Logging in But not Logging



  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I log food about 70-80% of the time, and even when I don't log food I still log in because I will still keep track of my water and exercise on here. I also try to log in to encourage others along the way on their journey.
    Same here. For me it's more about fitness then food. But I do like to monitor my nutrient intake. Especially "old lady" things like calcium and fiber.

    And I have some pretty hard core runner friends here. I like to see what they do each day. It inspires me.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm just here for the sex talk and the hot guys with abs in their profile pics. I thought everyone was.

    Hahaha!! Awesome!

    I get it Bear...it's frustrating. I have a friend or two that does this and I wonder why they even bother. With a public application like this, you'll always get people who use it correctly and for what it's intended, and then the people who use it for...I don't even know why. I just figure I'll roll my eyes when I read the posts and "unfriend" those that don't add anything to my goals.

    To each his/her own. :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I still love you all of course :wink:
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    When i started here originally, i logged on then never came back. I "found" this site again this summer, and that is when i truly began. So, for me, the start date feature is misleading, whereas the days logged in feature is accurate. When i started the summer, i logged religiously, to learn what i need to eat, and how food effects me. About a month or 2 ago, i felt like i had a pretty good handle on it, and wanted to see if i could continue to lose without logging food. Mainly because i don't see myself being here for the rest of my life. I wanted to have this as a safety net, in case I had a back-slide. Since i've stopped logging, i've met my goal weight. It took me about 120 days to do that, i'm I'm glad i know that, cause i've had lots of people ask me that.

    So, for now, i'm still here, hoping to maintain over the holidays and beyond. I'm not sure when i'll leave, but i don't see it happening any time soon. i enjoy my friends here, and the support i can offer and receive when i need it too. even if it's not for weight loss.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    What is so bad about wanting an extra bit of motivation. It is difficult to keep yourself accountable, every little bit helps. I like to know that I have been "being good" for 30 day, or 60 days. There are days that keeping my consective number is one of the main reasons I own up and log on. Now I lost my 150 streak cause life happened. I was sad, but I am starting over. I try and log honestly, and most days I do. There is a day here or there (mostly the days I go to the bar) where I lose logging in the evening but 95% of my days are right. And why fault people there motivators. I will say contacting the moderators asking them to "reset" their ticker is dramatic, but why hate on it?
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am not logging right now because I know with all the holiday foods I will not be happy with my numbers. Also hard to be accurate when I am not sure about exactly how everything was made when someone else baked it. But I like to keep in touch with the people here.
  • Honeyblue19
    I updated my settings so it doesnt show days logged in.

    I didn't even know you could do that
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I log in every day and I log every day. ^-^
    If I don't, it's just hurting myself.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Just because you log in and don't log your food doesn't mean you are not using the site properly. Yes the food diary is a good tool to use but sometimes I don't have time to log every teeny bit of food I eat in a day, but still log in religiously every morning just to catch up with other people's success, diaries and general chit chat!!

    Knowing that I have kept up with my friends everyday is enough for me. xx

    What she said :)

    BTW...My cramps are terrible today lol

    Hope you feel better hun!!

  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    People do that because if they don't want to feel like failures. Dieting is hard and for a lot of people, if you forget to log for a few days, you get discouraged, and you start to think that you can't do it or it's not worth it. Self-deprecation and self-defeating attitudes are what beat a lot of people and push them to stay overweight and unfit.

    I used to have that problem. My husband has helped me to start getting over that problem.

    I never asked for my numbers to be reset but I frequently don't log on like I should.

    Remember though, that what you think is annoying, is what someone else might need to carry on with their diet. They need to feel like they have a clean slate with no mistakes.

    It's not the best method, and it's not even the right method in my opinion, but I won't judge people on here for needing that feeling of accomplishment without failure in order to stick with it.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    People do that because if they don't want to feel like failures. Dieting is hard and for a lot of people, if you forget to log for a few days, you get discouraged, and you start to think that you can't do it or it's not worth it. Self-deprecation and self-defeating attitudes are what beat a lot of people and push them to stay overweight and unfit.

    I used to have that problem. My husband has helped me to start getting over that problem.

    I never asked for my numbers to be reset but I frequently don't log on like I should.

    Remember though, that what you think is annoying, is what someone else might need to carry on with their diet. They need to feel like they have a clean slate with no mistakes.

    It's not the best method, and it's not even the right method in my opinion, but I won't judge people on here for needing that feeling of accomplishment without failure in order to stick with it.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    there are sometimes where i go a few days without logging. it's my own personal choice as to whether i'd like to log or not. i primarily come on here for the discussions on days where i don't log.
  • untilthesun
    untilthesun Posts: 30 Member
    I generally log every day, apart from last weekend, when i was too drunk to log (bad weekend in that way, ace weekend in social way)

    sometimes if im out i log the previous days in one day, but mine always resets to zero if i miss logging food for a day, im not bothered as to what it says, ive had people write "happy 5th" or whatever on my wall and im greatful but ive been logging more than 5 days in a row.

    Plus surely its not about how many days youve logged for, this isnt a competition its sport! If i didnt have this facility i wouldnt be losing, so im not going to whine when it resets my days :)
  • nurse_christieyne
    I'm just here for the sex talk and the hot guys with abs in their profile pics. I thought everyone was.

    Absolutely love this !!!
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    I log in and read stories look at pictures and some days track my eating but it's been very motivational to talk with other people, see their struggles and strengths, be connected to people who are on a life changing journey. I've been on and off for the past week or two and not tracking my food hasn't hindered me from losing. I've been making very healthy choices, drinking plenty of water, and exercising. I feel ok, It's upsetting that your upset about what other people are doing with their time and their tracking. Keep to your own affairs and support your mfp friends and you'll be fine!
  • ashleymcquown
    I stopped logging because counting calories was affecting my eating disorder. I'm currently logging in a separate notebook without recording calories so that i can learn to stabilize my eating without binging or purging. Think about who you are judging before you post. Everyone is here for a different reason and everyone deserves to use whatever means necessary to heal themselves.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I stopped logging because counting calories was affecting my eating disorder. I'm currently logging in a separate notebook without recording calories so that i can learn to stabilize my eating without binging or purging. Think about who you are judging before you post. Everyone is here for a different reason and everyone deserves to use whatever means necessary to heal themselves.

    I know exactly who I am judging, and its not you, so relax............ If you read carefully, i wasn't condemning people for using this site socially, I was saying its dumb to be complaining that you missed a day and your log in days resets. I was also saying its silly to not log in any food at all, and then have all your "friends" congratulate you for doing nothing, because they don't take the time to read your dairy.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    because i come here to read the forums, as an exercise diary, keep up with people ive got to know etc. I used to log food but dont anymore, but dont feel like leaving the site

    ^^ this too. I also read some of the more motivating posts.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I log in religiously, I am child-like in my appreciation of days that I have logged in. I love using the reports and logging my weight, I find it very helpful. I love all my friends on here.

    BUT I don't log my food because I'm on a delivered-to-your-door thingy that is working great for me.

  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I log on, but dont log my food. Counting calories isnt for me... I keep track of what I eat and just used 3 meals- 2 snacks as a guideline, and keep in mind portion control/clean eating.
    Im here for the support, information, and fun!