Question: excersise vs calories.


So I always stay under my calorie goal, and if i go over in food i make sure i excersise all of the lover away and then some more so it always reads that i have calories left.

The question is, if i do eat a chocolate bar instead of an apple, and then excersise for longer than my excersise goal on here, will that chocolate bar still have a negative effect and will this stop me from losing weight.

my goals are 4 1 hour work outs a week, an i pretty much get 60 minutes in a day, not hard work outs but a mixture of walking, dancing and "ad break" callisthenics, for 5 minutes every 15 minutes during programmes.

do you think i am going to loose weight, or do i need to focus even more on cutting out bad snacks.

Thanks for any help.


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    as far as weight loss goes, you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay under calories
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    No. If you stay within your allowed calories, you should not gain weight simply because you had some chocolate. It's not about what you eat (though that's important), it's about how much you eat. I've seen people eat hotdogs --- a very poor food choice --- and still lose weight because they're within their calorie allowance.

    Chocolate, by the way, is actually good for you. Especially dark chocolate. I eat some daily for my blood pressure. Naturally, you can get too much of anything.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    From a weight loss perspective only, as long as you are hitting your calorie goals it doesn't necessarily matter if you are eating an apple or chocolate. And chocolate actually has some nutritional benefits so I wouldn't worry too much as long as it is in moderation.

    The biggest thing is to make sure you are getting all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients despite your calorie restriction. Also, you probably don't want to eat a pound of bacon every day, even if you an stay under your calorie goal doing it, simply due to the fat and cholesterol involved. Use common sense and pick your battles.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    It depends on what your goal is.
    If you just want to lose weight its simple, calories you burn needs to be greater than the calories you digest.
    If you want to be healthy and change your lifestyle so you don't put all the weight back on, lower your risk of heart attack, stoke, diabetes, cut out the crap food.
    Good luck!
    The old saying holds a lot of truth, you are what you eat.
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    I always think of the same quote when I feel like eating lots of candy; "Working out is not an excuse for a poor diet.", but I always crave a lot more than one chocolate bar ;) If you burn the extra calories off, then there shouldn't be a problem :)
  • untilthesun
    untilthesun Posts: 30 Member
    Thankyou very much for your help, and thanks for the heads up on dark chocolate! its my fave!! :)

    i do try to eat my 5 a day and ive had that today with a superfood salad and a pear!

    Good luck to everyone xx
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Long term it does matter. Yes you can lose weight with more calories out than in no matter what the choice, but eventually your body needs to support the extra workout and stress on the body which requires good nutrition not just calories. So while the chocolate bar and the apple add up to calories in their own way, which will support the long term health of your body? When you workout and excercise your body wants to build muscle and increase bone density. This won't happen without good nutrition, so while your calories may be right, if the nutrients are not your body will look to within for them. That can mess us up long term. The chocolate is fine as long as you are getting other good nutritient foods too.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I don't think it matters if its a small amount and rest of your diet is healthy especially as you are working out. I love chocolate too and get bad cravings at TOTM where I really can't resist it, so I try and restrict it to that week and choose healthier snacks the rest of the month.

    I don't eat any other sweets and as I'm mainly housebound I don't get out to eat fast food either, takeaways are too expensive at £5-£6 for one meal when it could buy me ingredients for a couple of meals for the week.

    On rare opportunity I do get to go out for dinner, luckily my family loves carveries so I can have plenty of lean meat and veg and just a few potatoes if I want, as I don't eat them much at home. I usually skip starter, but do indulge in hot choc fudge cake ad ice-cream on my birthday meal!! :tongue: