

  • I was watching an episode of Strange Sex where they talked about that. Same situation--the woman wanted to be 1000+ lbs as a goal, her husband literally got turned on by feeding her and she got turned on by eating. It was a very interesting but disturbing relationship dynamic.
  • I know of several people who haven't gotten past the first interview at a job because they arrived late. My boss even told me that a woman arrived late to an interview and then later made a comment about her qualities and being on time/prompt was one of the ones she listed. Ridiculous! My belief is that if you arrive at…
  • I was in the exact same boat as you a month ago! What I did was I didn't say "I'm not drinking soda from now on" but I did tell myself I needed to cut back. Now I try to make tons of iced tea (usually peach flavor with agave nectar sweetening) or stock up on flavored sparkling water. When there is a special occasion or a…
  • This! Sometimes I will be like "Wow, I don't know how you survived without any snacks during the day!" just so I can point out the lack of calories consumned without coming off forceful or as giving unwarranted advice.
  • It's a brutal scene but if you can get through reading it in the book than I think you can handle seeing it. It's obviously disturbing but ultimately it's a pivotal scene that shows how Salandar's been treated her entire life by the world and the people in place that are supposed to protect her.
  • I read all 3, watched all 3 of the Swedish films and just the American film. I felt like the American version concentrated more on the actual mystery of the book where as I felt the Swedish film just used the mystery as a backdrop to introduce the Salandar character--which to be honest, was smarter. If you think about it,…
  • Chanel foundation and powder and mineral veil by bare minerals...I have super oily skin and these combined last all day even in Arizona 114 degree heat :)
  • I do 3 egg whites, 1/4 cup of shredded cheese, chopped green onion and if I worked out hard that morning, a slice of chopped bacon already fried in the pan before adding the rest.
  • I get one once a week cause my insurance pays for it! It's so awesome and it's better if you get one from a medical office instead of Massage Envy or Dolce because the medical massages are less about relaxation and more about releasing the toxins and getting all your knots out.
  • You look awesome! I would say lose 5-10 more pounds and tone up :)
  • I'm on WEEK 4 DAY 3, it's tough but at the same time the best running schedule ever created! Add me if you'd like :)
  • I've heard that shin splints can also cause numbness in your foot/toes, happens to me all the time and my shins usually hurt after a good run.
  • I'm still fairly new if you'd like to add me :) I'm currently 5'8" and my current weight is 180.6 and I'm trying to get down to at least 160.
  • I second this! I just realized that frosted mini wheats is 24 biscuits...that barely covers the bottom of my bowl. I switched to eating egg whites because I realized I had previously been eating 2-3 servings of cereal every day.
  • I joined MFP after I went on a hike with my family and my dad took a picture of me which, when I saw it, caused me to become horrified at how huge I looked compared to what I saw every morning! I'm saving the photo for a *before* picture so when I do lose the weight, it will be a great comparison. My thinking is that when…
  • Thanks for posting this!
  • I used to work at a gym and that is a HUGE liability issue if your gym is doing that. It's different if you're specifically going to do hot yoga and you are prepared to be working out in the heat but for a gym to do that is ridiculous and I wouldn't be surprised if they close because of it.
  • My ultimate goal weight is 150lbs for me, I think that's pretty ideal for someone who's 5'8" and wants a healthy look.
  • I have HUGE emotional eating problems to the point where (a year ago) I was going every other night to Sonic for their M&M Blast with extra m&ms. Now, that I've slowly changed my eating habits, if I'm having a really bad day (it has to be pretty bad) I'll treat myself to something I might not typically have during the week…
  • Egg whites! I swear by them when it comes to eating 3 of them, little cheese, some green onion and I put ketchup on it. I also usually have some greek yogurt as well :) low calories and its SO good for you.
  • THANKS EVERYONE! All of your responses were really helpful, I'm probably just going to ignore what my sugar intake is as long as I'm just eating fruits/veggies when it goes over. If it's for other reasons...then I might have to change my eating plan for the better.
  • Welcome! You'll love it here, everyone is so encouraging and keeping track of your food intake and exercise is a great motivator. Feel free to add me, I've been a member for 3-4 weeks and I've already lost 3lbs and become obsessed (in a good way) with MFP.
  • Omg, love that stuff. That and Coke Zero are my drink weaknesses. I just try to limit myself to only once a week, plus that saves me major $$ when I think about how much I used to spend getting the drinks on a regular basis.
  • Welcome! I typically try to stay under 1100-1200 depending on how much I work out I might intake 1300-1400 cal. I also try to stay low on my sodium and sugar intake with is HARDER for me than keeping under on calories. Feel free to add me :) and MFP is awesome, you'll love it.
  • You look amazing!! Congrats on all your hard work.
  • I'm on every day :) Let me know if you need anything! Request sent....
  • Anything with TUNA. I make a tuna sandwich that's under 400 cal consisting of celery, mayo, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I usually put it on sourdough but it feels me up for a longggg time (at least till dinner if not later). I'm in college right now and if you have to eat out, I try to look up the nutrition facts of the…