

  • Oh and you also have to have SALT! You could be suffering from hypoatremia which is a lack of sodium. When you sweat you sweat out salt. If you replace it with plain water you lower your salt levels.
  • Eat only small amounts of white protein such as chicken breast and canned fish throughout the day. I think this might be the right article: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_diet_mass/shredded_in_6_days The important thing to remember is that you can only do this for a short time!
  • You have to drink water slowly. Your body can only absorb water at a certain rate so you can't just chug 4L of water and be hydrated. It will just go right through you. Also you are probably losing way more water than you think when you run. And the 8 glasses a day guideline is not nearly enough. You have to drink about 1…
  • You need a towel and a water bottle...that's pretty much it. Do not concern yourself with what other people are doing. You are there for YOUR workout not anyone else's and don't be embarrassed about lifting light weights. Everyone had to start somewhere.
  • The more sugar you eat the more insulin resistant you will be which will set you up for long term weight gain. 25g is probably a good amount to try and stay under but it is hard because sugar makes its way into a lot of food. MFP sets you up with a diet of 55% carbohydrates and a really low amount of protein which in my…
    in Sugar Comment by ziggy55311 July 2011
  • I agree with jagoochie. Get some weight training in there. Get a session with a personal trainer so they can teach you technique if you haven't lifted before.
  • http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_nutrition/sodium_your_secret_weapon
  • You shouldn't worry about going over on sodium. The whole low sodium thing is a myth. Your body needs sodium to function. You also shouldn't worry about going over on protein. Protein is good for you. The more you eat of that the better. The default setting does not give you nearly enough protein anyway. Fat is also not…
  • I impinged my shoulder recently and could hardly do any upper body lifts for a few weeks. I researched the heck out of it, found some rehab exercises and did lots of lower body work in the meantime. Do whatever else you can with your injury. Doing something is better than doing nothing.
  • I think it is the diaphram muscle cramping. I don't remember how to fix it though.
    in Pain Comment by ziggy55311 July 2011
  • Here's a pretty good website that I have been using to help me get in shape: www.t-nation.com It's mostly geared towards men but a lot of the articles apply to everyone.
  • You could go before work or you could trade some of that walking for some strength training in the gym. Strength training burns more calories than walking after you leave the weight room.
  • Your body has adapted to the walking and your calorie intake. You now have to add something if you want to keep losing weight. You could do bodyweight exercises in a park or something if there is one near you or you could start running or jogging. Is there really no room in the budget for the gym or could you work things…
  • Yes, you have to use your core to balance and stabalize yourself while riding a bike. The core is more involved in balance on a real bike than a stationary bike but the spin bikes still make you balance more than the bulky electric ones.
  • Consuming more refined carbohydrates will make you more insulin resistant which will make you stuggle with weight in the long run.
  • I drink upwards of 2 gallons a day and sometimes it is not enough. I do work outside in 100+ degree weather but I was still drinking about 1.5 gallons per day before summer hit.
  • You need sodium. You tongue can taste sweet, sour, bitter, and SALTY. There is no reason to have a low sodium diet unless you have a family history of sodium related hypertension.
  • If you go to my home then my goals and select change goals then choose the manual option you can set the percentages yourself.
  • To bulk up you have to eat more than you burn. If you are using myfitnesspal you can select gaining weight as one of your goals. You do need to eat way more protein than it recommends. You are going to need 1-1.5g protein per pound of body weight. Muscles are made of protein. There are a number of workouts that you can do…
  • I use dymatize elite gourmet whey and casein blend. You can order it cheap from amazon.com and it doesn't have a bunch of preservatives and junk in it. I use it for the same reason you do, to get my protein intake up.