joining a gym

So... I've never been to a gym before. Ever. And next week I'm joining my uni gym.
They have classes running throughout the day.

Does anyone have any advice for a gym junkie newb?
Like what is the best equipment to start off with?
What is the general equipment one needs to take with them to the gym?

Thanks. Sorry I'm just concerned I'm gonna get it wrong and maybe scare myself out of it and make a fool of myself but I'm going to stick with it. I have a friend or two from uni joining and my brother.


  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Bring a bottle of water and a towel. That's all you really need to get started.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • ziggy55311
    ziggy55311 Posts: 20
    You need a towel and a water bottle...that's pretty much it. Do not concern yourself with what other people are doing. You are there for YOUR workout not anyone else's and don't be embarrassed about lifting light weights. Everyone had to start somewhere.
  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I like to do classes like Zumba, yoga, and kickboxing! That way the group environment motivates you to push yourself and it's more fun to workout once you make friends in the classes.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    What you need to bring: a water bottle, an MP3 player and possibly a magazine to read or something if you think you might get bored on the machines. The best equipment to start using, for me at least personally, is a bike. Even if you can figure out how to up the resistance or whatever, you can peddle without looking dumb. But if I try a new machine and I can't figure it out, I just ask the person next to me, "Hey, this is my first time on this, how do I get it to start?" But most machines have a quick start button.

    Honestly, though, don't worry about making a fool of yourself because the majority of people are there for themself and don't check everybody else out!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    They should take you an a tour and show you how to use the machines and tell you what they do. Don't be embarrassed to ask again if you are not sure that's what they are there for
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Check at the front desk - a lot of times gyms have some sort of "orientation" where they can give you a tour of the equipment they have and show you the proper way to use them. I'm gym retarded, so I would have to have something like that if I were to join a gym. I don't have a membership, though - I purchased my own equipment and saved a lot of money in the long run and don't have to worry about gym hours or creepers watching me workout!
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    Water bottle, towel and don't set unrealistic expectations about how often you plan on going to the gym. Most of all have fun :smile:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I like to do classes like Zumba, yoga, and kickboxing! That way the group environment motivates you to push yourself and it's more fun to workout once you make friends in the classes.

    Definitely check out a Zumba class if they offer one!!!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Try out everything and see what you like. Your first day will probably be more of an orientation than a workout. If you are using weight machines, take time to learn how to use them right to avoid injury. Start with light weight and make sure the pivot point of the machine is in-line with the pivot point of the joint you are using for the exercise. Have fun!
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    I used to have "everyone's gonna look at me weird" phobia of going to the gym. I told my friend about this and that I didn't want to be the big tubbah-tubbbah guy who gets made fun of at the gym. He said "Who gives a S%@t if they look at you, we'll see what they say in 3 months."

    Nobody really cares that I'm there or not though. I'm pretty well invisible. If people do look at me, it's usually just to see if my workout timer is close to being done so they can hop on the machine next.

    So no worries there.

    Equipment wise, I would bring:

    1. A positive mental outlook that you're here to better yourself, everyone else doesn't exist.
    2. Water Bottle for hydration
    3. Watch to keep track of time
    4. Good shoes, light clothing to allow your body to cool itself efficiently
    5. Ipod (makes the time go faster)
    6. A small bag with a change of clothes of you plan on showering there, with flip flops for the showers
    7. a protein supplement to eat immediately after you finish your workout.
    8. A smile, because it helps you feel good about yourself, which will in turn help you maintain suggestion #1.

    That's about everything I could think of. I hope it helps. =)
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Some gyms offer a free session or mini-session with a personal trainer for new members or those unfamiliar with the layout of the gym/how to use machines, free weights, etc. In some cases, technique is important to prevent injury, so if these resources are available to you, it might be a good idea to take advantage of them. That's a reason why classes rock, too.
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I used my college's gym all the time, but we didn't have an "orientation." We did have someone who worked the cardio and weight rooms who could answer any general questions, but they weren't experts or anything. I started off on the treadmill and bike and watched other people to figure out how to use the other machines.

    Wear different shoes and change into your sneakers there! My college is a huge stickler about this.
    Bring a water bottle!

    Most gyms should have a bottle of cleaner to spray onto machines once you're done. Always clean off the machine.

    Invest in some workout clothes (i.e. sweats) and good sneakers. I can't tell you how much I laugh (on the inside) when people show up in slide-on shoes and jeans to workout!

    Bring an iPod or mp3 player. My college gym had TVs attached to each machine, so you could plug in your headphones or earbuds and watch TV. Or, just get lost in the music.

    Don't hog a machine too long. At my gym, there are signs posted that say you can only use a machine for 30 minutes if someone is waiting. Usually, there isn't anyone waiting so I can do a full hour. But if there are people waiting, be courteous. I always get annoyed with this one girl hogs the elliptical for two hours!

    Also, take advantage of any classes they offer. My college offered free Zumba classes for a few weeks.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I used my college's gym all the time, but we didn't have an "orientation." We did have someone who worked the cardio and weight rooms who could answer any general questions, but they weren't experts or anything. I started off on the treadmill and bike and watched other people to figure out how to use the other machines.

