Since I started tracking my food I have learned...



  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    portion size is so important; this is the thing I have learned!! I used to "assume" I was eating the right portions, that is until I measured it and realized that I was eating several portions!!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I can honestly say that I've learned portion control inorder not to hike up those calories and that just because it all comes in one package it doesn't mean that its all one serving....

    Yup, same here
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I have learned that I've NEVER EVER eaten a single serving of cereal -- 1/2 cup. . WTH? No thanks, not worth it. I won't even buy it anymore.

    All you need is to get the right type of cereal. Not all cereals are equal (not even close)

    I eat 1c of Kashi go lean original with some fruit for breakfast and love it! It is packed with everything i need to get my day going! :love:
  • Taicort
    Taicort Posts: 14 Member
    Put a couple cups of raw spinach or kale in a fruit smoothie. I try to do 3 parts greens to 2 parts fruit and blend it with water. When i started doing this i found that i can get my daily fiber in a snack and the natural sweetness from the fruit hides the taste of the greens. Super yummy and VERY healthy!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    A supposedly healthy Protein bar has about the same amount of calories as a snickers, with a little extra added protein ! :)

    Great thread.


    I found this out last week while on vacation. I figured I would get some protein bars to help supplement my diet...ummmm I decided against it once I looked at the calorie count and sugar content in some of those bars. Plus, the carbs in some of them were terrible.

    I also found out looking for some yummy cool treats that weight watchers ice cream candy bars have almost the same amount of calories as a regular snickers ice cream bar!!! When you start to read labels you begin to realize the "diet" or 'health foods" are not as good for you as you are led to beleive! :huh:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Coke is just not worth 139 cals a can, i'd rather drink water and eat those cals!!!

    Cannot agree more!
  • CjsWifey411
    that almost everything i was eating before that i "thought" was some what ok for me really isn't... and the stuff that is good for me now, I love to eat more of.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Cheese...most definitely. Also, someone already took juice. (V8 w/ Green Tea is only 50 cals). Greek yogurt...a WHOPPING 190 cals...think I'll pass.

    Greek Yogurt has so much protein though! And some have a less than 190 cals, some even have 90 (Oikos)

    Agree, Greek yogurt are so good, don't pass. Find a smaller size, 4 oz, to enjoy (only 80-90 cal). Worth every spoonful!
  • CjsWifey411
    portion size is so important; this is the thing I have learned!! I used to "assume" I was eating the right portions, that is until I measured it and realized that I was eating several portions!!!

    I was the same way as well.. I now have a measuring cup for my cereal and milk in the AM...
  • mcgwnkrista
    I have learned that I've NEVER EVER eaten a single serving of cereal -- 1/2 cup. . WTH? No thanks, not worth it. I won't even buy it anymore.

    I second this! I just realized that frosted mini wheats is 24 biscuits...that barely covers the bottom of my bowl. I switched to eating egg whites because I realized I had previously been eating 2-3 servings of cereal every day.
  • svetlana_vs
    Capuccino with whole milk :-(. And nuts :-( And chocolate :-( (though a little piece can still go! :-)

    I practically stopped eating any sweet things about 5 weeks ago - the calories are too high.

    Cheese is another sacrifice... but is my treat on heavy workout days!!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Learned to look at label, especially ingredient, so close, and my eyes hurt. :-) It's not about how many calories it has any more, but what's in it also matters.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    How many calories there are in peas! I LOVE peas :(

    Yeah, but those are good for you, so they're worth it!

    Although peas are yummy, but they are not the best vegi out there. It's very starchy. Go green leafy vegetable!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    For those concerned with the olive oil...
    1) It's a good fat.
    2) If it's strictly the calories you're worried about, get a Misto ($9.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond, plus you can use a 20% Off coupon on it). When I bought mine, I pumped it up and measured the first spray into a measuring spoon. A full spray (from the time you start pushing until it just sends out air) is only 1/2 teaspoon. Even my largest pans only need 2 sprays to coat them.
    3) It's way healthier than Pam or other non-stick "no calorie" sprays. Read their labeling. They say no calories or fat, but they're basing that on portion size. Seriously, who sprays for 1/4 second? Those items contain hydrogenated oils.

    Absolutely well said!!!
  • iamhopeful
    iamhopeful Posts: 25
    I've learned that things have a lot more sodium and sugar than I thought.

    Also, I've realized that the calories add up very quickly.... I was shocked at how many calories I could consume between breakfast, lunch and mid-day snacks even before dinner time (even with the "healthy" snacks I had been eating). I now will cut back from eating something to allow for the calories I'll need for dinner.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    1. That size matters
    2. That I can eat lots of veggies and fruits for half the calories of a little junk.
    3. That diet drinks cause stomach bloating
    4. That a full hearty breakfast does matter and helps diminish hunger during the day
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    When I started logging my food I realized what foods were making me sick. No more soy and I'm working to stop eating dairy...but I love cheese. I'll gladly run the extra time to be able to eat cheese in/on everything...but I can't.

    Just because it's gluten free doesn't mean it's better for you. Seriously, people who go gluten free as a diet make me mad, you can still get fat eating gluten free if you eat the crap they sell in stores. Make it at home and you can eat like 3x as much! WIN!!!

    I absolutely love spinach.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I've learned that when eating "clean", it's hard for me to reach my 1800 a day calorie goal.
    I've learned it's healthier to buy the "real" thing than reduced fat or fat free alternatives.
    I've learned that I need to find other ways to add flavor to my foods.
    I've learned that I AM WORTH IT!
  • formeonly
    formeonly Posts: 8 Member
    I have learned that no matter how hard I try I always go over on the sugar tracker. Heck 2 pieces of fruit plus a yogurt puts you over!
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    this was good, kind of fried cabbage sausage cassarole,, should have added onions.


    Kraft - Natural Shredded Fat Free Chedder Cheese, 0.5 Cup

    Cabbage - Boiled - White, 350 g - 1 cup chopped or Shredded
    Jimmy Dean - Hearty Sausage Crumbles (Turkey) (Fully Cooked) 60% Less Fat, 2/3 cup
    Kraft nonfat cheese half cup,, salt and pepper half tea spoon of sugar
    about 3 cups or more , only 284 calories.