin it and yell at em. I cut Johnny some slack on those knees, though considering he kicks butt on the jumps right Seriously they are all awesome, though and I shouldn't give em too much greif....if you don't have to take mini-breaks along the way you probably aren't…
  • I looked up HIIT in the dictionary. Shaun T jumped out and said, "Focus and Go!"
  • Wow, can't believe this is my first time noticing this thread. I also started my current round of Insanity on 5/31/11. This is my second round of Insanity, but my first was last year. I gained all that weight back and then some... Got sick and tired of not being the best me I could be and decided to hit it again. Something…
  • About 25%. That being said, i try to eat 5 times a day with each meal being 300-500 calories. I try to make sure that breakfast is above 400 calories.
  • Intek Evolution has the best nutritional profile and the best taste of any protein powder I've found. One 40 gram scoop = 160 cal, 2 carb, 1 fat, 34 protein. No other powder even comes close to that. But, the best part is that it tastes amazing. I used to have to mix my protein with milk so I could choke it down and even…
  • I have battled migraines since I was 3 yrs old, so I have a little experience in this area. I too, was experiencing migraines after intense workouts until I drastically increased my water intake. I went from 64 oz a day up to 120-180 oz a day. I found this made all of the difference for me when it comes to staving off the…