Logging in But not Logging



  • TigersFanIndy34
    I don't count calories at all - I use South Beach and love it and am losing weight with it. But i like logging my exercise and weight here as it's the quickest way to do it. I get great recipe ideas that I can adapt to south beach lifestyle. I do TERRIBLE when counting calories as i fall into this "all or nothing" type of thinking. Like if I eat 5 calories over I say "oh well I screwed up so I might as well binge". I have counted calories for EIGHT YEARS straight and I'd make it on plan like 1-2 days in a row and gained weight like crazy. i stopped counting calories and started dropping weight ;)

    Each to their own.

    I don't care so much about the days in a row and to be honest I will not be able to log in everyday - I don't have a fancy cell phone with apps and all that jazz and I dont' carry my laptop around with me so if I have a busy day I won't be able to log in but I will workout daily and and go back and enter in my workouts.

    I also know some people who still like to count their calories on paper/pen as they can carry that with them but they log their weight here weekly and use the social support.

    I don't care if others are cheating themselves - they are only hurting themselves then and what can I do about that?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Will someone explain to me why they log in every day, in order to keep their log-in day number, without actually logging any food? And another thing, people complaining that they forgot to log in for a day, and want their number reset to make it look like the didn't miss a day????

    Am I missing something?
    Isn't the point of this site to count calories and log your food?
    It is a little silly to see people congratulating each other for their log in days when you actually look at their diary and they don't log any food.................

    I used to log my calories and then I read the book, The Pleasure Trap by D. Lisle and he changed my way of thinking.

    Here's a brief summary.

    When you look at animals in the wild (wild animals), do you see them count calories? Have you ever seen a bird so fat that they couldn't fly? They instinctively know how much to eat without gaining weight. Humans also used to do this, that is eat until we were full and then stop eating.

    Somewhere along the way, we lost this ability.

    After I lost my weight, I am trying to eat, only natural foods (meaning not-processed) as much as possible and to go back to relying on my stomach and not mfp's calorie counter database.

    So mfp does have a place, it is a tool but I would rather have my body tell me when to eat and when not to eat.

    Hope that makes sense.
    My goal is to also get to the point where I don't need to count calories, I just don't feel like I can't do that yet and still maintain a deficit large enough for weight loss. But my overall goal is to be able to keep the weight off without having to log anymore!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    My diary is not open and if you don't hit "complete" it won't show you as completed, even if you do log in and log the food. I rarely do the complete the diary thing but log just about every day.

    But if the diary is open, you don't have to hit complete for people to see what's in there. The complete button does nothing but post it on your wall.

    I don't log in for the number. I log in because I love the community. I am taking a break right now because my life is complete upside-down chaos, but I'm still going to check up on my friends.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm just here for the sex talk and the hot guys with abs in their profile pics. I thought everyone was.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I removed someone who had been logging in (religiously) for over 120 days, allegedly was under everyday in calories(diary locked) and had in that time gained 1.4 lbs................just seems silly. I can understand the forum time, but people posting requests to get their "days logged in" number changed because they forgot to log in??????????? SILLY..........if something that minor is going to derail you, then you seriously need to reassess things...........
    If something that minor is going to bother you, maybe you need to reassess things. Who cares?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Agreed. The consecutive number of days logged in is not an indicator of days logging food honestly, staying withing calorie/nutrient goals, or hitting exercise goals. It's meaningless, as far as fitness achievements, in my opinion.

    Perhaps it's more of an MFP celebration, since it means more hits to the site.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I'm just here for the sex talk and the hot guys with abs in their profile pics. I thought everyone was.

    :heart: you!
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    I'm just here for the sex talk and the hot guys with abs in their profile pics. I thought everyone was.

    There is sex talk? o.O

    I need to pay more attention.
  • fasttrack27
    Its called my FITNESS pal, not my food log pal. I'm not trying to lose any more weight. I'm pretty good at my food routine now. i only log once in a while to confirm i'm on track. I frankly dont care about my Days counter. I do like logging my excercise to see how it adds up throughout the week - not to impress anyone but just for my own knowledge. Mostly for me its to keep tabs on my MFP friends and vice versa. And oh yeah, and the sex talk and hot pictures of babes.....lol
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Will someone explain to me why they log in every day, in order to keep their log-in day number, without actually logging any food? And another thing, people complaining that they forgot to log in for a day, and want their number reset to make it look like the didn't miss a day????

