INSANITY: Starting Memorial Day



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I had alot going on last week and only did Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs on Monday. I needed to finish the program before Aug because I'll be going on vacation. So, I guess I'll be starting Insanity over when I get back.

    Edorice-Thank You for starting this thread because I would have never tried Insanity. Now, I know I can do it, I just have to find the time. :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck to Everyone! :drinker: (water)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Took a day off today from working out. Right shoulder is bothering me. None of the Shaun T. allow a day off from plank or push-ups. I hope all is well with recovery week.
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    lets make it a great summer everyone!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Got back on Core Cardio & Balance this morning. I rocked those planks.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We finished our last day of Core Cardio & Balance. Tomorrow kicks off Max month. Anybody still with me? :wink:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We completed Max Interval Circuit yesterday morning and did Max Plyo this morning. Will be hitting the treadmill at lunch today. Well, that's the plan.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Max has kicked it up another notch! I had no idea a human could sweat so much!!!! But I LOVE it! Today is Max Recovery. I think I might add a bit of P90X today as well. I have found that I have no energy during the Insanity workouts to keep good push up form. I am hoping the addition of chest and back will help in the push ups department.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Wow, can't believe this is my first time noticing this thread. I also started my current round of Insanity on 5/31/11.

    This is my second round of Insanity, but my first was last year. I gained all that weight back and then some...

    Got sick and tired of not being the best me I could be and decided to hit it again.

    Something crazy about a workout that makes me so crazy I talk to TV while I do it...(Anybody else get mad and yell at cast members that dog a move or talk back to Shaun T when they are in pain???)

    Anyways...I have lost 13 lbs since and 3.5 inches from around my belly so far. I feel good this week...Max Intervals came just in time as I was getting bored with the Month 1 and CC&B...not bored b/c they were easy, just needed to see something different. Month 2 is such a butt-kicker...Level 3 Drills...Hello!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yeah, we're still yelling at the TV and we've been doing this workout for awhile. I'm always telling Ashley in the DVD to stop stretching in the middle of the workout and get back to work. Or Johnny keeps doggin it during the knee exercise.

    Anna and Ariel are awesome. Anna is a little powerhouse and her mid-section got even more cut for the 20 minute Fast & Furious workout DVD.

    We are on track this week. We did Max Recovery this morning and I'll be hitting the treadmill at lunch. Two weeks before our vacation.
  • JoshuaHansford
    LOL...I always catch Johnny and Akil doggin it and yell at em. I cut Johnny some slack on those knees, though considering he kicks butt on the jumps right

    Seriously they are all awesome, though and I shouldn't give em too much greif....if you don't have to take mini-breaks along the way you probably aren't doing it right.
    Insanity is about, pushing as hard as you can go until you hit the wall...then keep slamming into the wall as fast as you can.

    Some weird reason, yelling at the TV helps me push through.

    Looking forward to Max Recovery today.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We did Max Circuit this morning. it's cooling down this weekend, so I'm to take advantage of the mild weather. Have a great weekend.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Max Circuit was terrific today. I burned 1337 calories...that's stoking the fire. I'm excited to almost have the 1st week of month 2 complete. My hip flexors, calves, and obliques have been crazy sore this week and my knees are starting to get pretty tender. Looking forward to resting
  • JoshuaHansford
    I just finished Max Plyo and it felt great. My sore spots felt a lot better today and I burned 1157 cals. Only 3 weeks to go!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't get near that kind of calorie burn on these workouts. And I always feel like I had more in me when the workouts are done. I gotta push through the spaghetti legs and keep up the intensity throughout the entire workout. Where you find yourself yelling at the people to push through, I am relieved to see someone struggling as much as I am. :smile: I am going to keep pushing through and I hope that round 2 will be easier for me to keep up.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Are you planning to start round two directly after this round? I just don't think I could do that. At least not in this summer heat.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Not entirely. I think I will do some sort of P90X/Insanity hybrid. Strength from P90X and the cardio from Insanity. I need to keep it going to reach my goals. I am not active enough otherwise to keep progressing. Stinky desk job. :yawn:
  • JoshuaHansford
    I am burning a lot of cals during each workout, but that's mainly b/c I am 235 My wife hates that I burn that many more cals than her, but she is only 135. I tell her if she wore a 100lb vest during insanity she would burn around 1200 too!

    I am also considering a round of p90x in August with Insanity subbed in for Plyo/Kempo days. On the other hand, I am contemplating giving Asylum a Either way, I am far from my goal still and don't plan on letting up until at least the end of the year.

    I hear you on that desk Outside of my workouts, yardwork is about the only activity I get these days.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You may like to do a hybrid of P90X and Insanity together. Have you already done P90X? My husband and I like the hybrid so much better. It's the best of both worlds.

    I have a P90X/Insanity Max hybrid schedule in my MFP blog.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Max Conditioning was a grind yesterday. For some reason I was very sluggish and struggled to push past 85% of my max HR. My wife also rejoined me yesterday after sitting out for a week, hoping to find out she was pregnant...but she wasnt :-(
    So we were both struggling and it just wasnt a good look for

    But, today is a new day and I look forward to kicking some butt on Curcuit today. I hope everyone reading is feeling strong, motivated, and injury free!

    edorice - Thanks for the hybrid suggestion. I have done P90x, but I have never kept with it for the full 90 days...I always got bored and moved on to other things. My wife has completed 2 rounds of P90x and she hates Insanity with a passion...she only does it to help support But, yeah I'm thinking I will tackle a 90 day hybrid in August to take me through to December.