INSANITY: Starting Memorial Day



  • JoshuaHansford
    Got back into it with Max Plyo yesterday. I felt much stronger on my power jumps and level 3 drills. That workout is a monster. I'm so jacked to be in the final! I think I might actually send in my pics for the T-shirt this time.
  • JoshuaHansford
    MCC kicked my butt yesterday. I loved it, though. Looking forward to knocking out MIC today as it is my favorite of the Month 2 workouts. I been feeling a little more fatigued the past couple weeks and both of my achilles are really sore. Other than that I am feeling great.

    Take care y'all
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Got back into it with Max Plyo yesterday. I felt much stronger on my power jumps and level 3 drills. That workout is a monster. I'm so jacked to be in the final! I think I might actually send in my pics for the T-shirt this time.

    I plan to send in for the shirt. I've been dragging my feet on pictures.
    My oldest daughter had a bloody nose at 2am this morning. We missed the workout. Gotta play catch up. ug...
  • LaVinci
    LaVinci Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the first week of month 2. Just did Max Cardio Conditioning was tough. I some how made it through. I am struggling with some of the jumps and some of the floor work (I realized how week my arms are...very strong legs though). Any advice for me?
  • JoshuaHansford
    My advice is to not get discouraged if you can't keep up with the pace they are jumping on the video....a lot of those guys need to take short breaks too. Rather, count your as many as you can do safely with good form. The next round, try to match that number. The next day that jump workout comes up, try to do at least one more rep each round.

    Just do the best YOU can do each day and you will get better every day.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Just finished MIC. Only 3 days left....yay! Honestly, though my left achilles was hurting bad through the entire I am going to ice it tonight and hope it feels better tomorrow. If not, I may take a couple of days off to recover before finishing up the last 3 workouts :-(
  • LaVinci
    LaVinci Posts: 7 Member
    My advice is to not get discouraged if you can't keep up with the pace they are jumping on the video....a lot of those guys need to take short breaks too. Rather, count your as many as you can do safely with good form. The next round, try to match that number. The next day that jump workout comes up, try to do at least one more rep each round.

    Just do the best YOU can do each day and you will get better every day.
  • LaVinci
    LaVinci Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you. That will help a lot!!!:smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We did 40 minutes of MIC this morning. I felt like I hadn't workout for a week. It just didn't feel strong. Hopefully tomorrow will feel better. Best wishes!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We're all done with this round of straight Insanity. Hubby and I did p90X chest and back this morning. I don't know if I want to full round of P90X or create a hybrid. Probably best to do a hybrid.