    Am I missing something?
    Isn't the point of this site to count calories and log your food?
    It is a little silly to see people congratulating each other for their log in days when you actually look at their diary and they don't log any food.................

    totally agree!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I removed someone who had been logging in (religiously) for over 120 days, allegedly was under everyday in calories(diary locked) and had in that time gained 1.4 lbs................just seems silly. I can understand the forum time, but people posting requests to get their "days logged in" number changed because they forgot to log in??????????? SILLY..........if something that minor is going to derail you, then you seriously need to reassess things...........
    If something that minor is going to bother you, maybe you need to reassess things. Who cares?

    It bothers me, because I guess I made the mistake of actually thinking people were taking this seriously and they apparently don't. Which is fine. i guess i should just stop logging and start *****ing about my period all the time like everyone else...........
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    I personally have been struggling with some personal things and have stopped logging....but I stilll run my groups.....I'm not going to leave all my people hanging...gotta keep the challenge going!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I try to look up protein for each food. I can't have too much protein since I have kidney issues. I don't log since I don't typically hit my goal anyway.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    I removed someone who had been logging in (religiously) for over 120 days, allegedly was under everyday in calories(diary locked) and had in that time gained 1.4 lbs................just seems silly. I can understand the forum time, but people posting requests to get their "days logged in" number changed because they forgot to log in??????????? SILLY..........if something that minor is going to derail you, then you seriously need to reassess things...........

    I agree.. I did forget to log food when I was sick.. but now that I am back to myself and able to workout again, I am back to logging everyday.. thats what keeps me motivated..I like taking responsibility for what I eat and my workouts.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I log food about 70-80% of the time, and even when I don't log food I still log in because I will still keep track of my water and exercise on here. I also try to log in to encourage others along the way on their journey.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    I removed someone who had been logging in (religiously) for over 120 days, allegedly was under everyday in calories(diary locked) and had in that time gained 1.4 lbs................just seems silly. I can understand the forum time, but people posting requests to get their "days logged in" number changed because they forgot to log in??????????? SILLY..........if something that minor is going to derail you, then you seriously need to reassess things...........
    If something that minor is going to bother you, maybe you need to reassess things. Who cares?

    It bothers me, because I guess I made the mistake of actually thinking people were taking this seriously and they apparently don't. Which is fine. i guess i should just stop logging and start *****ing about my period all the time like everyone else...........

    now thats funny
  • missamielou
    Just because you log in and don't log your food doesn't mean you are not using the site properly. Yes the food diary is a good tool to use but sometimes I don't have time to log every teeny bit of food I eat in a day, but still log in religiously every morning just to catch up with other people's success, diaries and general chit chat!!

    Knowing that I have kept up with my friends everyday is enough for me. xx
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Just because you log in and don't log your food doesn't mean you are not using the site properly. Yes the food diary is a good tool to use but sometimes I don't have time to log every teeny bit of food I eat in a day, but still log in religiously every morning just to catch up with other people's success, diaries and general chit chat!!

    Knowing that I have kept up with my friends everyday is enough for me. xx

    What she said :)

    BTW...My cramps are terrible today lol
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    You do have a point. People need to take this more seriously...
    Sometimes, i don't log.. but that's only for a couple of days. A break wouldn't hurt.

    However, not logging for weeks isn't right. The point of MFP is to log and see where you stand. Are you over/under..etc.
    Then again, you never know, people have their reasons. I know i have mine when i don't log.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I started, I didn't log anything. I just came for the weight loss ticker. Then I started logging my exercise. Then my food. Then I got addicted to the forum. For almost six months, I logged every meal, but now, I don't log at all on weekends or holidays, and ideally, I'd like to get to the point where I don't need to log my food at all.

    I like that I'm at a little over 350 days in a row, although all it really proves is that I'm a forum junkie. I'd like to make it to 365, but then I'll probably shut my notifications off. I wouldn't ask to have it reset if I missed a day, though. That's just silly.

    It goes back to my analogy that this site is like a swiss army knife. It has many tools, and just because not everyone is using every tool doesn't mean they're using it wrong. I don't think I've ever used the corkscrew on my knife, and I've never logged my strength training by rep and weight on here.