    Wear different shoes and change into your sneakers there! My college is a huge stickler about this.
    Bring a water bottle!

    Most gyms should have a bottle of cleaner to spray onto machines once you're done. Always clean off the machine.

    Invest in some workout clothes (i.e. sweats) and good sneakers. I can't tell you how much I laugh (on the inside) when people show up in slide-on shoes and jeans to workout!

    Bring an iPod or mp3 player. My college gym had TVs attached to each machine, so you could plug in your headphones or earbuds and watch TV. Or, just get lost in the music.

    Don't hog a machine too long. At my gym, there are signs posted that say you can only use a machine for 30 minutes if someone is waiting. Usually, there isn't anyone waiting so I can do a full hour. But if there are people waiting, be courteous. I always get annoyed with this one girl hogs the elliptical for two hours!

    Also, take advantage of any classes they offer. My college offered free Zumba classes for a few weeks.

    All college gyms must be identical because this is my gym down to a tee! haha especially yes on changing your shoes. my gym during the summer doesn't care but my school cares a lot.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i just joined a gym in jan for the first time ever. They had a program that was no extra charge for people who've never worked out at a gym before and were just starting out. Im sure if you ask, someone will show you around and show you how to use each machine correctly. It took me a couple months to work up the courage to do a group class, now im a reg at pretty much every different type of class they offer.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I love group classes, my favorites are step and pump (body sculpting). It really depends on what you're looking to do there, kwim? If they have a free orientation with a trainer I suggest you take advantage of that. If you work with a trainer for any length of time I suggest you talk to them and tell them your intent is to learn enough to feel comfortable in the gym so that you can exercise independent and see what their reaction is . . . my first one made me more dependent on her, my current one is making me less dependent on him.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    when I joined my gym, they offered a free consultation with a trainer and also an orientation on the machines and free weights. I suggest since youve never been to a gym before to talk to a trainer. Tell him/her what you want out of your membership if its to lose weight, gain strength, muscle, toning, etc and have him put you on a circuit or routine. Once youve gotten the hang of it, you should be able to make up your own routines.

    People have this perception of trainers that they are there just to show you how to use the machines, but they are there to maximize your time in working smarter.

    Good luck!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You will do great! Everyone had their first day at the gym, and no one looked like they do when they first started one is paying attention to you, I promise. The gym is usually people's alone time, and they are in a zone. :-) Wear gym clothes that breathe, water and a towel, and a snack for afterwards. PLEASE check out the group ex classes, they will push you much farther than you would yourself, and you will have so much more fun. Time flies by. As for the poster who said bring a magazine..IMHO and it's a humble one...if you can read while you're're not working hard enough. ;-)
  • rhan90
    rhan90 Posts: 26 Member
    I joined my gym just before Christmas 2010 and I love it! I was feeling really nervous and apprehensive about not knowing what to do and looking silly, but that feeling disappeared very fast when I got into it. I used to watch other people to work out how to get some of the machines started, etc. I started off just in the cardio room, until my sort-of-PT (I only see her 6 times a year with my membership) showed me how to use some of the weight machines and stuff.

    I also love doing different classes, including step, pump (les mills bodypump) and bodybalance (les mills tai-chi, yoga, pilates hybird). My advice is to try each class to see what you like. Some classes you may need to give a couple goes before you can really decide if its for you.

    As for equipment, the staples have been listed: water (I take a 1litre bottle because I drink heaps and it beats going to refill all the time), a towel (for cleaning gym equipment, just a courtesy thing), good shoes, comfy clothes that allow you to breath. You don't have to be decked out in the latest gear, just something that you feel comfortable in :)

    Most of all, push yourself to get out there and have a go despite the nerves! Walking into the gym the first time to sign up was a huge thing for me, after that the barriers started to break down. Let us know how you go with it all :)
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    1) Wipe off the machines when you are done (its gym etiquette). They usually supply paper towels and spray.
    2) Bring a water bottle and an ipod if you want to listen to music.
    3) Don't be afraid to ask the person next to you or a person at the front desk for help with any machines. The people are nice.
    4) I wouldn't expect a killer workout on Day 1 because I spent my first day trying all the machines to figure out which ones I like and don't like.
    5) Nobody is watching you!!! Everybody is soooo focused on their own workout that they do not stare at others.
    6) Wear something comfortable.
    7) You know you can do this!! :0)

    Good Luck!!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    You will do great! Everyone had their first day at the gym, and no one looked like they do when they first started one is paying attention to you, I promise. The gym is usually people's alone time, and they are in a zone. :-) Wear gym clothes that breathe, water and a towel, and a snack for afterwards. PLEASE check out the group ex classes, they will push you much farther than you would yourself, and you will have so much more fun. Time flies by. As for the poster who said bring a magazine..IMHO and it's a humble one...if you can read while you're're not working hard enough. ;-)

    I have to agree... if you can read then you are not working hard enough.