untilthesun Member


  • 8! pretty and your profile pic is cuteee! :) x
  • I am exactly the same. Im loud, caring, and a little crazy in both worlds. Im honest too, in both worlds, which funnily enough can get you into trouble in both worlds!
  • Here here!!! I'm trained as a teacher, and though im not currently teaching it annoys me when they gets such a tough break. People who haven't done it do not know how hard it is and how poor te pay is for how much time it takes up its not just a career, teaching is a way of life!!!! X
  • I heart boobs!!!!! Even when I was a size 10 I was a 36c cup, I'm now a 38/40dd, and I hope they don't vanish too much, x
  • Cj: legal service advisor Dj: business owner - either a professional face painter or a jewellery designer.....currently working on both of these as business plans!!!!
  • I am a legal service advisor, desk job, I don't move much when I am at work, and my shifts are irregular, so sometimes I don't gt to eat until 9 at night...the biscuits are dangerously tempting too
  • True that. Ive posted a few topics that havent received responses....i aint mad! thats life :P The last one i posted was a rant about how ridiculous biggest loser was.....so it wasnt important...just thought id get it off my chest! There are more important things that responding to posts on the tinterweb.
  • i dont believe that you should only say i love you once, I think you should say it if you feel it, ive said it 2 times in my life to partners, but i tell my close friends i love them as often as i can, because i do, its a different type of love, but my life just wouldn't be the same without them. once in my first serious…
  • I eat seeds or a banana on my breaks, it stops me munching on the lovely gifts that co-workers bring in, or have a smaller portion of it, so it doesnt affect so much, then you satisfy the craving without going OTT. I fond water and peppermint tea help, i just drink a lot :)
  • mine was open, then i had ONE people trying to tell me exactly what to do and exactly what to eat etc. i felt judged so i removed them and have closed it for a while. but ill open it when i feel confident that im not going to suffer the same stint again, i wont name and shame becuase i dont hold grudges and i guess they…
  • I generally log every day, apart from last weekend, when i was too drunk to log (bad weekend in that way, ace weekend in social way) sometimes if im out i log the previous days in one day, but mine always resets to zero if i miss logging food for a day, im not bothered as to what it says, ive had people write "happy 5th"…
  • SEXY! end of. im looking forward to getting my full back peice once another 10lbs has gone!
  • i have one, i love it, i had a previous peircing when i was younger, it didnt scar, :) i say go for it, your getting there and it can be a treat :P
  • heylo lovely! on the xbox dance central select your song, and select perform it, when it goes to the next screen select workout mode. From then on it will tally up the exact time to the second that you spend dancing and the exact calories you burn. you will notice that the harder you dance and the more effort you put in…
  • I like this idea, I definetly need to shift a lot more and this could help! count me in!
  • Thanks so much everyone for your help! :) Xxx
  • Brilliant :) thanks guys!!! what about water consumption - is there such a thing as too much water? x
  • Thankyou very much for your help, and thanks for the heads up on dark chocolate! its my fave!! :) i do try to eat my 5 a day and ive had that today with a superfood salad and a pear! Good luck to everyone xx
  • first off congrats on losing the weight! secondly you will have to change your mindset. at the end of the day its how you feel that matters, and wearing clothes that are too big are going to make you feel aweful. Have you considered selling old clothes that are still in good condition on ebay and then buying new with the…
  • all you have to do is log everything you eat and excersise and make sure you stick within your calorie goal, dont worry about all the terminology, thats all you need to know :) try to excersise as much as it says and eat as much as it says and you should loose weight :) hope this helps xx
  • I'm allergic to cheese, so I always order pizza without cheese! it tastes great, it doesnt appear to be as greasy plus it make calorie content take a hugeeeeee plunge. I recommend it!
  • great thanks :) this is the plan, I'm doing mainly cardio at the gym with a little weight training :) this has helped lots.
  • Hey, you can tighten your muscles underneath the fat, but you can't spot-reduce the fat loss. The best way to reduce the size of your arms is to lose more weight and it'll partially come off from your arms in due course. If your arms have very little fat on them now, doing specific arm exercises will increase the muscle…
  • Hello!!! also from the uk! ive never been really small, but i used to stay between 10-11 stone, i then got very happy with my lovely man in a relationship, and had the implant put in my arm, since then my weight soared in 4 years from 10 stone to 16!!!! Ive been working on loosing weight for 3 weeks now, and am down to 15…