Snacks/Sweets at the Office!!

So I have been doing really good with my eating habits, but since I recently went back to work the sweets are starting to show up again!! Coworkers bring in treats and leave them in the break room all day!! Unfortunately I caved today and ate 2 pieces of cake throughout my shift. Im totally bummed out because I tried so hard to resist. I really dont want to relapse and lose everything I am working for. I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they have tricks that work to avoid the temptations?!?
Thanks so much!!


  • TheSarahHill
    Dont worry too much just don't give in because you have had a peice of cake or two. Just eat a light meal for your dinner when you get home and carry on. Or go for a walk after your dinner, you will feel so much better.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Why did you eat it? If you were hungry and craving a snack, then I'd suggest you keep yourself from getting overly hungry. Eat more filling meals, and have healthy snacks available for when you do need something.

    Or did you eat it because you're in the habit of eating a treat just because it's there? In that case, you do need some time to break the habit. You could try logging it before you eat it, which would show you just how many calories it is and might dissuade you. Many people like to chew gum, or have a cup of tea, to keep from mindless eating. One thing that helped me is realizing that there is plenty of cake in the world. I can choose to let this one go, and if I really, really need some cake later on, I can make the decision to go and buy some.

    Also, I don't like the idea of completely forbidding any particular food. If you told me I could never have cake again, you can bet I'd be at the nearest bakery by the end of the day. You can give yourself a treat now and then - make it fit into your calorie goal for the day; or do enough exercise to earn the extra calories; or if you go over your goal for the day, you could eat a little less the next day. I go over all the time, and then I'll go under on another day to make up for it.

    Anyway, two pieces of cake will NOT derail your diet. This is just ONE day out of the rest of your life.
  • nyancey3
    nyancey3 Posts: 1 Member
    My boss keeps a candy bowl of chocolates (reeses, snickers, dove, milky ways, etc). When I have meetings with her I constantly look at that bowl. I haven't had a piece today. I hold off until I walk out and then snack on my grapes. My advice is just limit yourself in going to the break room. Good luck to you!
  • jrhose
    jrhose Posts: 30 Member
    I had the same thing when I went back to work this week. I totally forgot about the MASSES of sweets in the kitchen until I walked in to put my salad in the fridge. I just tell myself it's not worth it. Cuz it's not. I know that once I get past this first phase of my diet (I'm on 17 Day Diet) I can have a treat or a cheat day. But until then, it's not worth it.

    And the other posters are right. It's just ONE day. A light dinner is a great idea, or an extra walk. Good luck!! You're doing good things by being accountable, next time just tell yourself - it's not worth it. :)
  • untilthesun
    untilthesun Posts: 30 Member
    I eat seeds or a banana on my breaks, it stops me munching on the lovely gifts that co-workers bring in, or have a smaller portion of it, so it doesnt affect so much, then you satisfy the craving without going OTT. I fond water and peppermint tea help, i just drink a lot :)
  • howellco
    Bring your own snack into the break room if you want to be around others during your break. Otherwise I normally take a walk for my breaks or I read an article (at my computer) while eating a snack. Normally the snacks that I take to work are apples and peanut butter, dry cereal (cherrios are a fav of mine), clemintines, goldfish etc. It really just depends on your mood. In addition to that I set small goals and when I reach them I allow myself a treat, but then also try to work out a little extra longer that day just to help with it. Small steps will reward big success. Remind yourself this is a life style change not a quick change! You got it!
  • kchabby76
    I have two small boys who just love fruit snacks, and we always keep some type of treat for them in the house. I eat when I'm bored so those treats always look soooo good to me. I've recently found a great "dessert" that I love and it satisfies my craving ( i looove cake and pie). I have a big banana and have real whipped cream with it, for the entire dessert it's about 130 calories. I'm not going to cut out dessert, just find healthier ways of having that taste I'm craving.
  • jenncdm
    jenncdm Posts: 2 Member
    You are so fortunate it's just in the break room! My company has it scattered all around the office. No matter where you look, there it is!! My suggestion: Don't go in your break room. Eat at your desk, leave your office for lunch, go home, do whatever...but don't go into the break room! It's not worth putting yourself through the temptation or the guilt. On another note: You are definitely allowed to splurge. This is why this site is so amazing. Tracking your calories is an easy way to determine how much exercise you need for the day. Eat your cake but go for a run!
  • riasntx
    riasntx Posts: 25 Member
    I also have that problem except I am the boss who keeps the full candy bowl on my desk. Just recently I replaced the candy with some mixed nuts. My employees appreciate that just as well. The down side...They are not individually wrapped like i'd prefer. I keep it in a sealed canister with a scoop. I am trying to stay more focused at work so I'm not constantly thinking about snacks. It IS very hard to resist goodies at work. Any ideas on other healthy goodies to put in the candy bowl?
  • dbsav
    dbsav Posts: 24 Member
    My co-worker has an M&M dispenser. What a temptation. There's been all sorts of client "gifts" over the holidays in the form of candy, cookies, and brownies. I made a New Years resolution to eat no sweets in the office. So far so good...but I know how tough this can be. Good luck.
  • Lorna555
    Have the same problem in our office so I've taken in a bowl of fruit....grapes, satsumas, apples, bananas and cherries, all nibbly bits but healthier. Ive also placed them just in front of the sweets so I can't see the sweets from my desk and don't hear them calling my name anymore as its dulled out by the mountain of fruit now lol
  • bored4long
    bored4long Posts: 29 Member
    Ha. I have the same problem. My boss always has cupcakes and cookies in our break room.

    Two things have kept me from touching them so far:
    1) keeping yummy snacks easily accessible for me to grab when I crave something. I now have raw almonds, craisins, protein bars, and mozzarella sticks at work for when I want a snack. The almonds and craisins really hit the spot when I'm feeling indulgent.
    2) I've now gotten in the habit of first entering a food I want to eat into my diary. Once I see how bad the carbs, fats or sugars are, it is really easy for me to stay away from the bad food.

    As Lorna has suggested, having a bowl of Mandarins is a great alternative if you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. And their in season! They are high in carbs, though, so moderation is key. 100 cals, 26g carbs.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Man I completely feel your pain! From Thanksgiving until now we've done nothing but eat crap at work. Chili cook offs, then we did a cookie bake thing, then we had my suppliers dropping off tons of baked goods and baskets for us. It's horrible. That's what led me to say enough is enough!!

    I actually have the willpower to keep away. But sometimes it's really hard. Just keep telling yourself that it's not worth it. All the progress you've made...why go there? Because once you taste it, it's so hard to 'only' have one. And then you just fall off the wagon so to speak. At least that's what happens with me.

    Try to keep your own sweets/snacks for yourself. Low calorie or sugar free things. Anything to satisfy your sweet tooth. (Fiber One 90 calorie brownies are darn good!) I try to keep a stash at work of certain snacks so if I feel the need to snack, I keep away from the break room and pull out my own. They can tease me ALL they want, but I'll be losing the weight while they're mad at themselves for caving in!

    You can do it!!