INSANITY: Starting Memorial Day



  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    But, yeah I'm thinking I will tackle a 90 day hybrid in August to take me through to December.

    I will be doing it right along with you. I actually prefer the weight lifting of P90X but must admit that I get some freakish enjoyment out of having Sean T. yelling at me. And I have found that Insanity is helping lean me out. I am also jumping at the bit to see what the new P90X is going to be bringing to the table. I saw a preview and it looks INTENSE! Anyway.... I can't believe there are only three and a half weeks left of Insanity!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    But, yeah I'm thinking I will tackle a 90 day hybrid in August to take me through to December.

    I will be doing it right along with you. I actually prefer the weight lifting of P90X but must admit that I get some freakish enjoyment out of having Sean T. yelling at me. And I have found that Insanity is helping lean me out. I am also jumping at the bit to see what the new P90X is going to be bringing to the table. I saw a preview and it looks INTENSE! Anyway.... I can't believe there are only three and a half weeks left of Insanity!

    LOL, excellent. Yeah, my husband and I are looking forward to P90X2. We never did the One on One's that he has, although we have one DVD.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Do you guys know when the new P90xMC2 is being released?

    Yesterday was Circuit and I felt much better about my performance and effort. I've noticed that my HR is recovering much faster which is a good sign of improved conditioning. I am now consistently recovering from my 90-95% of max range to below 80% during the 30 sec breaks.

    I can't make up my mind about Circuit...I feel like I hate it the most, but I love it the most. Weird..I know..

    I hope everyone is feeling healthy, happy, and injury free!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    P90X2 is due out this December.

    I like the Circuit workouts the best because of the breaks. I hate hate hate Pure Cardio. I don't recover will with Max Plyo Circuit, but at least it does have breaks.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Just finished Max Interval Plyo... and all I gotta say is... Why on earth did it take me so long to figure this whole living healthy stuff out. I haven't felt this good in years!! I seriously feel like I wasted the last 10 years not being the best that I can be. I am not there yet, but man do I feel GREAT!!!
  • JoshuaHansford
    I survived Max Plyo last night. There's a great deal of jumping on that one, so my knees are feeling tender. I'm just trying to focus on safety. I kept pace with Level 3 drills, so I am happy about that at least.

    jreese - good for you! That really is the best think about living just feel better. Just last night my wife asked me if I felt better these days. I said yes, but I am just disappointed that I let myself go for so long. If it was easy, everybody would do it, though!

    I don't think I will ever look like some of the folks on the Insanity videos, but that's not my goal. My goal is to make sure that what the good Lord gave me looks the best it can and is as healthy as it can be.

    Keep pushing everybody! I hope you are all feeling strong and injury free
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You might want to look into a good joint support supplement for the knees. We're in the home stretch. I can say that my knees are much stronger than they were last summer when I did insanity.

    Yep, trying to stay injury free here too!
  • JoshuaHansford
    edorice - Thanks. I can't function without my glucosamine I started in May and it makes all the difference in my joint pain. I am confident as my core strengthens and my weight decreases my knees will be less and less sore.

    My wife joined me again for Max Recovery today. Gotta say I'm glad there's only one of those left b/c it's

    Im so excited to be this close to the finish!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yeah, it's so wrong that Max Recovery is so tough. My husband absolutely hates that workout. But I gotta say that I can rock some planks, side ways planks, walking planking and balance planks because P90X and Insanity.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Well it's rest day, but I feel like hitting the treadmill. Hope everyone is having a productive weekend.
  • JoshuaHansford
    I felt great yesterday during the Max Circuit. It's amazing how much my conditioning is improving. I am pretty sure MIC is my favorite of the Month 2 workouts.

    Im a little sore, but overall my body is holding up well. When I did Insanity last year, I felt like I was being held together with bubblegum and ducttape. I think the added focus on form early in month one helped me stay injury free.

    Oh btw - I weighed in at 233 today, down from 247.5 on Memorial Day. The best part is that my BFP has decreased by 6% in that time.

    I hope everyone still with us is excited and ready to push through these last 2 weeks!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I missed a couple of workouts last week but am on it this week. Lost my mojo for a couple of days while muscle soreness was an at all-time high. My calves were screaming at me during every workout. I think the short break did my body some good cause I am ready to bring it full force for the rest of this journey! If only this east coast heat would go away for a bit! :cry: (That's sweat... not tears!)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That heat is all around! It was 100 degrees yesterday. Which is sad because the weekend was pretty nice. As far as your calves, maybe pause the workout and give yourself an extra moment to stretch them longer.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hope everyone is still hanging in there. If not, just give yourself and extra couple of days. Get 'er done!!!
  • JoshuaHansford
    Im still around. My wife joined me yesterday for MaxPlyo. I sprained my toe up doing power pushups if you can believe that and my achilles is sore. I'm too close to let up right figure if I survive MCC this evening I've gotten over the most difficult part of the week. Take care.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    So I am not losing any crazy high numbers on the scale, but have to be completely honest with myself and admit that my eating has not been very clean. We've fallen into the "diet" food trap. Lower calories but still overly processed, nutrient-deficient food. So while the numbers on the scale have been a disappointment and my results are nothing to write home about, I am still feeling great about Insanity and my endurance. We go on vacation in a week and when we get back, I plan to get serious about the food I fuel my body with (maybe even incorporate Shakeology). And that will also be the start of a hybrid program. This feed has been awesome to keep me going and I look forward to finishing these 60 days with you. :smile:

    PS. Max Cardio yesterday kicked my butt!!!! I thought I would have no trouble doing it two hours after eating dinner! HA!!!! Dinner felt like a lead brick in my stomach!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Core cardio & Balance in the books. I just completed a couple of weeks with Shakeology. I was using the Greenberry mixed with fruit. I blended it all with ice in our Magic Bullet blender. I started craving the stuff. I felt pretty good while doing Shakeology, but now I'm going to cut back to one shake a day.
  • JoshuaHansford
    Hey y'all. Sorry to say that I missed the Max Recovery workout yesterday. I didn't get much sleep the night before and was dog-tired. Not a big deal really, but it does kinda bum me out that this is the first day I've missed since I started. I plan to pick back up with the scheduled workout today and power through the final week. Take care.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We went on vacation over the weekend. Where are you guys at in the program? I owe Shaun a couple of workouts. We did Core Cardio & Balance this morning to help us out of our stupor.

  • JoshuaHansford
    LOL @ that pic.

    OK, so I missed Max Recovery last Thurs and missed MIC on Friday. I attended a funeral service on Friday and just didn't have the motivation to get MIC done. I made up MIC on Saturday instead of CC&B.

    I am going to jump back into the scheduled workouts for this final week and tack the missed CC&B on at the end. So, that would put me doing my final fit test on next Monday.

    I really need to push it hard this week. I attended 2 cookouts over the weekend and ate terrible. I feel like crap for eating all that crap too. So, my goal is to sprint, not limp, to the finish line this week!

    Take care, folks!