Hello from the UK


I joined this site a while back, when i first thought i needed to lose weight, but soon convinced myself that yeah i have a few lumps and bumps but nothing major, so did nothing, now i just depress myself.
So here's a quick background on me,i'm 5ft 1in and have always been 7/8 stone, small body frame, with the exception of a little junk in my trunk (big bum), until recently, i stopped smoking Jan last year and also passed my driving test and have since put on 3 stone.
I currently weigh 10 stone 10lbs, the weight seems to be mainly on my hips, bum, thighs and a little on my tummy.
I need some motivation, and help on how to shift the weight, and to tone up my problem areas.


  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member

    im from england!
    And i was fairly small until i quit smoking a few years ago too!
    And all of the weight is on my legs... and a little on my belly.
    And honestly i need motivation to eat right..
    When im not REALLY busy i always get my exercise done...
    But i ALWAYS cave to junk.
    I mean so far today iv had half a chocolate cake, and a 1/4 of an apple pie.... =/

    Feel free to add me if you want ^-^
  • untilthesun
    untilthesun Posts: 30 Member
    Hello!!! also from the uk! ive never been really small, but i used to stay between 10-11 stone, i then got very happy with my lovely man in a relationship, and had the implant put in my arm, since then my weight soared in 4 years from 10 stone to 16!!!!

    Ive been working on loosing weight for 3 weeks now, and am down to 15 st 5.6, and im aiming to get back to healthy, im not fussed exactly about the number of my weight, i just want to feel good again. Joining my gym was the best thing i ever did.

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here, I only joined 3 days ago and i only have 2, would be nice to get support and support others!

    :) Natalie, 23, 5ft 6....currently 15 st 5.6lbs
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    been on here 3 months. managed to lose a stone and a half through this site.
    Friend me if you want motivation and support a plenty!
  • catsbd
    catsbd Posts: 3 Member
    Cathy here. I am just under 5 ft and was 8 st all my life (then gained after kids). Am at 11 st (ok and a bit) and my first goal is to get back in the 10's and then the 9's and finally the 8 st's and stay there!
    Do you have any home exercise equipment? Or do you like walking? Deep down for me I know that sorting my eating out and moving more will hopefully shift the weight - I am sure there is plenty of help and motivation here with everyone on this site - Believe in yourself. You can do it.