
mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
Yesterday I went for a 5k run. I had some water (like only 1/2 cup or so) 10 mins before hand, and then water the rest of the day. (like 2.5L at least - lots of trips to the loo).
However when I went to bed, I was still thirsty. I woke up at 2am, went to the loo, and another drink, this morning however KILLER headache, and a seriously dry mouth. (I'm currently sipping a electrolyte drink)

Now this is the 2nd time this week that this has happened to me, and it has been the day after I have done a run. Monday I ran 4.5k, and yesterday (wed) I ran 5(.7)km.
I still exercised on Tuesday but it RT (turbofire tone30).

So my question is the dehydration caused because of the run?

And fyi when I do the press on hand test, it takes about 3-5 secs for the white spot to go back to skin colour, which tells me my body is still dehydrated.

I mean I drank HEAPS of water, to the point where I seriously did not want to drink anymore.

Thoughts? Advice?

PS> on monday I had to have a yellow fever and hep a & b injection for a holiday I'm having at the end of the year, could this also be the cause?


  • ziggy55311
    You have to drink water slowly. Your body can only absorb water at a certain rate so you can't just chug 4L of water and be hydrated. It will just go right through you. Also you are probably losing way more water than you think when you run. And the 8 glasses a day guideline is not nearly enough. You have to drink about 1 oz of water per 2 pounds of bodyweight per day minimum. Then you have to add more for exercise and more for each alcoholic and caffeinated beverage. That's about 30 ml per kg in metric.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I could be wrong on this BUT if you're drinking that much, you couldn't be DEhydrated - maybe UNDERhydrated but you are getting SOME hydration - try gatorade? I got very ill once & got dehydrated. They told me water doesn't replace electrolytes - you have to drink something like gatorade (or go to the hosp & get an IV) so I'd say - try that - drink Gatorade AND water -
    eat jello, popsicles, watermelon (watery fruit & veggies) and if you're still having symptoms, call the Dr. Once you get dehydrated, you have to replace (or repair, I dunno I only half listen) those electrolytes and water alone will not do it
  • ziggy55311
    Oh and you also have to have SALT! You could be suffering from hypoatremia which is a lack of sodium. When you sweat you sweat out salt. If you replace it with plain water you lower your salt levels.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Ok I did gulp water, but I did sip it too.

    I did pick up some gatroade (electrolyte) drink, on monday just to be on the safe side.

    will take all your advice on board, thanks all.