New - Looking for C25K buddies!

Hi, everyone! I just joined today and I'm looking for others who are doing C25K and can help keep me motivated. I'm in week 2 and so far it's going great!


  • angelaclev
    angelaclev Posts: 95
    Hey, am on w3d3... I love it...
  • angelaclev
    angelaclev Posts: 95
    I need to keep motivated also...because I would have finished week three today... but I didnt do it... :(
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Hey I am on Week 3 Day 3...Its wonderful!!
  • mcgwnkrista
    I'm on WEEK 4 DAY 3, it's tough but at the same time the best running schedule ever created! Add me if you'd like :)
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Im gonna start C25K next week. :) Cant wait.
  • katrina258
    I'm also on W3D3.

    I started the program in May and had to restart it after taking a few weeks off. After just 4 weeks I found myself running faster and longer than ever before! And I felt so good about myself too :D Don't Stop! Do your best to keep with the program or your body will detrain. You can do it!!!

    There is a C25k iphone/ipod app that's amazing, and I love it! It let's you listen to your own music with audio cues that alert you when to run/walk. It was $2.99 I believe, but so worth it.

    Good luck!
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I forgot....I know the program is to do it 3 days a week, but do you think its ok if I do it 5 days a week just to help make it a little easier on me? (Only log 3 days for the week)
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Hey, I'm doing w2d2 tonight. I love it! Anyone feel free to add me for support! :D
  • katrina258
    Hey Staceyo-

    Just make sure that you don't overwork yourself, especially if you have to run outside in this heat wave the US has been having recently. Generally, cardiovascular adaptations to running benefit from "rest and recovery" periods, so make sure to give yourself one day at minimum during the week for rest, if not two.
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    Staceyo.. Just don't burn yourself out! I love how C25K eases you into running in a way so that you won't get discouraged. 5 days may be a bit much to start out with, but whatever works for you!
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    Just started! Week 1 day 3 tomorrow...feel free to add me!
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    I'm also on week 3 day 3. Feel free to add me :)
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I will be using a treadmill because its wayyyyyyyyyy to hot and it doesnt cool off until very late at night. I will stick to the 3 days, I dont want to get burnt out. Thanks ladies!!
  • kstynaboo
    kstynaboo Posts: 4

    I finished W1D3 yesterday.
    This is the first workout that i've really enjoyed and want to stick me....and i ususally despise running.

    Add me as a friend for support. I've already added some of y'all wonderful people.

    = )
  • MetalEllie
    MetalEllie Posts: 13
    Hi i'm on week 2 as well and its going good so far! feel free to add me :o)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome! i finished this 2 weeks ago! amazing programme! can happily run for 30-40 mins now! started off struggling to run 3 mins! yikes!
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    Anyone else out there?
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Please add me as well. I'm on Week 4, Day 3 which I'll complete tomorrow.

    Week 4 is tough, but then again every week has been tough. However the feeling you get when you've done it is incredible.

    This program really is incredible! :)