What Percentage of cals is YOUR Breakfast?



  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Seems to be 21-23% for me. :-p
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    interesting to read, thanks

    my breakfast is usually about 16% of my whole calories.

    humm, should i eat more in the morning? but I have quite fixed lunch times, so wouldn't help me to eat lunch later and i know i need something in the evening?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Im allowed 1700 cals a day and 250 is my brekkie ( no idea of %)

    250/1700 = 14.7%

    Mine is 15-20% but none of my meals or snacks are larger than 25%, as I tend to eat 6-8 times/day usually 3 small meals and 4 snacks.
  • kiwicakes
    kiwicakes Posts: 65 Member
    mine is between 25%-30% ish

    my biggest meal alternate between lunch and dinner. frankly it's just really hard to eat a lot so early in the morning.. also I snack a lot so often my three meals are kind of equal value. :)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    If I did my math right, which I highly doubt, I use about 20% of cals for breakfast (at or around 300 cals). D:
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member

    The linked article is pretty unconvincing, making vague references to study's without any quotes or actually showing us these studies.

    I do believe that breakfast matters, but I don't buy most of what the author is selling.

    Here's another article I've read on the subject that suggests eating at night might actually be better for you...

  • fozziewaca
    fozziewaca Posts: 66
    Between 6-10% since breakfast usually consists of yogurt and some fruit. I do have to have a mid-morning snack as I'm up and out of the house so early it takes my body a little while longer to wake and catch up.
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    15-18%. Usually have coffee with 1% milk and Splenda and an instant oatmeal packet. That leave me enough calories to have a mid-morning snack. Then have a lunch that equates to about 22%.... That leaves me enough to have a mid-afternoon snack. Which, in total, leaves me with nearly 50% of my calories remaining for dinner!
  • fergalizcious
    Mine is just under 25% Kashi GoLean Truly Vanilla with a spoonful of non fat greek yogurt and a handful of raspberries. I have it with a glass of milk. Comes in just under 300 calories. Sometimes I'll add an apple.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189

    The linked article is pretty unconvincing, making vague references to study's without any quotes or actually showing us these studies.

    I do believe that breakfast matters, but I don't buy most of what the author is selling.

    Here's another article I've read on the subject that suggests eating at night might actually be better for you...


    Thanks for this link to more convincing info! I know my link was not that good, just interesting advice from some random blogger after doing a quick google search...

    According to this study in your link, body weight and fat mass was significantly reduced! You can see it in the charts clearly!

    For those of you who are eating less than 15% of cals for breakfast, you may be eating larger dinners and it's working for you, but think about the POTENTIAL you can lose by switching to a larger breakfast!

    For a full text version of the study from the previous poster on this subject go here:


    Article name:

    "Weight Loss is Greater with Consumption of Large Morning Meals and Fat-Free Mass Is Preserved with Large Evening Meals in Women on a Controlled Weight Reduction Regimen"
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Thanks for this link to more convincing info! I know my link was not that good, just interesting advice from some random blogger after doing a quick google search...

    According to this study in your link, body weight and fat mass was significantly reduced! You can see it in the charts clearly!

    For those of you who are eating less than 15% of cals for breakfast, you may be eating larger dinners and it's working for you, but think about the POTENTIAL you can lose by switching to a larger breakfast!

    For a full text version of the study from the previous poster on this subject go here:


    Article name:

    "Weight Loss is Greater with Consumption of Large Morning Meals and Fat-Free Mass Is Preserved with Large Evening Meals in Women on a Controlled Weight Reduction Regimen"

    The study shows that people who eat more for breakfast and less for dinner lost a bit more weight, but they lost a significantly larger amount of MUSCLE during that time. While the folks with the bigger dinner lost a bit less overall weight, they lost almost no muscle, and actually lost significantly more fat.

    I sure hope that the goal of the people here is to lose FAT not to lose muscle.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Around 25%
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When I'm working with 1200 calories I aim to break it out evenly between my 3 meals and 2 snacks:
    300 for each meal and 300 for the snacks combined. However, I've found that I'm generally closer to 200 on bfast, 200 for snacks, 300 at lunch and 500 at dinner (including a glass of wine).
  • JoshuaHansford
    About 25%. That being said, i try to eat 5 times a day with each meal being 300-500 calories. I try to make sure that breakfast is above 400 calories.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    About 25%. That being said, i try to eat 5 times a day with each meal being 300-500 calories. I try to make sure that breakfast is above 400 calories.

    Exact same as Joshua. I eat about 400 of 2,030 for breakfast, same for lunch, bit more for dinner, and the rest are snacks during the day.
  • colbiegirl
    colbiegirl Posts: 138
    I usually eat about 200 calories for breakfast. It's usually a yogurt and a banana or cup of cereal, skim milk, and some berries. It works for me and I've lost weight. It's about 17% of my daily allowance but I'd rather eat a larger dinner and a snack or two.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    Id like to say it in 30% or more... because I really like the saying "eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper" but usually I am short on time (working on it!) so its typically less. But its always something!!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    about 18 %
  • rosieraven
    rosieraven Posts: 21 Member
    Mine is around 10-17%. I'm another one of those who wasn't a breakfast eater. I'm really picky, I don't like eggs, cheese, ham... And those are kinda breakfast staples. I don't like turkey made into other stuff (sausage, bacon, patties, etc) and most of the rest of breakfast stuff is high in carbs and/or sugar anyway... I've been eating Melaleuca Attain bars for breakfast, but recently decided to start changing it up, so I'm back to a small bowl of cereal with whole milk for breakfast (I know there's more fat in it, but it tastes better). I think my main issue is that I tend to eat very little for breakfast and lunch and then have more for dinner. I recently went out to dinner with my family and was looking at the calorie count next to each entree... Nearly all of them were over my daily calorie allotment on their own! It's ridiculous!!!

    I'm trying to balance out when I eat my calories, so I'm going for a bigger breakfast and a smaller dinner. For the 4th of July we brought home KFC (I was exhausted from working a street fair and gave in to the craving) and I ate what used to be my normal portion, and felt sick. I was amazed at how quickly my stomach had shrunk! I think if I level out my calorie intake for the day, it'll probably be a little smaller, but I'll be more comfortable eating more in the morning.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    If I eat a big breakfast it doesn't seem to curb my appetite at all - in fact, I can have a 500 calorie breakfast and still want to snack an hour or two afterward. So I eat a smaller breakfast, and my lunch and dinner end up being about equal. I find it easier to stay within my calorie limit for the day.